View Full Version : New tank... SM100 type build

08-16-2011, 11:20 PM
I am about to start up a brand new tank and was just hoping to maybe get a few hints or tips to avoid any mistakes... hopefully :?
I have built myself a sm100 replica (hope thats ok SM??, I live in australia and the shipping was alittle expensive..) I did write sm on the side of it with a felt pen for copyright purposes thou.. :D

Im running approx 450 litres which in your terms I think is around 120g.
I have a small tank already setup up with 30 pounds of live rock and a few lps, and two fish.
I am planning to lay the substrate, get the new tank filled with nsw, up to temp then put in the LR and sand from old tank. And then maybe a week or two later move the corals and fish.
will the ATS start algae growth just with the LR in the tank. and hopefully be able to handle the small bio- load of the fish a week or so later....
My plan is then to add around another 30 pounds of LR ( we get great quality stuff here on the east coast of aus) and then start adding more fish and corals.
I really want to get a few fish into this tank, is it best to just add them slowly and let the ATS find its limit.

08-17-2011, 02:07 PM
Nice build... should work well with the small bioload. Should be able to handle up to 10 cubes a day once it's growing.

08-17-2011, 05:29 PM
I wouldn't move the old sand unless you've cleaned it regularly. The sand over time collects a ton of nutrients, which might be let loose all at once in the new tank when you move the sand. I've heard of people completely wiping out their systems doing this. I'd just pull over a cup or two to help seed the new tank and dump the rest.

08-17-2011, 05:36 PM
Its not really sand, more like crushed coral up to 1/2 inch pieces, covered in coraline and full of bristle stars, worms, large pods.. etc.
The other q I have is that the low K tubes are hard to get here in aus, I have found some hydro growing bulbs real cheap, like 8500K, they are the pinkish ones. and I v got a heap of 10K. Will my growth still b ok.....

08-17-2011, 06:47 PM
Pink is not 8500, but still the pink will be better than the white.

08-18-2011, 02:13 AM
Thanks for the input.
Im still playing around with the flow. I am using a pump over 1000 gph. (it will supply the chiller aswell, tank is sumpless, just fitted a wider piece of glass for the euro brace at the back for ats to sit on). It is adjustable but To get the stream down the canvas im after it fills up the box too much, close to half way up. I guess I will tune it down to about an inch and let it start growing and go from there. I just have the 1 1/2 inch bulkhead on mine like the blueprint for sm100...I noticed somewhere that someone is using two outlets on there sm100. How does that affect the swirl or pool??

08-18-2011, 10:45 AM
2 drains will reduce 3D, but will be safer.

10-11-2011, 11:54 PM
Just thought id do an update. Finally got tank up and running. Had a few leaks to begin with, ( my shonky acrylic work) but now ats is powering along. Nitrates were 4ppm when tested a day after all stock was moved to new tank, two weeks later ats scrubbed them out to 0ppm. I am also using dechlorinated tap water. This water tests between 0.08 and 0.1 phos but the tank only reads around 0.01-0.03...which im happy with..... Growth is only minimal as very lightly stocked at the moment and having a few dramas getting the flow even down the screens.. The slot was cut using a dremel and is not amazing straight, or the same thickness, so a bit of work to do there in regards to getting that sorted, but overall running smoothly.

10-12-2011, 06:59 AM
Scrubbers are just amazing!!! Glad to hear another success story. Congrats on the build Sir.

10-17-2011, 07:12 PM
Just thought id add a few pics if anyone was interested.....

10-18-2011, 04:13 PM
Any bubbles?

10-18-2011, 05:10 PM
That photo was taken with the ats going
There are a few but they dissipate quickly......The T piece works great...

10-18-2011, 07:19 PM
Thats a great tank you have. The Scrubber will be great for it.

11-11-2011, 02:51 AM
Just thought id do an update on my system..
nitrates read at .25 to .5 ppm
phos 0.08
I dont get great algae as yet, mainly dark slimy and a bit of a red tinge. I also think I am getting a bit of diatom on there as there is some on my sand and a get abit after 2 weeks on the glass, very minimal.
I have pulled out the bulkhead at the bottom of the ats and just glued t ppiece to the acrylic....this has allowed me to increase the flow a bit which, with a better slit cut, is giving me a way thicker, more even flow down the screen. Lets hope this helps my growth.....just as a note, I am finding that I am getting evidence of green stringy algae growing from the bottom of my ats. which is about an inch submerged.... what the?

04-05-2012, 02:52 AM
I only get awesome 3d growth from the submerged part of my screen.. Is this about normal... How can I improve this..... also the algae grows off the bottom of my ats so I constantly have to take it apart to scrape the acrylic....... I have changed my t5's out every couple months..
My nitrates hover around 2-4ppm which Id like to improve.... I do feed around 6-8 cubs worth of food daily......
Also, I get spray from the pipe after bout 3 days as growth starts. I think I loose some scrubbing as this water just trickles down the acrylic and back into the tank...... My 'slit' isnt great. im thinking of doing the loop over thing but waiting to see what SM pulls out of his hat... with version 2.

04-05-2012, 03:34 AM
Yes just wait a few weeks.