View Full Version : Scrubber / wave simulation

04-05-2011, 02:59 PM

Is it possible to get algae growing on a horisontal screen with some sort of wave simulation?

What i mean is if a horisontal screen is placed completely under water in the scrubber, and then using a timer to start and stop the pump it is possible to pump inn water for example for 15 minutes, then the pump is off for 15 minutes. The algaescreen will then be under water for 15 minutes and out of water for 15 minutes. This is a wery slow wave simulation, but it is the best i can do with my timer.

Will this methode make the algae grow? And if so is it any benefits in this metode?


Floyd R Turbo
04-05-2011, 04:01 PM
I suppose anything is possible. But the exposed screen will smell, not completely horrible, but it will smell. When a vertical screen is running (waterfall) there is zero smell. When you shut the screen off, you can smell it. If you get it on your hands (the algae) your hands will smell a little, but only until you run water over them. The horizontal scrubbers are why people say "those things smell awful" and they are also talking about red turf algae, not green hair algae.

As for the timer, you can get a digital timer that shuts on and off every minute. Hard on your pump though. Like I said in your other thread, try vertical first. If all options are exhausted, then look at single-sided vertical, then horizontal.

04-06-2011, 10:19 AM
15 minutes without water might cause some drying effects as well. The lights can dry things out pretty quickly.