View Full Version : santa double check my scrubber plz

03-07-2011, 07:35 PM
just wanted to make sure I got everything right last year when I built my scrubber because I am growing more turf algae than ever before.

My scrubber screen is 9" tall and 16" wide

slot is 1/8"

flow is aprox. 500gph via a mag 5 pump

It is lit by four 23 watt cfl (2 each side) installed in 8" metal clamp on reflectors ,,,2700k of course:)

my tank is a 45 gallon mixed reef with 5 fish and I feed 3-4 jumbo homemade cubes per day

my nitrate and po4 hover around 5ppm down to 0 ppm

my fish and corals all look great as well as water clarity BUT I am growing a lot of hair algea in the display tank in areas of hi flow i/e powerheads/nozels/overflow

03-07-2011, 07:40 PM
forgot to mention that dinos are taking over ,,long stringy strands of brown goo all over my corals and rock work causing some corals to close up for hours at a time,,,,any tips?

03-07-2011, 08:11 PM
When did you replace bulbs...

03-08-2011, 05:48 AM
replaced bulbs 2 weeks ago I was about 2 weeks past the 3 month mark(late) oops

Rumpy Pumpy
03-08-2011, 07:55 AM
forgot to mention that dinos are taking over ,,long stringy strands of brown goo all over my corals and rock work causing some corals to close up for hours at a time,,,,any tips?

I used to get that when I was running my horizontal, although I didn't recognise it as dino's at the time.

I think it was caused because I was using ceramic tiles as a screen which, I now suspect, were leaching silicates feeding the dinos.

As soon as I stopped using the tiles the brown fluffy stuff stopped too.

Is it possible you have a source of silicate in your system somewhere?

03-08-2011, 09:49 AM
Need complete pics of everything, including screen before and after cleaning.

Mean time, you can cut feeding in half.

03-08-2011, 05:19 PM
ok i will get the pics but bare with me ,,i am a bit tied up for the next few days