View Full Version : Help with adding scrubber to turtle pond

05-16-2011, 01:04 PM
Just finished building my turtle pond the other week and started adding a scrubber to the setup to help remove algae. Had a few questions since this is my first scrubber.

I setup a temp scrubber in the middle of the pond until I can install a permanent one of top of the filter. I won’t be installing the one of top of the roof of the filter for at least two weeks or so. I wanted to see how well this basic 2x canvas one would work to determine how large of a scrubber i will need in the long run. Still needs more water flow.

What kind of pre filter should i use for the scrubber? Being that there is a lot of random debris in the pond, i have to have a decent pre filter of things will get clogged. Right now I’m running a foam pre filter on a large pump.
Is a foam pre filter ok? or should i be using a more coarse material?

I live in southern California and the pond gets pretty much full sunlight all day. It has always grown access algae unless i ran a strong filter and uv sterilizer. I have plenty of space and ideas to work with till i get it right. I may even add the temp scrubber during peak seasons.
How big a scrubber do you think the setup will need to remove algae? 200+ gallons, full sun, big filter, lots of rocks, 17 water turtles.
After i install the scrubber on the roof i may consider adding lights for times when there is bad weather or lack of decent sun for periods of time. Any idea on what type of lights you would install? I just want to keep that in mind as i build it, so i can leave space or setup an area if i needed to add some lights.
To clean the scrubber i was planning to move it to the side of the pond over a bucket (while still running), scrub off acress algae while leaving some to grow back, then put back on roof. Will that work fine?

Im still thinking up a few ideas for the scrubber i plan to install on the roof but so far this is my idea. Going to build a short and wide wooden box, around 28"x14" and 2"-4" tall on the sides. It will be sealed with the same epoxy paint that was used on the filtration. I will mount 3/4" pvc at the top with holes or a slit for the water to run out. Next i would add sheets of canvas (2x) in the middle area and secure it in place some how. Then there will be a slit in the bottom of the box for the water to drain out and thru an opening in the roof of the filter, and then back into the pond. Id test a few pvc pipes to see what distributes the water best over the canvas or if i need any dividers to make the water distribute evenly. I will cover this box with a wooden framed glass/acrylic lid to block out weather and other elements. Since the box will sit on top of the roof i can move it to the side of the pond over a bucket (while still running) to scrap off the algae when cleaning.
Should i use glass or acrylic for the lid? I was going to go with glass. Guessing acrylic would weather, grown algae or have other long term problems.
Will i have to worry about condensation on the glass blocking sunlight? If so should i have ventilation or make the box taller?
What size area should of canvas should i use for this setup? As large as the pump can handle? or a smaller sized one will work just fine for the 200+ gallons in full southern California sunlight?

Any help would be awesome. Thank you for your time


05-16-2011, 07:06 PM
Is a foam pre filter ok?

Does not matter to a scrubber. As long as you keep leaves etc out of the pump and the pipe.

How big a scrubber do you think the setup will need to remove algae?

Depends on feeding:

Each cube of frozen food you feed per day needs 12 square inches of screen, with a light on both sides totaling 12 watts. Thus a nano that is fed one cube a day would need a screen 3 X 4 inches with a 6 watt bulb on each side. A larger tank that is fed 10 cubes a day would need a screen 10 X 12 inches with 60 watts of light on each side. If you feed flake, feeder fish, or anything else, you will need to blend it up super thick, strain out the excess water, pour it into a cube, and see how many cubes it is.

After i install the scrubber on the roof i may consider adding lights for times when there is bad weather or lack of decent sun for periods of time. Any idea on what type of lights you would install?

Probably the outdoor CFL yard lights from Home Depot; one 50 watts one on each side, about a foot from the screen, would be supplementary enough.

To clean the scrubber i was planning to move it to the side of the pond over a bucket (while still running), scrub off acress algae while leaving some to grow back, then put back on roof. Will that work fine?

No, you'll need to remove the screen from the slot, and clean the slot. Especially with stuff landing in the pool.

Should i use glass or acrylic for the lid? I was going to go with glass. Guessing acrylic would weather, grown algae or have other long term problems.

Light-wise, it probably does not matter.

Will i have to worry about condensation on the glass blocking sunlight?

Good question. Normally, on indoor scrubbers in sealed boxes, the lights keep the glass warm so that there is no condensation. But I've not seen a sealed box outside before. So you might want to try that part of it first. However, why seal the box, when the rest of the pool is open?

What size area should of canvas should i use for this setup? As large as the pump can handle?

Base it on how much you feed.

Also, set it so one side gets morning sun, and the other side gets evening sun.

Lastly, use only one layer of screen, in a 1/8 inch slot.

05-17-2011, 10:59 AM
How big a scrubber do you think the setup will need to remove algae? 200+ gallons, full sun, big filter, lots of rocks, 17 water turtles.

Whoa doggies.

That is way to many turtles for 200 gallons. These guys will be producing huge amounts of ammonia, which will overwhelm the Scrubber.
You shouldn't be keeping more than 3 or 4 turtles per 100 gallons, and some say only 2 turtles for 100 gallons. In other words just to be conservative you should only have 4 turtles in that size pond.

Also that sponge prefilter, will get clogged within 2 days. Probably better to replace it with a screen. Even the screen will get somewhat clogged, probably have to clean it at least once a week.

05-17-2011, 03:37 PM
hahaha thats what everyone tells me and i know its way to many turtles for the 350 gallon pond (not filled all the way). But i didn't buy any of these turtles they have all been taken in from people who didn't want them or bad homes. My friends have known that i take in unwanted pets and bring me water turtles time to time for over ten years now. They usually come from people who are moving, turtles in very poor condition setups, and some just get dropped off with no story. Ive had atleast 30 turtles in and out of my ponds.

I dont plan to keep them all forever, unless i build a giant pond. Im always looking for homes for them and plan to put an ad out pretty soon.

05-17-2011, 05:06 PM
Well if a scrubber is big enough, it can handle any amount of ammonia/feeding. Just use the above feeding recommendation to see how big it needs to be. Fortunately, you will have all the room you need, and free light.

05-18-2011, 03:49 AM
i take in unwanted pets and bring me water turtles time to time for over ten years now. They usually come from people who are moving, turtles in very poor condition setups, and some just get dropped off with no story. I .

That's great that you take in the unwanted turtles. :D

I keep turtles too. I am going to be putting in a pond later this year.

But I plan on building a Drip System for the pond, and for my turtle aquarium. You go down to Lowes and get the pressure regulators, and drip controls, then apply them to your pond or aquarium. The water drips in slowly 24/7, and with an overflow that allows the high water level to drain out. You rig this thing to automatically replace the water at a rate of about 10 to 15 % per week. Then - voila - :o - you have a constant fresh water turnover, automatically.

There is no need to worry about de-chlorinazation at this slow of a rate. This will really help manage the algae down to practical limits, and keep the water a lot fresher for this huge amount of animal life in the water.

Good Luck!!

05-18-2011, 08:33 AM
Also, the algae in the scrubber will take care of chloramines: Algae makes vitamin C, with breaks chloramines into chlorine+ammonia; the algae then consumes the ammonia, and the chlorine evaporates.

05-18-2011, 08:45 AM
Let me know if you need any turtles for your future pond.

That’s a great idea, I think I’m going to try that out. I’ve heard of people using them on aquariums but not on a pond so far.

Do you have any setups/plans/websites that you are researching to build it?
Are you going to have the water supplied to the drip system from a tank/water reservoir or direct from the home water line?
What kind of pre filter you going to have on it to prevent clogging?

Thank you for your time. There are some good pond builds on monsterfishkeepers.com

05-18-2011, 11:04 AM
Let me know if you need any turtles for your future pond.

That’s a great idea, I think I’m going to try that out. I’ve heard of people using them on aquariums but not on a pond so far.

Do you have any setups/plans/websites that you are researching to build it?
Are you going to have the water supplied to the drip system from a tank/water reservoir or direct from the home water line?
What kind of pre filter you going to have on it to prevent clogging?

Thank you for your time. There are some good pond builds on monsterfishkeepers.com

Thanks for the Turtles. Maybe I will later on.

As far as your question about plans ands builds I guess I am not sure if you are asking about the pond or the drip system.
IF it is the drip system, then it is really easy. Just go to Lowes or HomeDepot, and they have drip irrigation section. It is all the same stuff you use on your garden. I will be connecting mine to a hose temporarily, and then connect the water pipe source to my Sprinkler system pipes.

As far as Pond builds go this my favorite site http://www.koiphen.com/forums/ . You can also do a search on "Drip Systems" at koiphen.com and get some good info about doing this. This site really has some awesome pond builds, and alot of information about keeping these darn things "Gin" clear.

This will be my second pond build. I did my first at my old house, but it was only 400 gallons, made with cement, bricks, and pool plaster. Back in those days it was really hard keeping the water clear, in fact, somewhat impossible. Today's knowledge and technology is just amazing for this type of thing.

My new pond is probably going to be 5,000 gallons!!! Can't wait.