View Full Version : YouTube Videos of reef tank

05-20-2011, 07:02 PM
Under Halides

Under Actinics


Ran ATS for six months. Colors of video from phone are not as great as in person of course.

You will notice tank is algae free and has no herbivore fish or hermit crabs in a 140 Oceanic. I do keep astrea and turbo snails though. Tank is 1-2 years old and redo of a tank that had only 8 very large corals that were less colorful than current frag selection. I now have many $10 dollar frags obtained from mainstream aquatics in Charlotte, NC. Tank took a while to develop as these fraga were too small. I continue to thin out corals for bulbs and salt buckets as it grows. I am still about 3-4 years from having a good display tank. Coraline covers glass in 3 weeks when I do scrapings unless I have visitors.

All corals are doing well. Exception is a slow growing Montipora Undata on top mid right that is recovering from cyano smothering recently. Very little aggression from fish. Tank has room for 1 more fish but corals will continue to be thinned out of course. I will continue increasing feedings again with new bottle of OysterFeast. I can do only basic identification of many of these corals

Scrubber is a little brown but uses Tunze 7103.050 electronic pump wide open to feed it water and I also use a wider than normal slot.Coloration seems to go bright and fade at times. Right now is in mid range. I use no carbon or GFO, and Purigen occasionally. Filtration is Algae turf scrubber and EuroReef CS8-1 I believe. I never used true live rock, just Bulk Reef Supply dried rock that was very easy to cure. I use no additive other than the 3 part Bulk Reef Supply Recipe of CaCl2, Soda Ash and Magnesium Chloride/Magnesium Sulfate blend and iron solutoion for scrubber. I do water changes with Tropic Marin salt. (Had no issues with hard stuff that was later recalled either). Very forgiving system if ATS is kept up. Skimmate product is minimal with medium dark collection of 1/3 cup per week. I will continue to run skimmer as I view this as hydrib of carbon dosing creating mulm of bacteria. Prior to running ATS I had good results too but had string slough of clam and sand never entirely got rid of diatoms.

Now I observe tank for signs of diatoms or cyano. It might indicate scrubber is restricted or slowed down.

I add 2cc/day of Seachem Iron gluconate solution. Long term I will likely add 0.05 ppm Potassium nitrate to tank. I highly suspect nitrate limitation is a cause of cyano as well in this system along with some DOC accumulation. Water has never tinted yellow on look down method with white bucket though.

My only hesitation about trying ATS was reading Calfo Coral Porpoagation volume 2 stating noxious substances from ATS impede growth. I found this not the case. Sprung volume 3 was more neutral on subject but also less elaborate. I will keep ATS permanently as part of system.

05-20-2011, 08:26 PM
post your ats setup!
i dont undestood the lightning...

05-20-2011, 09:21 PM
Congrats on the progress.

As you found, comparing to "books" about algae and aquariums, many of the the books are the exact opposite of how it really works. One of those topics that you've discovered is "DOC buildup" falsehood. A true marine biologist knows that DOC cannot "build up", because it is constantly consumed by bacteria. Matter of fact, in the studies that track these things, it is shown that DOC is actually the limiting factor for bacteria growth. Meaning, bacteria have eaten all the DOC that there is, and would gladly eat more if it were available. Thus: No DOC buildup, and, clear water.

The other thing is the DOC affecting corals. The DOC from algae is the same DOC that is on the reefs. On reefs, most primary production / filtration / feeding / DOC exudates are from solid algae on the rocks and sand, and NOT from phytoplankton, since the reefs are too shallow to have much phyto. Therefore, the DOC from the solid algae on the reefs, which feed the bacteria, which feed the zooplankon, which feed the corals, is the same DOC that you get from a scrubber. And the vitamins, carbs, proteins and lipids are the same too.

That's why it works :)

05-21-2011, 04:44 AM
itzrulez, lighting is just a hydroponic 4X24" HOT5 with spectralux 3K bulbs at 8 each retail. Build link is here:

Here is my older setup before I went to Spain and lost power: http://algaescrubber.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=845

Here is the build pictures from my garage: http://algaescrubber.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=764&p=6458&hilit=acrylic#p6458
Design is basic and effective. I wanted minimal spray.

For lighting on tank I use 2 250 DE Hamilton 14K and, 54W UVL 454 and 54W Fuji Purple, and 2 20 watt LED strips for evening.

It is amazing to see growth rates of different corals. Spondgodis was size of half dollar and bought at same time as other corals. Tans Pavona has replaced hydroids as new pest up back wall not photographed. I went through a feather duster explosion that has since died back. I am unclear if peppermint shrimp helped at all.

05-26-2011, 10:08 AM
After looking at tank of video it is empty of fish and added two yellow wrasse (cloris). They bury them selves or hide at night when LED's are on. It is kind of humorous that they eat feather dusters, flat worms, pyramid snails, and small shrimp and are mostly reef safe. I got a screen kit to install as well over tank. 4th day and still eating well.

Are other SPS gow out tanks here? I know I don't have a display tank but have not seen any SPS dominated tanks on this forum.

Take some time and post here or above PLEASE!!!

05-29-2011, 03:23 PM
I'm currently dipping my Acropora and have them in quarantine due to AEFW, but I'll post once it's back in action.