View Full Version : got an idea.....

02-15-2011, 03:44 PM
Ok wondered what you think?

Occasionaly I am prone to rushes of blood to the head and I start thinking about adapting other ideas, so please hear me out.

After reading about a guy who had set up turf trough at the back of the tank this got me thinking. I like the idea of using the light from the metal halides instead of putting extra lighting in the sump/bucket. So I thought about his trough idea, Instead of running the return water along the length of the trough what I might try is to create a long narrow turf scrubber along the back of the tank, this would depend on the return flow from the sump. Hopefully a narrow 3-4 inch screen along 3feet of the 4foot tank under the metal halides running back in to the tank would create enough of an area to scrub the tank.

What do you think? has this been done before? Will it work or am I talking out my backside???



02-15-2011, 03:50 PM
You can do it, but it does not follow any of the guidelines or timelines, and in fact it may not work at all. All depends how you set it up. Try it temporarily.

02-15-2011, 04:01 PM
That was my worry. I may try it temporary with a view to building a proper one in the sump at a later date. It was just a thought and a way to return water back to the tank over a small scrubber discharging pods directly back in to the tank, I am sure my yellow tang and fox face rabbit would love the oportunity to graze the screen as it enters the tank too.

Thanks for your thoughts. I love the idea of the turf scrubber and my nitrates and phosphates are creeping ever so slowly up at the moment!!!#
