View Full Version : ALGAE WHEEL!!!

05-23-2011, 10:46 AM
OKay, I am about 80% finished with my build, on a my version of the SM100.

Then I started thinking about rotating the screen, on a wheel setup, sort of like a Biowheel filter. Well Lo and behold, I searched the internet and found this:

http://www.algaewheel.com/2010/01/13/al ... pewell-va/ (http://www.algaewheel.com/2010/01/13/algaewheel-test-underway-in-hopewell-va/)

Much to my surprise.

So, why can't we just take a BIOWHEEL, modify it to use a washable screen, use the same calculated surface area of the screen, and then put the lights on this thing and then rotate it through the water. It seems to me this would be a lot more efficient, rotating the wheel, as opposed to trying to pump 35gph per inch of screen. It would take a lot less energy to rotate this thing in the water too.

It will take up a lot less room too, and be much simpler to build. The lighting will be much easier, then all these darn T5HO's.

Whaddya think?

Rumpy Pumpy
05-23-2011, 11:26 AM
This has been mentioned before and it's an idea which I've given some consideration to.

One problem is that the algae would not be exposed to strong direct light while it's rotated away from the light source which may make it less efficient than SMs waterfall design. If that proved to be an issue, there may be a solution perhaps by extending the photoperiod or increasing the wattage.

There's only one way to find out though so why don't you give it a go?

Rumpy Pumpy
05-23-2011, 11:34 AM
Also, from the website


Product Development History
In 1995 Mr. Christopher Limcaco, began development of the algaewheel® technology because of his passion for aquatic life. His mission was to develop a filtration system that would allow him to completely recreate a natural environment within his aquarium. The system that was developed proved tremendously effective in achieving a naturally balanced eco-environment and the aquatic life within the aquarium thrived. Mr. Limcaco patented the technology and developed the manufacturing and shipping processes for the commercial distribution of algaewheel treatment systems through a company called Aquatic Engineers, Inc. In 2003 this technology was licensed to a firm now known as Aquariums By Design, and this company continues to provide service for hobby applications in the marine and tropical fish industry.


Aquatic Engineers Inc

05-23-2011, 12:05 PM
Yes long history, covered many times, won't work at all. For experimentation/fun only.

05-23-2011, 04:43 PM
I can see lots of algae falling off the wheel and back into the tank. Just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen on an aquarium.. for other purposes like the video shows, sure, probably works much better, but as far as harvesting the algae (difficult) and using it for fuel (near impossible/too many contaminants) is not going to happen with this method. For fuel, look into Vertical Algae farms, closed loop systems to put in specific strains of algae to get the proper carbon chains for the right fuels they want to make. Without a closed loop setup anything in the atmosphere can/will contaminate the algae, possible even introducing bad algae that out competes the good algae your trying to harvest for fuel. I do think Algae is going to save us from our oil dependencies, but not in the method shown in the link above. This is the video to show how to make fuels.


Rumpy Pumpy
05-27-2011, 12:32 PM
I can see lots of algae falling off the wheel and back into the tank.

I don't see why it should. It would probably be a gentler motion than a waterfall type.

I have my reservations about it, but I'd still like to see it done, just out of curiosity.

I'd do it myself but don't have the space in my current system