View Full Version : Surface adhesion distribution version

09-17-2011, 03:23 PM
I am working on a version of distribution pipe. This version addresses three issues with the normal "slot" design. Two of them relate to the dangers of clogging. The third deals with easy removal of the screen for scraping with nondestructive reattachment.

09-18-2011, 11:35 AM
Adhesion is water's tendency to stick to itself and to surfaces. It is what makes round droplets that can defy gravity and stick to a surface when inverted. It is also the reason that water will run up under a pitcher it the liquid is poured too slowly.

09-18-2011, 11:43 AM
My idea is actually simple. The dual issue concerning clogging can be avoided by allowing the discharge to flow unimpeded through larger openings than provided by the screen filled slot method. This version has ¼” holes on the top above the screen. The holes point up. This will allow any detritus to pass up and over the distribution pipe. Adhesion causes the water to run down and around the pipe onto the screen for unrestricted flow. The free flowing design is resistant to clogging and therefor the danger of the water backing up causing damage is addressed.

09-18-2011, 11:54 AM
The other issue is that of the easy removal of the screen for scraping. This design is composed of a 1 ½” Tail pipe. It is a part made for a sink. The pipe is threaded at one end and incorporates a lock ring. There is an endcap on the pipe composed of a “test cap” friction fit in place. It makes for easy removal to clean the inside of the pipe.

09-18-2011, 12:03 PM
The final element is the screen suspension method. It is held in place with strips of the plastic canvas itself and secured with hot glue forced through the mesh. Notice the top edge. It is a “spine” from a report cover. It is slipped in place to provide two purposes. One is to provide rigidity to the screen, the other is to provide small adjustment of the top of the canvas. The spine can slide up a little to provide good contact with the distribution pipe. When the water flows up and over the sides of the pipe it will fall down the sides of the pipe and due to the spine continue on down the screen on both sides.


09-18-2011, 05:28 PM
It does make some thing easier, but you'll need to watch out for growth on the pipe, and getting enough flow without shooting water upwards.

09-18-2011, 07:34 PM
It will be painted black with krylon fusion paint. There are enough holes of size to divide pressure. The whole pipe comes off for cleaning buildup will not be an issue.

09-20-2011, 02:13 PM
I tried something like that a while back. Unfortunately, it did not work for me.
It actually worked at first, but as soon as there was a little growth on the sides of the pipe,
those bumps caused the water to separate from the pipe.
So on the underside, instead of flowing back toward the screen, a lot of water dripped off immediately to the side.

That said, pipe size and flow rates may make a big difference, and you might be able to reduce
light spill better, and not get that growth.
So I don't want to appear too pessimistic.

Another thought was to make a teardrop shape, where the water would be more likely to
remain attached to the pipe.

Floyd R Turbo
09-20-2011, 08:46 PM
One thing is that the slot clogging generally is not an issue is you protect the inlet to the overflow with a strainer system, and the other thing is that by adding the holes on top you disallow pressure buildup at the slot junction which will actually promote easier growth at the slot junction, and while I can't see the slot it seem that the wedge design would push into the slot and prevent water flow, or maybe that's the idea...not to poo poo your idea, it's pretty original. I just have never heard anyone say that their slot tube junction clogged and overflowed their tank. But for anyone that's really worried about it, this is a potentially great idea. Mind if I post it on the RC thread and other threads?

09-21-2011, 03:44 AM
The idea is to do away with the slot. The water should spill up and flow down around the distribution pipe. The pipe shown is 10" long x 1 1/2" diameter. The holes are big 1/4"

09-21-2011, 03:46 AM
Thanks for posting it for me. Please credit me, Aquayne.

12-05-2011, 09:14 PM
so any update on this? did it work?

12-30-2011, 01:43 AM
I'd like to know if that hanging method worked.
I can't see how he can get even water distribution using that page-cover comb

01-05-2012, 11:21 AM
I tried this method with 3/4" pipe and large 1/4" holes spaced 3/4" apart. When the holes were pointed up, i got 80% canvas coverage. When i pointed them down, i got 60% canvas coverage. And lots of splashing that I couldn't stop by changing the flow rate.
So i built a new distribution pipe with a 1/8" slot from end to end. With the canvas inserted into the slot and zip tied in place, i get 100% perfect coverage and zero splashing at the same flow rate.
case closed

Floyd R Turbo
01-09-2012, 12:33 PM
Yes I imagine it would be somewhat difficult to get the flow rate stabilized perfectly in every hole, meaning some will flow better than others, leaving dead spots on the screen. I didn't think of that one.