View Full Version : Green Cast to Water

09-12-2011, 07:10 PM
I know it's been discussed prior. However, I don't recall the specifics.

My 120's water has taken on a very noticeable green tint.

I remember it being stated that improper rinsing of the screen after a cleaning can lead to this and have fastidiously rinsed mine, going as far as to hit it with the sprayer doo-dad on the sink. I'm confident it's not broken algae tanins.

To correct this in the past I've ran carbon 24hrs once a month (props to BRS, love their carbon) and it's back to clear'ish.

This isn't more than an aesthetic issue, and the green's prob beneficial in some planktonic way. I just want assurance, perhaps an corroborating anecdote or two.

09-12-2011, 08:17 PM
Phytoplankotn. Pure, live algae to feed copepods and some corals. Should really only be visible with actinics-only.

09-12-2011, 09:21 PM
I have two 400w 20k radiums. And zero mechanical filtration; open loop for pods etc..

The tint is not very noticeable with lights on, and I have a micro bubble issue that affects water clarity more so.

It's only truly evident with lights off. Especially in the late afternoon sun. And when viewing through the long end.

I'm heartened to hear it's beneficial. Do you have the same issue on your tank SM?

09-13-2011, 10:33 AM
I have lots of phyto

09-14-2011, 11:25 AM
I haven't notice this at all... Water is crystal clear so far and I don't use active carbon. Maybe I need to look closer to see if I have that tint of green you guys are referring to. :)

Scrubber been running for 3-4 months now.

09-14-2011, 11:17 PM
I haven't notice this at all... Water is crystal clear so far and I don't use active carbon. Maybe I need to look closer to see if I have that tint of green you guys are referring to. :)

Scrubber been running for 3-4 months now.

Do you have any mechanical filtration? I.e. filter sock, poly filter?

I did an experiment last night after lights out in my DT. I shut down all the pumps and suspended an LED flashlight over my DT. Sure nuff, within seconds I had a swarm of plancktonic life at the surface under the light. And they were spawning to boot. I filmed some of it, incredible stuff. Like watching national geographic.

So yes, green stuff is likely phytoplankton, and is supporting other planktonic life.

09-16-2011, 09:07 AM
Really... I don't run any sort of mechanical or filter socks... man... I guess this is a good reason to not run a skimmer! lol...

I see lots of things flooding in the my tank when I shine a flash light at night. My water is clear and no tint of greenish though. I'm not sure if I even know what to look for. I'll do some looking tonight.