View Full Version : jnads scrubber rebuilding

08-23-2011, 02:06 AM

I am considering converting my one sided nano scrubber to a standard two sided scrubber. In this connection a couple of questions I hope and answers to:

1. What is the minimum diameter recommended for the pipe that supplies water to the screen?
2. What size should the slot in the tube be?
3. Can anyone link me to an online store that sells plastic canvas.

I have a rug canvas lying around at home, but I reckon that this is for Flexible to use as a screen?

Hope someone can give me answers to my questions


08-23-2011, 06:44 AM
I use 3/8 inch diameter tubing for a nano pipe, with a 1/32 slot.

www.everythingplasticcanvas.com (http://www.everythingplasticcanvas.com)

Rug canvas will work if it's made of plastic. If it's made of cloth it will dissolve.

08-23-2011, 08:35 AM
Thanks Santa Monica!

The label on my rug canvas says: 25% Polyester / 75% pvc.

But I do not know if the rug canvas will be damaged by scraping algae. It goes to pieces when I scrape it with the finger neil. If algae attaches itself equally well to this rug canvas as they do to Steni screen I use now I think algae scraping will destroy the canvas.


08-25-2011, 01:26 PM
Thank you for your reply in the thread.
There have been some changes in plans with scrubber built. Scrubbers were again constructed as a one-sided scrubber, this because the scrubber would be used on a small nano aquarium so I had no room for a two sided with lights on both sides. But the answers in the thread is still useful to me beacuse I will start a larger tank later this year, then I will build a double-sided scrubber.

Scrubber was now designed that it would fit on the small aquarium of mine and that it should be using the same Steni plates for algal growth.

Scrubbers Dimensions are now about 14 inches wide x 6 inches high (outside Dimensions)
The screen's Dimensions are 11 3 / 4 inches wide x 4 inches high. The screen is now wide and low, rather than square, which i hope will give a better effect.

Look forward and get this done, then i will start a new thread about the new scrubber.


08-29-2011, 03:10 PM

Lightning question:

If you have a screen that is 30cm x 10cm.

I found a T5 tube that have the same length as the screen, the T5 tube is 28,8cm long. But the T5 tube is only 8 watts?? How many of teese would i need for a screen measuring 30 cm x 10 cm??
And is this T5 tube any good.
Here is a link:


08-29-2011, 05:41 PM
Each cube of frozen food you feed per day needs 12 square inches of screen, with a light on both sides totaling 12 real watts. Thus a nano that is fed one cube a day would need a screen 3 X 4 inches with a 6 real watt bulb on each side. A larger tank that is fed 10 cubes a day would need a screen 10 X 12 inches with 60 real watts of light on each side. If you feed flake, feeder fish, or anything else, you will need to blend it up super thick, strain out the excess water, pour it into a cube, and see how many cubes it is. And for Nori, 8 square inches = 1 cube.

If your scrubber is 1-sided instead of 2-sided, you'll need twice the wattage (or you'll need to feed half as much) in order to make up for the inefficiency of 1-sided screens.

09-01-2011, 07:46 AM
I use 3/8 inch diameter tubing for a nano pipe, with a 1/32 slot.


Rug canvas will work if it's made of plastic. If it's made of cloth it will dissolve.


Everythingplasticcanvas have sevral types of canvas to choose from, soft, ultra stiff, regular?
What type do you use?

And would you prefer the ultra stiff canvas if it is going to be placed standing like in your SM25?


09-01-2011, 10:59 AM
The ultra stiff is easier to rough up without breaking it, but it does not come in large sheets. We've been using the softer sheets because they come in large sheets, and because the material is more clear that the stiff white ones.

09-01-2011, 12:11 PM

Always some questions coming up when building a scrubber :D

In my new scrubber will not the screen be attached to the tube like in the scrubber SM100. But design is more like the SM25.

I have two options to supply water to the screen:

1. let a chamber filling with water and flow over a overflow edge that feeds the screen with water. Just like SM showed me in a previous post.

2. Using a pipe just as is used in SM25.

Both solutions are possible in the new scrubber.

If solution 2 is selected is it then preferable to use a slot in the pipe or can I simply drill large holes in a spraybar?

Hoping for some comments.


09-01-2011, 06:09 PM
Holes will clog quicker, but you can try them.

09-04-2011, 12:45 PM

The screen and the spraybar will be as in your SM25.

The screen and spraybar will be about 30cm long, what dimmension would you recommend for the spraybar?

Is it possible to use smaller tube for spraybar when the screen is not put into the slot as in your SM100?


09-04-2011, 07:09 PM
I used a 3/8 tube with a 1/16 slot.

09-14-2011, 09:13 AM

Based on the experiences you have had with necessary flow in SM25.

Have you any idea how long screen a NewJet 1200 pump can provide with enough flow??

It is a singel sided screen with set up just like one of the sides in your SM25.

Best regards


09-14-2011, 09:19 PM
I don't know what you mean by "how long" it can provide flow.

09-14-2011, 10:07 PM
I don't know what you mean by "how long" it can provide flow.


I mean, how wide screen do you think i can use in my new scrubber with the NewJet 1200 pump (1200l/h).

The scrubber is one sided, just like one of the sides in your SM25.


09-15-2011, 12:00 PM
Maybe 25 cm