View Full Version : ATS Question

04-23-2011, 04:01 PM
About Jan.15,2011 I decided get rid of the double screen I had on my ATS pictured in Group2.(This is for my 55 gal. tank) The screens had actually rotted away so I had to start a new screen from scratch. It is 11inchs long and also changed the pipe to a straight slot with no crosscuts. Also upgraded my pump to 705 gph with 3/4 outlet lifting about 14 inchs to the ATS. Besides these changes, I also have 4 lights now and recently changed the bulbs to CFL- R40-70 watts with 2700K. Thought I would try these bulbs as they were close to the recommended 3000K and were very inexpensive.
Since it took till now to get the screen working well, in the meantime the hair algae grew out of control. Spent most of today scrubbing down the live rock outside the tank and cleaning out as much algae as possible.Also did a large water change. Hopefully this will let the ATS get a better start. (i hope)
Have been thinking about upgrading my lights to 24inch/24 watt T5s.
Would like to know what I can do to get this ATS to work better ?(To get it in Group 1)
I seem to have very good flow now so I'm leaning more towards changing the lighting. Would appreciate your comments.Thanks for everyone's help in the past and have a Happy Easter !!!!

04-24-2011, 10:37 AM
Needs iron. Do that first.

04-24-2011, 06:27 PM
Needs iron. Do that first.
I was wondering that myself. I do have some Kent Super Chealated Iron. I'll try that.
Thanks for the reply SM.