- my scrubber stopped growing anything
- screen size?
- Solar powered scrubber help
- Anyone else treat tank for cyano?
- Red slime growth. Why?
- Flow more important that the light
- Led for ats and refigium
- My DIY Waterfall vs DIY UAS
- Large outdoor scrubber
- Horizontal scrubber options
- anyone getting good results with the surf 2?
- Which hog scrubber?
- ATS sump flow?
- Help please, new to ATS what are my options
- New scrubber
- yet another ATS newbie question
- UAS only with airstone?
- Do ATS emits coral growth inhibitors?
- Long Term Acorral users?
- Starting out general and CFL questions
- Aborted mission on new HOG .5
- New to scrubbers some opinions please
- Experimentel ATS
- algea growing
- DROP.2 Questions
- Is Air Pump Below Water Line Safe if using Air Check Valve for UAS???
- need help with above tank ats design/sizing/leds
- Virgin scrubber
- Cleaning The Screen of Scrubbers
- What bulbs for 6 x 8" screen?
- Are these still the current guidelines?
- Check my waterfall flow please
- Water flow through the slot
- Light help-Has anyone used these LED's?
- Seeking Santa Monica 100 AS for sale
- HOB Algae Scrubber questions
- Long term Surf2 users?
- Help with my scrubber :(
- Some New Scrubbers here I see
- 500lt Reef with ATS - Questions
- Lights
- Is there such a thing as too big of a scrubber?
- First time UAS
- Green-Grabber material
- Building an upflow in Australia
- Sizing for Thailand waterfall scrubber
- Surf 4 questions from the UAE
- Algae production, CO2 consumption, O2 release
- New build, scrubber planning
- bryopsis versus scrubber
- Long time lurker first time posting
- Thinking of doing my first scrubbed reef tank!
- Timeline for additions
- Algeau scrubber upflow external
- Feedback on Scrubber for Cardiff 29G Nano - use venturi instead of air stone for UAS?
- Busy Designing, help requested :)
- What about adding AIR ???? just curious
- Scrubber design questions
- Algae scrubber help please
- Anyone tried these led's.
- will an ATS get rid of valonia (bubble algae)
- Algae Scrubber help
- Screen pipe size
- tank cycled
- Not working...
- LED Lighting and Robust Algae
- Clogged HOG1
- Sizing for 4 cubes
- Expandable scrubber for expanding reef.
- light periode.
- DIY Upflow Issue: Need help from gurus
- What do you think of these LEDs
- How to set up a new sump for a scrubber
- What can i use other than plastic canvas?
- Question about color of algae on my freshwater UAS
- Why Do Upflow Scrubbers Need Bubbles?
- **Beware of sharing un-patented ideas**
- Waterfall algae scrubber + mandarin in nano
- This normal for 4 days ??
- Nitrates remain at 0 after scrubber is harvested...?
- ask ats for FW, horizontal
- Any input on this Led fixture?
- single vs double sided
- new brown algae, established scrubbed tank
- Advice needed! 3x2x2 with bubble algae!
- Trouble shooting my 2ft tank ats
- brown algae
- Dark growth
- Close down scrubber ? Remove high phosphate
- 10days growth questions
- Screen white spots
- How to Harvest Amphipod and Copepods when cleaning scrubber???
- Horizontal scrubber ???
- brand new to site and scrubbers
- Question about the oxygen level weh removing skimmer
- How would I do this?
- Scrubber for 400 gallon turtle pond
- strange algea grow
- Waterfall algae scrubber production, watch this space
- algea scrubber inside skimmer body
- newbie to scrubbing lots of questions
- new tank setup help
- trigon corner reef
- Tunable 5 channel LED light for scrubber
- Where to get LED's
- New scrubber for my system, last hope
- Remove GFO?
- Algae scrubber help!!!!!
- New tank new scrubber
- help with my diy scrubber
- Can anyone identify this freshwater algae?
- Trying to find the right bulbs
- Magnets.
- Questing on floating algae scrubber
- Please Help with my set up
- Inline Algae Scrubber
- Waterfall scrubbers
- Light hours and distance.
- light diffuser
- alkalinity reserve
- Surf2 progress
- Led Lights and distance from screen
- Need help don't know what I'm doing wrong
- UAS possible without bubbles?
- Looking for e27 bulb
- New Surf2
- LED Wattage Question
- Tetra Ex70 scrubber performance
- New to Algae Turf scrubbers
- Safe distance of LED to GLASS for HOG UAS; Will HOG UAS heat the tank water?
- Fowlr & ats
- Upflow vs Surf
- Making a algae scrubber in th back of my 24 cube/nano
- what led to buy
- Hog 1 Help
- advise on led light - one sided waterfall edition
- HOG1 with no growth at all after one month
- New UK scrubber! Waterfall design but how many screens?
- HOG 1x Problem
- Phyto and zoeplakton also part of guideline
- How often should I clean my scrubber
- Waterfall or UAS
- day time PH crash
- the algae will not grow ..
- New configuration
- Phosphates
- HOG installation and refugium
- confused newbie!
- effects on an existing refugium
- New LED lighting question
- What is wrong with my UAS
- UAS Slow to No green algae growth
- Phosphate increase after scrubber 0 nitrate
- Cyano scrubber?
- pump size
- Converted from twist CFL to LED
- Switching to led.
- LED wattage consumption
- Nitrate and phosphate rise???
- My First Reef Tank And My First Scrubber
- Green/Brown slimy stuff
- How much is too much flow?
- Air flow on while LED's are off
- What LEDs for my mini AquaClear50 UAS?
- Is this the type of Algae I should be growing?
- First ATS - Help with sizing and config
- Algae scrubber retailers in Europe
- Higher frequency lighting schedules
- Why an air pump and not a small powerhead?
- floating scrubber
- green hair verses red turf
- Hog .5 help
- Preventing air pump backflow
- Trying to be patient with my new scrubber(s)
- HOG3x help
- Some waterfall ats questions
- Sps and ATS's
- Will this work?
- Santa Monica Drop .2 or .6 Scrubber Reviews
- Thinking of a new light
- algae still on rocks
- Should I add another HOG to the one I have?
- SM Algae Scrubber model 100 For Sale
- DIY Noise suppression
- Would this LED light be suitable for an upflow algae scrubber?
- Waterfall ATS Question
- Using Seaweed to get rid of nuisance algae in your aquarium or pond
- HOG2 Silenced
- Want to DIY an Algae Scrubber
- eBay hydroponics LED lights.
- To skim or not to skim. That is the question.
- Some observations 2 months on with the HOG2
- DIY floating scrubber not growing
- Macro Advice
- Change in algae growth
- Venturi upflow scrubber.
- Would there be any benefit in.
- Any comments or observations on this
- Need help - waterfall ATS - not sure if this will really meet my needs
- Are we still dosing Iron?
- scrubber results
- adjustments and cleaning
- ATTN: Santa M
- gac (carbon)
- Reducing the bubble noise from a HOG scrubber.
- Good vid of a DIY scrubber.
- Interesting LED unit for a scrubber.
- Calcuim Reactor in ATS Tank
- Thinking of new design, what do you think SM??
- Trouble finding a Algae Scrubber housing
- Nothing but slime for months now
- Blue light and red
- high No3
- Not seen this one before.
- scrubber tuning advice please
- HOG improvement...Maybe?
- HOG2 algae issue ..or is it?
- Sm: need suggestion
- Starting NEW tank with ATS only advice PLZ
- New DIY Upflow Algae Scrubber
- SM: Surf 4x
- Need Help Deciding On A Scrubber Size
- SM Surf 2 LED HS Paint Chipping/Flaking Off
- Expressions-LTD.com scrubber box and LED panel attachment
- DIY LEDs for the scrubber.
- Moving Bed & Algae Scrubber combo filter
- DIY scrubber in a leaflet box
- Wrong algae type growing?
- LED's how close.
- So here's the question.
- Hog 1 poor performance.
- Algae issue- impatient? Give it time.
- TV programme growing fruit and veg using LED's
- HOG 2 silencing take 2
- Multiple scrubbers w/ staggered cleaning for stability?
- Algae sandwich
- cfl 23w 6000k
- How to make your own grabber.
- Fish waste in algae scrubber
- Is a scrubber right for me?
- any Thoughts on REcycling salt water?
- What to order?
- mixture of dark GHA and slime.
- Airflow in Uplift Scrubber
- Getting yellow slime
- Scalability of algae scrubbers in food-fish applications
- First algae scrubber!