View Full Version : Algae Scrubber/Reactor Question and Problem Solving

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  1. my scrubber stopped growing anything
  2. screen size?
  3. Solar powered scrubber help
  4. Anyone else treat tank for cyano?
  5. Red slime growth. Why?
  6. Flow more important that the light
  7. Led for ats and refigium
  8. My DIY Waterfall vs DIY UAS
  9. Large outdoor scrubber
  10. Horizontal scrubber options
  11. anyone getting good results with the surf 2?
  12. Which hog scrubber?
  13. ATS sump flow?
  14. Help please, new to ATS what are my options
  15. New scrubber
  16. yet another ATS newbie question
  17. UAS only with airstone?
  18. Do ATS emits coral growth inhibitors?
  19. Long Term Acorral users?
  20. Starting out general and CFL questions
  21. Aborted mission on new HOG .5
  22. New to scrubbers some opinions please
  23. Experimentel ATS
  24. algea growing
  25. DROP.2 Questions
  26. Is Air Pump Below Water Line Safe if using Air Check Valve for UAS???
  27. need help with above tank ats design/sizing/leds
  28. Virgin scrubber
  29. Cleaning The Screen of Scrubbers
  30. What bulbs for 6 x 8" screen?
  31. Are these still the current guidelines?
  32. Check my waterfall flow please
  33. Water flow through the slot
  34. Light help-Has anyone used these LED's?
  35. Seeking Santa Monica 100 AS for sale
  36. HOB Algae Scrubber questions
  37. Long term Surf2 users?
  38. Help with my scrubber :(
  39. Some New Scrubbers here I see
  40. 500lt Reef with ATS - Questions
  41. Lights
  42. Is there such a thing as too big of a scrubber?
  43. First time UAS
  44. Green-Grabber material
  45. HOB UAS
  46. Building an upflow in Australia
  47. Sizing for Thailand waterfall scrubber
  48. Surf 4 questions from the UAE
  49. Algae production, CO2 consumption, O2 release
  50. New build, scrubber planning
  51. bryopsis versus scrubber
  52. Long time lurker first time posting
  53. Thinking of doing my first scrubbed reef tank!
  54. Timeline for additions
  55. Algeau scrubber upflow external
  56. Feedback on Scrubber for Cardiff 29G Nano - use venturi instead of air stone for UAS?
  57. Busy Designing, help requested :)
  58. What about adding AIR ???? just curious
  59. Scrubber design questions
  60. Algae scrubber help please
  61. Anyone tried these led's.
  62. will an ATS get rid of valonia (bubble algae)
  63. Algae Scrubber help
  64. Screen pipe size
  65. tank cycled
  66. Not working...
  67. LED Lighting and Robust Algae
  68. Clogged HOG1
  69. Sizing for 4 cubes
  70. Expandable scrubber for expanding reef.
  71. light periode.
  72. DIY Upflow Issue: Need help from gurus
  73. What do you think of these LEDs
  74. How to set up a new sump for a scrubber
  75. What can i use other than plastic canvas?
  76. Question about color of algae on my freshwater UAS
  77. Why Do Upflow Scrubbers Need Bubbles?
  78. **Beware of sharing un-patented ideas**
  79. Waterfall algae scrubber + mandarin in nano
  80. This normal for 4 days ??
  83. Nitrates remain at 0 after scrubber is harvested...?
  84. ask ats for FW, horizontal
  85. Any input on this Led fixture?
  86. single vs double sided
  87. new brown algae, established scrubbed tank
  88. Advice needed! 3x2x2 with bubble algae!
  89. Trouble shooting my 2ft tank ats
  90. brown algae
  91. Dark growth
  92. Close down scrubber ? Remove high phosphate
  93. 10days growth questions
  94. Screen white spots
  95. How to Harvest Amphipod and Copepods when cleaning scrubber???
  96. Horizontal scrubber ???
  97. brand new to site and scrubbers
  98. Question about the oxygen level weh removing skimmer
  99. How would I do this?
  100. Scrubber for 400 gallon turtle pond
  101. strange algea grow
  102. Waterfall algae scrubber production, watch this space
  103. algea scrubber inside skimmer body
  104. newbie to scrubbing lots of questions
  105. new tank setup help
  106. trigon corner reef
  107. Tunable 5 channel LED light for scrubber
  108. Where to get LED's
  109. New scrubber for my system, last hope
  110. Remove GFO?
  111. Algae scrubber help!!!!!
  112. New tank new scrubber
  113. help with my diy scrubber
  114. Can anyone identify this freshwater algae?
  115. Trying to find the right bulbs
  116. Magnets.
  117. Questing on floating algae scrubber
  118. Please Help with my set up
  119. Inline Algae Scrubber
  120. Waterfall scrubbers
  121. Light hours and distance.
  122. light diffuser
  123. alkalinity reserve
  124. Surf2 progress
  125. Led Lights and distance from screen
  126. Need help don't know what I'm doing wrong
  127. UAS possible without bubbles?
  128. Looking for e27 bulb
  129. New Surf2
  130. LED Wattage Question
  131. Tetra Ex70 scrubber performance
  132. New to Algae Turf scrubbers
  133. Safe distance of LED to GLASS for HOG UAS; Will HOG UAS heat the tank water?
  134. Fowlr & ats
  135. Upflow vs Surf
  136. Making a algae scrubber in th back of my 24 cube/nano
  137. what led to buy
  138. Hog 1 Help
  139. advise on led light - one sided waterfall edition
  140. HOG1 with no growth at all after one month
  141. New UK scrubber! Waterfall design but how many screens?
  142. HOG 1x Problem
  143. Phyto and zoeplakton also part of guideline
  144. How often should I clean my scrubber
  145. Waterfall or UAS
  146. day time PH crash
  147. the algae will not grow ..
  148. New configuration
  149. Phosphates
  150. HOG installation and refugium
  151. confused newbie!
  152. effects on an existing refugium
  153. New LED lighting question
  154. What is wrong with my UAS
  155. UAS Slow to No green algae growth
  156. Phosphate increase after scrubber 0 nitrate
  157. Cyano scrubber?
  158. pump size
  159. Converted from twist CFL to LED
  160. Switching to led.
  161. LED wattage consumption
  162. Nitrate and phosphate rise???
  163. My First Reef Tank And My First Scrubber
  164. Green/Brown slimy stuff
  165. How much is too much flow?
  166. Air flow on while LED's are off
  167. What LEDs for my mini AquaClear50 UAS?
  168. Is this the type of Algae I should be growing?
  169. First ATS - Help with sizing and config
  170. Algae scrubber retailers in Europe
  171. Higher frequency lighting schedules
  172. Why an air pump and not a small powerhead?
  173. floating scrubber
  174. green hair verses red turf
  175. Hog .5 help
  176. Preventing air pump backflow
  177. Trying to be patient with my new scrubber(s)
  178. HOG3x help
  179. Some waterfall ats questions
  180. Sps and ATS's
  181. Will this work?
  182. Santa Monica Drop .2 or .6 Scrubber Reviews
  183. Thinking of a new light
  184. algae still on rocks
  185. Should I add another HOG to the one I have?
  186. SM Algae Scrubber model 100 For Sale
  187. DIY Noise suppression
  188. Would this LED light be suitable for an upflow algae scrubber?
  189. Waterfall ATS Question
  190. Using Seaweed to get rid of nuisance algae in your aquarium or pond
  191. HOG2 Silenced
  192. Want to DIY an Algae Scrubber
  193. eBay hydroponics LED lights.
  194. To skim or not to skim. That is the question.
  195. Some observations 2 months on with the HOG2
  196. DIY floating scrubber not growing
  197. Macro Advice
  198. Change in algae growth
  199. Venturi upflow scrubber.
  200. Would there be any benefit in.
  201. Any comments or observations on this
  202. Need help - waterfall ATS - not sure if this will really meet my needs
  203. Are we still dosing Iron?
  204. scrubber results
  205. adjustments and cleaning
  206. ATTN: Santa M
  207. gac (carbon)
  208. Reducing the bubble noise from a HOG scrubber.
  209. Good vid of a DIY scrubber.
  210. Interesting LED unit for a scrubber.
  211. Calcuim Reactor in ATS Tank
  212. Thinking of new design, what do you think SM??
  213. Trouble finding a Algae Scrubber housing
  214. Nothing but slime for months now
  215. Blue light and red
  216. high No3
  217. Not seen this one before.
  218. scrubber tuning advice please
  219. HOG improvement...Maybe?
  220. HOG2 algae issue ..or is it?
  221. Sm: need suggestion
  222. Starting NEW tank with ATS only advice PLZ
  223. New DIY Upflow Algae Scrubber
  224. SM: Surf 4x
  225. Need Help Deciding On A Scrubber Size
  226. SM Surf 2 LED HS Paint Chipping/Flaking Off
  227. Expressions-LTD.com scrubber box and LED panel attachment
  228. DIY LEDs for the scrubber.
  229. Moving Bed & Algae Scrubber combo filter
  230. DIY scrubber in a leaflet box
  231. Wrong algae type growing?
  232. LED's how close.
  233. So here's the question.
  234. Hog 1 poor performance.
  235. Algae issue- impatient? Give it time.
  236. TV programme growing fruit and veg using LED's
  237. HOG 2 silencing take 2
  238. Multiple scrubbers w/ staggered cleaning for stability?
  239. Algae sandwich
  240. cfl 23w 6000k
  241. How to make your own grabber.
  242. Fish waste in algae scrubber
  243. Is a scrubber right for me?
  244. any Thoughts on REcycling salt water?
  245. What to order?
  246. mixture of dark GHA and slime.
  247. Airflow in Uplift Scrubber
  248. Getting yellow slime
  249. Scalability of algae scrubbers in food-fish applications
  250. First algae scrubber!