View Full Version : My mini scrubber

08-28-2011, 11:14 PM
OK.. So I've decided to give it a go.

Partly encouraged by the amount of parts I just had lying around unused. So a $20 investment for me.

I had a few caveats. Had to be small. REALLY small. Had to be simple. Had to be 'blackout proof'.

So... I made my purchases and made this.



Light sits approx 3 - 4" away in a clear enclosed box with a reflector glued into place in the clear box.

The sheet which is roughed up is approx 8" x 9" for a 34 gallon tank. (Single sided was deemed to be more space efficient).

Lighting is a 30W CFL warm (Brighter was available, but I'm willing to step it up).

Here it is setup.


As you can see, pump to the top and filter down. If power out, then the pump stops going and 2 or 3 litres flow into aquarium. Whoop-de-doo. It can handle that.

In the following picture, it is about 3 days after start. I have to turn the pump up (As should be obvious, and has already been done). But I had the pump sitting at about 50%. I'm a softly/softly/gently/gently kinda person.


No recent pictures (Now day 6). But the 'streaking' of the algae is nearly gone. I pushed the pump up another notch. I think this is it.

Algae continues to grow nicely.

Before ATS
Nitrates 10
Phosphates 1

Day 6
Nitrates about 7 or so now
Phosphates less than 0.5

So far, so good.


08-30-2011, 10:11 PM
My original plan had 1 significant design flaw. The drain hole was the same diameter as the input. Got gurgle?

So remove from system and enlarge drain to 25mm with a standpipe to prevent bubbles flowing down the 'tube'.


VOILA! Noiseless operation. Brilliant.

My previous design because of noise and flow issues was 'streaky' in the algae growth.

It's a little hard to see the colour because of the bright light doing funny things, but the algae is starting to green up nicely from the brown it was. It's not the 'hair algae' which I'm aiming for, but definitely on the way there.

Nitrates sub 5ppm
Phosphates 0.5ppm

So I've already halved the readings. Brilliant start for just 1 week.

If this continues, I will be removing the RSM skimmer (Original RSM skimmer, so no loss there) from operation.


09-05-2011, 02:12 AM
Approaching 2 weeks.

Readings now:
Nitrates: Undetectable
Phosphates: 0.1 - 0.2

So, definite winner going on here.

I'm hoping that when the phosphates hit 0 the hair algae that has been attacking my tank will start vanishing. Hopefully another week I should start seeing some reductions in algae.


09-05-2011, 08:22 AM
Usually after 3 or 4 full-screen cleanings, enough nutrients will have been removed that the nuisance algae will start leaving. Unless you have P in the rocks, in which case the algae on the rocks will increase for a while before leaving.

09-06-2011, 12:42 AM
Cool.. I can handle that.

However, I'm going to call this a success..

My nitrates had been sitting steady at about 10 or so for over a year. For it to drop to undetectable in 2 weeks.. THAT is impressive..

I have got my skimmer running still, but once my ATS is running, I'll turn off the skimmer. (not remove.. Yet....) If situation remains 'excellent' as the trend currently is, I'll remove the skimmer.

However, I came into ATS thinking "It can't hurt as I'll keep my skimmer running" and now I'm thinking "WOAH! They're right!".

Obviously, the proof will be in 2 years time, ATS san skimmer.. But.. So far, the numbers are fantastic.


09-12-2011, 01:40 AM
Just a quick update.

A Phosphate spike because of my actions.

Nitrates remain undetectable.

The actions were because I have a minor aiptasia infection and it was threatening to become a MAJOR aiptasia infection. I needed to scrape some algae so I could see where I was injecting. This of course meant reintroducing phosphate back into the system as the scraped algae died off.

In positive news, the aiptasia is mostly back under control and the peppermint shrimp have suddenly realised that aiptasia is NOMS!! (For so long they just picked at it here and there. Tonight? Couldn't get enough. I was watching them tear through the tank like they had been starved for a month)

So... I guess they like fish and chips with vinegar (Was using vinegar on the aiptasia). Once killed with vinegar? Obviously to the peppies liking.. They developed the taste for aiptasia and have gone nuts since.
