View Full Version : jnad nano scrubber

06-04-2011, 04:02 PM

I have just started my nano algae scrubber, it is a singel sided screen.

Here is some tecknical data:
Scrubber box is 20x20x10 centimeters
Scrubber box is a box for food storage, and it is in transparent pvc. The box is going to be covered up by another pvc decor box.
Lightning is 11w with reflector, bulb is about 3-3,5 centimeters from screen.
It is possible to change to more powerful bulb if nessesary.
Screen material is Steni plate that is very sharp and rough on surface
Total screen size is about 15 wide x 20 tall (centimeters) . Effective screen size is about 15 wide x 12 tall (centimeters)
Lamp bracket with lamp is removebal, just lift the hole unit of.
The screen is also just standing free in scrubber, just lift up to clean.
Pump is Aquarium Systems Micro Jet 450 l/h
The scubber have 25 mm outlet and overflow outlet.

The scrubber is startet today and it is looking very good, no splashing or noise, and flow is very even over hole screen areal.

I will come back with some updates when the scrubber is covered up by the decor box and i have done a couple of algae cleanings.

Here are som pictures from the build:

Here are all the parts for the build

The algaescrubber box with glued in outlets

Screen material is Steni plate

Lamp bracket with bulb and reflector

This is an silicon math that for use as evoporation an splash shield

O-rings used as drip stop on inlet tube

Aquarium Systems Maxi Jet 450 l/h pump

This is used as a divider between screen and light

Inlet tube that is drilled to bigger holes

Here is splash and evoporation shield in place over inlet tube/screen chamber

This is the flow on the screen, a little difficult to see but it is good i think


Testing the hole scrubber with ligt over kitchen sink

This is the scrubber from top

Here is the scrubber paced on aquarium without lightning.

This is a very easy singel sided scrubber to build, i am covering up the transparent pvc box in a couple of days and will post a new picture then.


Floyd R Turbo
06-04-2011, 06:32 PM
If you are using a site like flickr or photobucket, you can just copy and paste the [IMG] or HTML code link to the picture. There is no limit to the number of pics as far as I know. But photobucket is what I use, free and relatively easy.

06-04-2011, 06:33 PM
I don't think there is a limit, but I think I have seen more than 3.

06-04-2011, 08:19 PM
just post the links, we'll see ;D
i'm looking for nano designs!

06-05-2011, 01:16 AM
I finally got some pictures in, thanks


06-05-2011, 05:04 AM
Love the screen material you used. Please keep us updated on how well it works! Nice filter!! :D

06-05-2011, 05:23 AM
I'm guessing (by the beer can) that you are from Norway. :) If that's correct I'm guessing that steni plate is made for covering base/plinths of houses (www.steni.no (http://www.steni.no)). If so, I'm pretty sure it's made up of crushed gravel. Make sure you watch your tank closely because gravel can realease unwanted substances when placed in saltwater.

If it works, it's a nice and cheap material though! :)

Nice build. :)

06-05-2011, 05:26 AM
Nice going Jnad. I saw your post on the local forum. Amazing that soo many people havn't noticed my build. Hope this one works better than your previous one.

Keep the battle going! :D

Floyd R Turbo
06-05-2011, 06:30 AM
Interesting build. It looks like you added a second 'high' drain, is that in case the lover one clogs? 'cause if it does, your bulb will likely pop/crack due to temperature difference when it comes in contact with the water. So this design has a safety hazard IMO. I would move the lamp outside of the box. Maybe switch the gravel screen to the center and put the light where the gravel screen it. Less compact but much safer.

06-05-2011, 08:00 AM
hey floyd, i dont understood too, but i think that think, that we tought was a second high drain, its to hold scrubber!

06-05-2011, 09:54 AM
I'm guessing (by the beer can) that you are from Norway. :) If that's correct I'm guessing that steni plate is made for covering base/plinths of houses (http://www.steni.no). If so, I'm pretty sure it's made up of crushed gravel. Make sure you watch your tank closely because gravel can realease unwanted substances when placed in saltwater.

If it works, it's a nice and cheap material though! :)

Nice build. :)


Yes you have right, the plate is from Steni.no.
I have talked to the tecknical department of Steni and they say that the plate that i use "Steni Terra" has no chemicals in structure. But the other Steni products that are for use indoors have some sort of fire protection inside, i think they said it releases some sort of Aluminium gas in case of fire.

The Steni Terra should be compleatly harmless and natural, i hope.


06-05-2011, 10:01 AM
Nice going Jnad. I saw your post on the local forum. Amazing that soo many people havn't noticed my build. Hope this one works better than your previous one.

Keep the battle going! :D

Thanks Vannpytt!

The scrubber is running great, but i can see that there is room for improvements to the design. I considering to build a new one, it is just the first one :)

Yes it is amazing that so feew peaople have noticed your build. You are running a big aquarium with your scrubber, and i think its terrific.

We must just wait and see, i think there will bee more people using scrubbers in the future.


06-05-2011, 10:13 AM
Interesting build. It looks like you added a second 'high' drain, is that in case the lover one clogs? 'cause if it does, your bulb will likely pop/crack due to temperature difference when it comes in contact with the water. So this design has a safety hazard IMO. I would move the lamp outside of the box. Maybe switch the gravel screen to the center and put the light where the gravel screen it. Less compact but much safer.


Yes i can see what you mean and i do consider to build a new one with light outside.

To begin with i intended to build an compleatly water seald scrubber with light outside, the high drain was therfore drilled very high as i was hoping to get some 3D filtering. On the way in the build i changed my mind beacuse the scrubber with light outside the box was to big to be placed on top of my aquarium.

You are compleatly right about the safety hazard, i will consider to make a change in the design or i have to relay on the 25mm not clog up. I wil use some days to decide.


06-05-2011, 01:37 PM
My system is running perfectly now, with SPS growing like weed, untill I had to dip. You should come see the prototype me and slektning made.

06-06-2011, 06:44 AM
My system is running perfectly now, with SPS growing like weed, untill I had to dip. You should come see the prototype me and slektning made.

I am very interested to look at your prototype scrubber.

I am planing to start a new reef aquarium after the summer, and then i will need a new scrubber. I am then very interested to look at your scrubber, maybe i dont have to turn my brain around for making my own design :D . I will send you a message to make an appointment to visit you.


06-07-2011, 12:52 AM

The scrubber have now been running for tree light periods, when can i expect to see something growing on the screen?

Even there is no visible algae on the screen i am pretty sure that the little amount of algae i has on the back and side glasses are backing of now. Dont know if it is the scrubbers work?

Tecknically the scrubber is running ok except from the outlet sucking in some air with the flow into the display, the water that flowing into the outlet pipe inside scrubber sucking in air (from inside scrubber) just like a venturi, not a big problem but i am trying to solve it. Any sugesstions?


06-07-2011, 07:11 AM
hey jnad, your complain are about the noise?
if yes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjE2Nt6F8p8

06-07-2011, 08:26 AM
hey jnad, your complain are about the noise?
if yes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjE2Nt6F8p8


No it is not the noise, but thanks for the video anyway, it is good to know.

I had a problem with air bubbles that was sucked into the outlet by the water on the way out, but i have fixed that problem now.



06-07-2011, 04:19 PM
ok!sry about the missunderstood! :D
hey man, update some pictures of your working scrubber!

06-08-2011, 11:02 AM

Yes i will post some pictures in a couple of days, i am just going to change to a new reflector first.

Some updates:

The scrubber is running ok tecnically, not mutch algae on the screen but i think its on the way to beacome brown i color.

When i started the scrubber i did not have any algae problems in the display, just some algae on the back and side glasses. These algae is now compleatly gone, i dont now if this is the scrubber that start working or not??

My Xenia is also starting to look tired?


06-08-2011, 02:32 PM
Double your feeding.

06-09-2011, 02:24 PM
Double your feeding.

Thanks, i try that.

06-09-2011, 02:30 PM

The clear acryl divider between the screen and the bulb is covered with water drops. I think the silicon math that i use to stop evoporation make all the moisture to stay in the screen chamber and make the water drops on the divider.

I am afraid the water drops will block the light, do you think i should try too make some tecknical changes to get rid of the water drops on divider?


Floyd R Turbo
06-09-2011, 03:10 PM
Nope, you're fine. Just wipe it off with each cleaning to keep algae and salt from binding to the acrylic. If you can, run it under hot water and rub with a soft cloth. That should keep it clean without scratching it.

06-11-2011, 12:35 PM

The scrubber has now been running for 7 days, here are some pictures from screen beafore cleaning and new reflector:

Not mutch algae, but there is som brown stuff, it was easy to brush of with a toothbrush.

Here is the scrubber running on the aquarium with new reflector. In the car department i found a flexible mirror that is ment to repear broken car mirrors, it is perfect as a reflector. This new reflector also hide the bulb.

Here is scrubber from top, you can se the new reflector.

I the brown stuff on the screen normal after first week?? Do i need bigger bulb??


06-11-2011, 01:49 PM
Looks great so far.

06-16-2011, 11:38 AM
Here is some update pictures from cleaning today.

This is 5 days of growth, one picture taken with flash and one without

It seem to me that it is a little more growth now, but it is still brown.


Is the brown algae a sign of to mutch nutrients?? Should i cut down on feeding??


Floyd R Turbo
06-16-2011, 11:45 AM
Nope, brown is fine, that's diatom algae and it grows the fastest. After a few weeks you should start seeing green algae. If nutrients in the water are high, it will turn black and slimy.

For your first couple cleaning, just rinse under room temperature tap water and rub with your fingertips (not your nails). If you use a toothbrush, use it very lightly.

06-16-2011, 02:54 PM
Nope, brown is fine, that's diatom algae and it grows the fastest. After a few weeks you should start seeing green algae. If nutrients in the water are high, it will turn black and slimy.

For your first couple cleaning, just rinse under room temperature tap water and rub with your fingertips (not your nails). If you use a toothbrush, use it very lightly.


So everything looks ok then.

Can i start feeding more now as long as the screen not is black and slimy?

Thanks for your answer.


Floyd R Turbo
06-16-2011, 02:59 PM
I would feed the same amount until you get goo solid green growth. I would worry about your setup being able to hold algae because it doesn't look like the surface is very rough. So until it proves itself, do not change anything that you do.

06-17-2011, 09:02 AM
I would feed the same amount until you get goo solid green growth. I would worry about your setup being able to hold algae because it doesn't look like the surface is very rough. So until it proves itself, do not change anything that you do.

Thanks, i also is wondering about the screen material, it is always exciting to test something new. Dont think this type of plates have been used beafore in a scrubber, but it has a very rough surface so i crosses fingers :D

06-22-2011, 02:01 AM

Did another screen cleaning yesterday, there was more algae on the screen this time and with some areas with a lighter brown color than last cleaning.

And the algae was mutch harder to get of the screen now, using fingertips was not enough, had to use a toothbrush.
I hope this is a sign that the Steni Plate do ok as screen material.


06-26-2011, 10:36 AM

Another cleaning, and this is after five days of growth.

The algae was now very hard too get of the screen with a toothbrush, maybe the screen material is rough enough for the algae to not fall off.

Here are the pictures, Is this looking normal??

This is with flash on camara:

This is with flash of on camera:


06-26-2011, 12:13 PM
Moving in the right direction. Should see some hair soon.

06-29-2011, 02:02 AM

Thank you to all of you that keep posting feedbacks when i post updates for my scrubber, your experiense are needed.


06-29-2011, 02:44 AM
On my prototype scrubber 1 sided I got green the second week. Send me a PM if you want to take a look at the design. (And it is 100% fitted for a RSM 130 as a cartridge where the skimmer currently is).

07-02-2011, 04:29 AM

I can see a big change in the number of critters in the aquarium, when I'm feeding there is a tremendous amount of small white starfish crawling out of the bottom layer.

Algae on the screen has changed somewhat, but not so much. They are still hard to scrape off, they sit firmly in the rough surface.

Here are some pictures of five days of growth, one with flash and one without.
I appreciate any feedback



Floyd R Turbo
07-02-2011, 08:06 AM
I would use a stiff bristled brush and lightly scrub 1/2 of the screen and try to get most (90%) of the brown algae off, then see how well it grows back and what color. On the other half, try to remove as much as you can with your fingers and then compare next week's growth.

The reason I say this is because this is a type of screen material I haven't seen used before, so it's kind of an experiment. I am interested to see how quickly the algae grows back after a through cleaning.

07-02-2011, 12:28 PM
I still got some plastic sheets if you find the plates not to work J.

07-02-2011, 04:18 PM
I would use a stiff bristled brush and lightly scrub 1/2 of the screen and try to get most (90%) of the brown algae off, then see how well it grows back and what color. On the other half, try to remove as much as you can with your fingers and then compare next week's growth.

The reason I say this is because this is a type of screen material I haven't seen used before, so it's kind of an experiment. I am interested to see how quickly the algae grows back after a through cleaning.

I think I maybe made ??some mistakes when I did clean the screen, I have not taken away all the brown algae.

Will follow your advice at the next cleaning.


07-02-2011, 04:27 PM
I still got some plastic sheets if you find the plates not to work J.


Tanks, i will see how it goes with my Steni screen during the summer. If the steni plate is no sucsess i would very mutch like to by some plastic sheets from you during my planed visit to look at your scrubber.


07-23-2011, 12:00 PM

Here are some uppdate pictures of 7 days growt, i dont seem to get any green algae so i have today changed bulb from 11W to 20W.

Do you think it is the right to do? Change to 20W?

Beafore cleaning:

After cleaning:

Is this growth normal, or is something wrong that i have to correct?


07-23-2011, 01:13 PM
More light will always help, unless it turns the algae yellow.

07-23-2011, 01:32 PM

I will watch out for yellow colored algae.

If the stronger light will grow yellow algae i will put in the 11W bulb again.

The 20W bulb is 3,5 centimeters from the screen.


07-23-2011, 04:24 PM
If you get yellow, increase flow, or add iron, or both.

08-06-2011, 09:00 AM

Here is some new pictures of 6 days growth, as usual one without flash and one with flash on camera.

Appreciate comments on my pictures, waiting and waiting for green algae, do you think they are on the way?
Wonder whether the scrubber is too weak because I still do not have any green growth.
The aquarium is at 63 liters, feeding about half a cube a day plus some Corall for morning and evening.
Fish in the tank:
2 x clowns
2 x Bangaii Cardinals (added to the aquarium for 2 weeks ago)
2 x small Redspot Cardinals
1 x Scooter Blenny (added to the aquarium for 2 weeks ago)

Effective screen size is 6 by 5 inches, possible it is too small for my aquarium?

Hoping for some input, I plan on building a larger scrubber if this one is too weak/small.

PS! The black spots on the screen is because the beam tube were overgrown by algae.




08-06-2011, 09:52 AM
Well if the growth is holding on and not letting go, then the surface is rough enough. Of course it's 1-sided, which is only half as effective as 2-sided for the same number of watts.

Since the growth is thick and smooth, I'd say it need more often cleaning. Or more light and flow. Either way will get nutrients out faster.

08-06-2011, 04:52 PM
Well if the growth is holding on and not letting go, then the surface is rough enough. Of course it's 1-sided, which is only half as effective as 2-sided for the same number of watts.

Since the growth is thick and smooth, I'd say it need more often cleaning. Or more light and flow. Either way will get nutrients out faster.


I will try to clean more often, and maybe drill bigger holes in the spraybar to get more flow. I wait a couple of weeks beafore building bigger scrubber with room for bigger screen.

I think i see some more green color after changing the bulb too 20W two weeks ago.


08-06-2011, 06:13 PM
Remember that larger screens need more light.

08-07-2011, 07:59 AM

I have compared my screen size to the FAQ and 5x6 inches (effective screen size)should be just enough for my nano. I will give it some more time, clean screen ofter and try to get some more flow by drilling bigger holes in spraybar.
I will also do some waterchanges to help get nutrients down.

Thanks for input.


08-10-2011, 10:53 AM

Here is 4 days of growth, one with flash and one without as usual.
The picture I posted from the previous cleaning was from 7 days of growth, seems almost the algae had more green color ettter 7 days growth than those with four days growth? Why?:


When it comes Steni material I have used as a screen the algae sits very firmly in the screen. I have to work very hard with this brush to get rid of the algae, and after a good scrape there is always a good amount of algae left in the rough surface. I think this matrialet is very well suited to screen for those who will have a one-sided scrubber.


08-10-2011, 11:50 AM
More days growth brings the nutrients down, which allows green to grow, which then filters even more because of the light green hairy structure.

08-14-2011, 02:45 PM

Here is another 4 days of growth.

Have done a couple of water changes to help out the scrubber.

Today i cleaned the screen and drilled bigger holes in the spraybar, looks that i now have a little more flow. I will now let the scrubber run for a week beafore next cleaning, if i not get any green growth in two more cleanings i will build a bigger scrubber.


Comments please


08-14-2011, 03:05 PM
I still say needs more light, because of the tan growth. It's not yellow (burned).

08-14-2011, 10:22 PM
I still say needs more light, because of the tan growth. It's not yellow (burned).


I dont now if it is possible to put in a bigger bulb beacause of heat in the small scrubber.

The 20W bulb is about 3 centimeters from the screen, i started the scruber with a 11W bulb and changed to a 20W, could not see any change in growth when changing to 20W. What do you think about the reflector that i use, i am using a flexible mirror. Could the problem possible be the reflector? have seen a post in this forum that wrote that mirrors is no good as reflectors?


08-16-2011, 10:00 AM

Looks as i have some more growth now.

A question:
I can with a small change in the scrubber do so the screen is totally submerged in water. The screen will be located in a small chamber with the same water flow as it has today.

Is this a bad or good idea?

Should the algae on the screen be green hair algae before 3D scrubbing is possible?


08-16-2011, 08:01 PM
Won't work.


08-21-2011, 01:13 PM

Another pictures of 1 week of growth. The real color is more yellow that on the pictures.

I think maybe it is the flow that is the reason i not have any green hair algae. I have today drilled the holes in the spraybar even bigger, i wait for another week.



I have another platic box like this one, would it help me to get green hair algae faster if i made one more scrubber like the one i have running now? That would make the screen twise as big.


08-21-2011, 04:21 PM
Nope. Bigger does not do make it green. Iron makes it green. And the best way to deliver more iron is with more more flow. If you can't increase flow, then add iron.

08-22-2011, 02:00 AM

I am going to fit a bigger pump this week, have a NewJet 1200l/h, will try this one on my scrubber. Have also to do a rebuild of the outlets, dont tink they can handle the flow from the NewJet pump.
