View Full Version : Alternative Screen Material

05-02-2011, 09:29 AM

I am building an vertical nano scrubber with free standing screens just like the screens in the SM25 scrubber.

Where i live there is no shop that have the typical plastic canvas used for screens.
I have tried to look at som other alternative screen materials and would appriciate your opinion on the materials i have looked at:

The screens are one sided and free standing so no need to be transparent.

1. Rubbed up Lego plate, have seen some using it on this web site.
2. Thin acrylic plate with glued on Velcro
3. Thin acrylic plate with glued on aquarium gravel.
4. Thin acrylic plate with glued on carpet canvas. The carpet canvas in my store is made of 25% polyester and 75% pvc, i dont know if this is aquarium safe or not. But this flimsy material i think maybe will be worn out fast?

Hope you can have some proposal to a good alternative to the plastic canvas that you are using, Lego is easy to get here, but i dont now if it is any good.


Floyd R Turbo
05-02-2011, 10:12 AM
You can get it online at http://www.everythingplasticcanvas.com/

05-02-2011, 10:29 AM
hi, i think that the material you choose are all good!the are all polymers, that dont get affect by water! :D
try to get the rougher one! :D
and post your design, and working pictures! :D

Floyd R Turbo
05-02-2011, 11:33 AM
4. Thin acrylic plate with glued on carpet canvas. The carpet canvas in my store is made of 25% polyester and 75% pvc, i dont know if this is aquarium safe or not. But this flimsy material i think maybe will be worn out fast?

I think this is actually very close to the plastic canvas that is the #7 mesh most use. I seem to remember reading on the RS thread that this material was first chosen, and eventually the knitting canvas was used as is it easy to find and a little more durable. It's tougher than you think, try roughing it up and see if it tears apart easily.

05-04-2011, 01:27 AM
Thank you all for your answers, i will put out pictures of the build. It might take a couple of weeks.



05-11-2011, 04:06 AM
I use plain plastic plate. (plexiglas I thing its name). But it must be roughened hardly. Much work to make it rough enough, but later it pays of as it is much easyer to clean than any kind of canwas. At least for nano tank it is. For cleaning I use steak knife that looks like small saw. You know what i mean.

Floyd R Turbo
05-11-2011, 05:02 AM
It takes me about 3 minutes to clean my screens, I use a plastic scraper, the kind you use for pots & pans or scraping algae off acrylic. The scraping part takes about 1 minute, then I use an old toothbrush to clear off the area inserted into the slot and gently run it all over the screen. I don't see that at difficult by any means.