View Full Version : Milky water

04-01-2011, 01:18 AM
When the lights go on the scrubber, the water turns milky for 15-20 minutes and clears out again. It also smells a bit. I read someone else had this problem, but don't remember where.

This is not a 1st of april joke btw. My parameters are "perfect". Unmeasurable nitrogen and phosphate. No algae in the aquarium, good sps growth, happy fishes, lots of filterfeeders etc. Advice mr. SantaMonica?

Growth is green, light is on 18/6.

04-01-2011, 01:29 PM
Never did hear back from the other person on this. I think it might be an expansion of the pipe slot, which would allow any trapped small particles to get out of the pipe.

09-05-2011, 06:38 AM
This is related to toc in the system in some way? After i cleaned out my sump it stopped happening.

09-05-2011, 08:18 AM
The sump certainly is not going to matter, in regards to the scrubber.

Now if your scrubber lights are reaching the sump, then when they turn on they may cause many small animals to move and/or hide, which may stir up some dust. But you first said you smelled something, which would mean something was dead. So I still don't know.

The fact that cleaning the sump fixed it means that it was the sump, not the scrubber.