View Full Version : Best Position For SM100 Scrubber!

02-20-2011, 03:37 AM
Hi Again,

Hopefully a more scrubber related question, I hope.

I have ordered a SM100 unit from SantaMonica... Thnks!, which again, looks the business! and will solve a lot of problems for me.

I have a tank with a length of 48" (l) x 30" (w) x 26" (h) along with cabinet and internal sump with a closed lid setup.

So I have the width to mount the unit on the left hand side of cabinet against the wall out of the way.
Enough room to mount the unit inside the cabinet in the sump area either on the right hand side or to just safely sit the unit ontop of the sump itself.
And lastly I think I have enough room to mount a bracket just above the fixed part of the closed lid setup.

Things I have to consider are and would like advise on are below:

1. If I mount just above the lid then I have to mount high enough to enable the lid to be removed if ever required.
2. If I mount the unit externally, am I confindent that i can connect everything up to result in no leaks, if not.. inturn flooding the front room carpet, underlay, and having Sharon putting out a hit on me!!!
3. If I mount high up I think I read that the drain can diretcly go into the main tank inturn feeding the tank and no need to add manually bottle feed for my mandiran etc. is this correct?
4. If I mount internally within the cabinet and drain goes to sump area and the sump return pump feeds upto the main tank do I then loose the benefits mentioned in number 3? i.e does the pump destroy things?
5. If the unit is situated in the sump area then if anything happens the water is contanined within the sump area itself... hopefully?

Hope the above makes sense?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts etc.

As Always Many Thanks & Kind Regards
Tommy :?:

02-20-2011, 10:37 AM
1. Need a pic to see the sump and lid.

2. If you are good with plumbing, it will work. If you try it, experiement first with the routing of the drain so that it does not trap air. If it traps air it will gurgle. The trick is to have the drain slope down the whole way, and not go up-down-up-down.

3. Above-the-display is easiest for the scrubber, but hardest for the bubbles. You could try it first, since all you do it set it there, and then see if you want to go to the trouble of making a bubble-remover or not (see below).

4. You do not lose any pods; you will have enough pods for several mandarins and scoooters.

5. Yes. But the only thing that can "happen" is that your plumbing leaks, which could happen anywhere. So setting the scrubbber on the sump is really just for space reasons. A SM100 has never overflowed, as long as you start out with about 700 gph, and 1 inch of water at the bottom of the scrubber box.

Top-of-display bubble removers:


02-20-2011, 01:30 PM

Not sure what you are excatly looking for here but please find pictures of sump and the pics of Lid/Lighting hope it's what you require.

Sump first:
Drawing of sump:
Picture of sump:
Picture of 1st/2nd and 3rd section of sump:
Picture of 3rd/middle of sump:
Picture of 4th Section Return, Phos Reactor, UV pump and 2 heaters. Please note pumps changed from first picture which where compact+ , now hobby type:

Drawing of Lid:
Picture of Lid smaller section fixed/closed, option of sitting on or above this!?
Picture showing depth of lid ontop of tank itself:
Picture showing underside of lid.. in situ. :
Picture showing underside of fix section of lid with transformer fitted to outside back of lid which sits just off the back of wall:
Picture showing T5 lights and TMC LEDs in fixed back section with hole cut-out for cables;
Picture showing T5 lights and TMC LEDs on the open section of the lid:
Picture showing underside of lid with all lights on:

Again hope this helps?
Look forward to hearing from you as and when you can.
Many Thanks & Kind Regards
Tommy :)

02-20-2011, 08:18 PM
Well you have lots of room to set on the sump, so do that first.

02-21-2011, 01:17 AM
Again Many thanks!
I will do that thanks keeps everything hidden away and if return pump does nothing to effect pods etc that's even better.
Many thanks cheers Tommy

02-24-2011, 01:17 PM
Can we get some pictures of the scrubber set-up after its complete? I recently set up a sm100 myself.

02-24-2011, 02:36 PM
Hi There, Thanks for your post!
Yes will do, but no laughing!!!
Do you have a link to your scrubber setup, so i can get a heads-up before I take delivery of mine?
These units look very good quality and design.
Many thanks for looking.
Cheers Tommy

02-28-2011, 02:40 PM
yes. i will get some pics up here soon.