View Full Version : Additives

06-06-2011, 06:58 AM

I have just started an scrubber on my aquarium for the first time.

I will just ask a question about additives if i have to stop using them or not.

These are the additives i have been using until now:

-Salifert All In One once a week to maintain calsium, magnesium and some trace elements
-Salifert Idoine every 14 day
-Salifert KH+PH buffer are used in top of water
-Chalsium Chloride one ts once a week.
-Magnesium one ts once a week.
-Korallen Zuckt Coral Snow two times a week.

Can i continue to use these additives now when the scrubber is started?


06-06-2011, 01:13 PM
Cal, Alk, Mag, and maybe Strontium are the only necessary ones. You can others if you want, with or without scrubber.

The snow, however, is liquid coral food and requires strong filtering; so you may want to wait on that until your scrubber is growing.

06-09-2011, 02:15 AM
Cal, Alk, Mag, and maybe Strontium are the only necessary ones. You can others if you want, with or without scrubber.

The snow, however, is liquid coral food and requires strong filtering; so you may want to wait on that until your scrubber is growing.


About the Coral snow: I thought this was some kind of clay that binds stuff in the water so a skimmer easyer can pull gunk out of the water, +that it also contains some benefits stuff for the corals.
Mabye you misunderstand me and thought i ment Korallen Zuckt Coral Vitialaiser?


06-09-2011, 05:22 AM
Iron, unless waterchanges with iron source.

If you grow enought green, you will deplete iron available for the symbiotic algae on corals. Maybee. In any case, slow addition is not harmfull.

Keep KH/alk >10 dKH.

06-09-2011, 12:19 PM
It sounds as if that Snow has some kind of Alk built in.