View Full Version : Build-diary: 240L ATS only system
09-19-2011, 05:18 AM
Hi all,
This is going to be my first ATS only reef aquarium.
And (if whishfull, otherwise remove the topic please) i want to take you all on the tour i'm making to get the tank set-up.
So let's talk about the hardware.
Display Tank: 120 x 40 x 50 cm (240 Liters) with external overflow and 3 sides open
Lighting: 6* 54 watt T5 for DT (12/12 and 10/12)
Current: 4x 5000l/h with controller
ATS: SM100 clone; 900cm2; 96 watts 3000K T5 (18/6); gravity fed via 25mm (1") pipe; drain 40mm (1,6")
Return Pump: AM OR2500
September 2011-> End October - Building
End Oktober / mid November - Start Aquarium
Current status
Finaly my old aquarium is sold, so the first thing I had to do was to rebuild my AQ stand. The dog when she was a puppy bit of a corner :lol:
current status: new basecoat is applied..will be finished end of this week
Then I started with building the ATS. As told it is a SM100 clone (thanks very much SantaMonica for providing the desins free of charge!!)
It is 12mm furniture wood, which is going to be laminated on the inside with acrylic for a water tight fit.
Regarding the drain, because that's where most likely the leaks will start, i came up with the folowing idea:
45mm hole in the plexiglas
60mm hole in the woden base
This way the tank throughput is only connected to the acrylic glas, and the changes of leakage are minimised.
ToDo coming weeks
- Finishing the stand
- Finishing the ATS
- Building together the T5 Lights vor the ATS
- Building the power board
09-21-2011, 11:14 PM
cant wait to see this one
09-26-2011, 05:26 AM
Update Week 2
Been versy buisy this weekend..hereby the results
Aquarium Stand
Have applied a second layer basecoating, and yesterday evening @ 23:00 finished the first layer of finishing coating (black). Pictures will folow. Also added doors to the stand
Have made the acrylic interior for the scrubber, glued everything together, added the drain and bought the screen material.. For water tightness i made the hole in the wooden base a bit bigger, so the drain only makes contact with the plexiglass. For the same matter i will add a bit of aquarium silicone on the inside edges.
3. All glued together
4. Drain (40mm)
5. Drain bottom detail
6. Canvas
ToDo coming week(end)
- Apply aquarium silicone
- building together the ATS lighting
- building a cover for the ATS
- Finishing paintwork for the aquarium stand
- Start on the electronics
10-04-2011, 04:14 AM
Weekly up-date #3
This week a little proges made.
hereby the results
Aquarium Stand
Last week I finished the paintjob, and placed the stand on it's final location. I started with plumbing and the electronic installation.
Made the ATS water tight with some aquarium silicone, and tested it for leaks by filling it half way and left it for a couple of hours. Luckelly it worked out :)
Also created the light fixtures for the ATS.
Water Test
Exploded view from the ATS
Lamps i'm going to use
Artistic shot ;)
10-04-2011, 05:31 AM
All that looks really good, nice build!!!!
10-04-2011, 09:59 AM
As told it is a SM100 clone (thanks very much SantaMonica for providing the desins free of charge!!)
The detail diagram is greatly appreciated. Thanks SM
Eventually will go vertical.
Nice build Doompie.
Best of luck.
10-05-2011, 08:38 AM
Looking good. I tried a very similar design with mine (thread: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1461 ( but I had a lot of trouble getting the acrylic watertight the first time. I'm also using 8 T5 NO lights, but they are working well. Glad you didn't have the problems with leakage I did (but watch out for it nonetheless) :)
I'll keep watching this one!
10-09-2011, 01:43 PM
Thanks for the consers, i applied an extra layer of aquarium-silicone this week :D
Up-date week #4
Roughed the canvas with the saw from a hole-saw.
Result from 1 canvas
Lighting wired up and tested..
Everything is set except for connecting the wires. I forgot to buy some of the power supplies, so this got stucked this weekend. tbc. next week..
For exchanging the nessacery with the good, my girl and so we started with creating the aqua scape..
Scaping in the living room..tried to catch the depth here..
View from my hot-seat #1
View from my hot-seat #2
View from my hot-seat #3
Total view on the livingroom side
Other side
Will add some live-rock to seed, and let it grow purple ;)
- Finishing the power work
- Fixing the pipes
- building the lighthood
10-09-2011, 02:51 PM
Awesome build! nice aquascaping too. looking forward to seeing this getting wet.
10-16-2011, 01:28 PM
Weekly up-date #5
I was a little short in time this week, and did mainly things that take alot, and don't do any visual addition..
Connected all the power outlets, timers and switches.
Also the pipe-work has been done. Cutting the slot was not an easy job. Luckely had some trail piece. Did the cut with a grinder. It's exactly 3 mm wide. On the pictures the ATS lights are on.
The slot
Rubber ring in ATS
Also did the woodwork for the lighthood, and ordered sand. 25 kilo's.
I could not test it already because I forgot to buy 1 piece of pipe-work.. :(
10-16-2011, 02:20 PM
love it
10-16-2011, 10:13 PM
nice.. well planned... :D
10-26-2011, 02:04 AM
Thanks for the compliments!
Hereby the 6th weekly update..
It's WET!
Finnaly could do some test running, and found a few things that need to be adjusted just a little.
The canvas has been roughed, cut and fitted in the prepared slot pipe. Fixed them with a small tie-wrap all the way to the top of the inside of the pipe..
I found I need to cut out a little piece for where the outflow from the ATS is. See picture:
Test run
Did some pretesting on the pipework. Just putted the outflow of the pump directly into the overflow box, to see if all pipe connections were water tight.. Luckely it was first time right.
So then i filled up the tank with sand and osmose water, and got it running for the whole evening. After a little bit of fiddeling with the flow, it now runs completely quiet ! Which also made my GF very happy :lol:
The flow over the screen does look ok. Water is equally distributed, have a water level of about 2cm inside the ATS, which is fine. Only "problem" is tiny air bubbles in from the outlet of the ATS. I will add a T piece to it and see if that solved that problem.
I've added two fans to the ATS light fixtures for a little cooling and airflow.
Also ordered a set of fans for fitting in the lighthood for abvious reasons.
To the bottom of the ATS I fitted some plasticfoil to prevent water hitting the woodwork. Also going to make a cover plate for the sump.
One important test was the power failure. So I switched off, the pump and see what happend.. Lucky the sump handeled all the water, and even got a little extra space. Sofar..So good..
Here some pics of the system in power failure test (omly light is active because i wanted to have a close look off-course):
Sump area
DT with (still) unpainted hood without cover
perspective from seating position
Front view
So the ToDo list quickly shortens now :D
- fine tuning (named points)
- Finishing lighthood (paint, add fans)
- Add salt (that's going to happen tonight)
- Distribute the sand
- Add T-piece to the outflow of the ATS
- install streamers
- install heater
- install top-off system
- go and buy few pieces of fresh live-rock (ASAP after today)
- wait for the algae to grow..
Getting more and more excited now 8-)
10-28-2011, 07:18 AM
Oke, time for a quick up-date:
I've added live-rock last Wednesday evening. Yesterday evening, i saw the first spores of algae on the screen. Both green and brownish, looks like it's going to work..will take some pics of it tonight (after first full 18 hours lighting)
Live-Rock was realy realy fresh out of the box (so no skimmer has wasted it). It was stamped on the airport @ 14:50h .. in my aquarium @ 20:00h
Already Spotted allot of worms, fethers, weeds.. everything what is on it, is growing. Coraline algae color up brightly, worms and fethers got out of the rock within a day..I am really surpised up till now.
To be honest, I don't expect peaks during the cycle. All living things are supplied with food because it's not being removed by a skimmer, so hopefully most has survived and just a little died. hopefully the surviors kick in strong to break down the deaths, so the peaks really won't come..
Also added a T-piece, but not the expected result. So I came up with another idea to get rid of the micro bubbles.
Going to make an 180 degree bent upward, add an Y-piece up-side down so that it's partially above the water level of the sump and works as an air vent.. hopefully that's going to work without big loss of flow..
All the other equipement except for the auto-top-off-system is installed. System seems to work reliable.
Only got one issue with the DIN-rail timer for the display lighting. It's fried because of the current from 6*54 watts T5. According the specs it should be able to handle that (16A / 277V) but apperantly it can' ordered one that can handle more current, till that time i've installed an "oldschool" plug-in type. (hope that will survive a week)
Trying to give the hood a paintjob this weekend..
So far, So good..
11-01-2011, 12:46 AM
Hereby some video's I made yesterday evening (shot with iPhone)
Last thursday I've added two nice pieces of live-rock. So the tank is cycling since then (today is the 5th day, video's made on day 4)
Had a big issue with micro bubbles which is finaly solved now. Still a little in the display, but acceptable for me.
Screen is growing nicely brown, but also some rocks in the display have spores of algae on them. Hope the Scrubber will out compete them shortly.
First one is the main display tank. (sorry my girl was vacuum cleaning in an other room..) tank it self is realy silent.. ... WVK1UsyV6k (
Technical area underneath the tank, including my bubble trap. ... R6ZKSxp2Kg (
Screen growth after 4 days: ... 9DAtXrMswE (
I would like to get some feedback on it :geek:
11-01-2011, 06:51 AM
Not bad growth for just a few days. Thats a nice looking tank.
11-01-2011, 07:19 AM
I like the bubble trap, might try it
11-01-2011, 11:35 AM
The rock algae does not have long to live :)
11-02-2011, 02:21 AM
Thanks for the replies! That gives good hope :)
Just waiting now..
A few questions popped into my head, hope someone can answer them..
1) should i do the first cleaning after 10 or 7 days? Or maybe wait longer till the algae turn green?
2) should I already start with adding kalkwasser into the top off to supply the crust algae, or wait until the test says to do so?
Will do some nutrient measurements tonight. No test for ca/mg yet.
11-02-2011, 08:49 AM
You could wait or clean it at 7 days. I have done both ways and didn't see any noticeable differences.
11-02-2011, 10:22 AM
This will be very helpfull with my new build.. thanks for sharing!
11-04-2011, 03:03 PM
Thnx Karry, I will wait till day 10..
Thnx RkyRickstr, sharing it with pleasure.
So hereby a new up-date.
Today is te 8th day of the scrubber growing with live-rock in the tank.
Came home from work and was supprised to see the rock algae in the display are loosing fast!
So wondering how the scrubber was looking, i removed the light unit, and was realy supprised.
Display tank
ATS Growth
Screen overview (color picture, miss focussed on the water)
Did some measurements too:
Po4 from above:
11-08-2011, 10:55 AM
Up-date week #8
This week was the week of the first cleaning! For the rest I'd only looked at the tank :)
Just scraped off the canvas with an old credit card.
The bald spot was because of flow interruption by a piece of PU foam in the pipe, which came out after I washed it.
So here are some pics
Side A:
Side B:
11-08-2011, 11:58 AM
Looking good, I really like how you have it setup as well. Thanks for sharing.
11-08-2011, 12:14 PM
Nice growth you have!!
11-08-2011, 12:31 PM
Could not be a better first week.
11-12-2011, 03:39 AM
Thnx very much, i'm also very very pleased..
Here i the new up-date, 6 days after first cleaning..
Images.. than words
Display tank
Rocks in display (algae almost gone, and green...)
Coralline algae growing nicely
Other side of tank..
Algae on the screen..
And now the fun part..
No2: between 0,025 and 0,05
Po4: <0,02 - not measureable
No3: <0,5 - not measureable
In other words: YES ! tank cycles realy realy fast..
11-17-2011, 12:20 AM
Cleaning Round #2
I waited untill day 10, and actually couldn't wait longer.
Growth is just crazy, no the nitrate did not peak..
So for the same reason I placed the first creatures last sunday.
a pair of heremite crabs, who seem happy and eat all day..and a piece of starpolyps which is growing nicely..
Still got some No2, so will wait with fish untill the bacteria are full grown..whish they where as efficient as the algae..
Hereby some pics.
Before Cleaning:
Screen Side A:
Screen Side B:
Thinkness in compare to a lighter:
Top view of screen:
Cleaned screens:
Everything cleaned and ready for action again:
Weight: 1120 grams (!!)
Small leather which is finding the rocks.
No2: Around 0,025 - 0,05
No3: Not mesureable (<0.5)
Po4: Not measureable (<0.02)
11-17-2011, 12:36 AM
I'm so jealous, I want growth like that!
Great progress well done.
11-17-2011, 06:25 AM
Thnx Nickq, just tying my best..
Here is something I forgot to mention..
This is the starpolyp on Sunday 13-11-2011: (iphone pic)
the same starpolyp on Wednesday 16-11-2011 (3 days of growth..)
That's what I call growth !
How is that compared to a skimmer surviving version of this coral? ;)
11-17-2011, 06:45 AM
Very nice, I just added a much larger pump to my scrubber last night. I hope to get some REAL green growth now.
11-17-2011, 10:56 AM
That's my favorite type of 3D growth... a cross between lettuce and hair. Let's flow and light go very deep into it.
11-25-2011, 04:25 AM
Thnx very much for the replies! realy appreciate that..
Hereby an Up-date..
As my motto is: Pictures taken Wednesday 23-11-2011
Favita "Red eye" brain..added last Sunday
Start Polyp.. has grown "a bit" :)
And from above
Turbo Snail, added 10 of them last sunday
View from the short side
Just a view
One of the heremite crabs
Sand Star
Total cabinet,, really nothing else than just an ATS
FTS: Wednesday 23-11
FTS: Thursday 24-11
----------------- Measurements Thursday 24-11---------------
Po4: <0,02
No3: <0,5
No2: <0,01 (finally the bacteria have grown big enough)
For the rest I REALY ONLY LOOKED @ my tank.. Done NONE maintenance since last cleaning (today 9 days ago)
So start adding fish already? or maybe better to wait a little longer..?
11-25-2011, 06:19 AM
Looks awsome!!!
Quick question.. why not sell those pumps and get a vortech.. would look alot cleaner...
11-25-2011, 08:27 AM
Looks ready to go.
Nice big rock shelf... could put a group of clams there.
11-26-2011, 02:27 AM
This is a great build. Nice wood working skills and I love the clean layout underneath the stand. I was thinking it might help to put in a emergency overflow drain in your ATS just in case the drain gets clogged with hair algae for some reason. I would put it 2" up on the left end so that it can drain in the sump.
11-28-2011, 12:14 AM
Looks awsome!!!
Quick question.. why not sell those pumps and get a vortech.. would look alot cleaner...
Thanks very much!
That's absolutely true, but the advantage I have now is the changing direction of the flow.
Could be a future upgrade though..
Looks ready to go.
Nice big rock shelf... could put a group of clams there.
Thnx SantaMonica!
I'm looking out for some fish now, and continue with the expand of the coral collection..the clam shelf is actually a realy nice idea.
This is a great build. Nice wood working skills and I love the clean layout underneath the stand. I was thinking it might help to put in a emergency overflow drain in your ATS just in case the drain gets clogged with hair algae for some reason. I would put it 2" up on the left end so that it can drain in the sump.
Thanks allot!
I will take that in consideration, but am planning to go for the new to come design, really would love to become (exclusive) lincensed builder for my far as I know I'm the first in my country with an ATS only tank..
Also time for a little up-date:
My LED's are on their way..I've ordered two 50 watt growlight bar's..hope they will at least perform as good as the T5's do..and hopefully the temperature in the cabinet will drop a little then..
Cleaning round #3
Laster Saterday was day 10 again. So time for cleaning..
Growth side A
Growth side B
Harvast..(bad pic sorry)
Display tank status:
Starting to get really clean..
11-29-2011, 10:23 AM
Looking good, nice growth too. Have you decided on fish yet?
11-30-2011, 12:30 AM
Thnx Kerry!
About the fish, I want to get started with a Tang..
Last weekend I went to the LFS and seen a small blue tang (Acanthurus leucosternon), it was fresh import, but I want to make "sure" that it is healthy..So will go and check this weekend how it looks.
But still unsure if my tank fits it's needs..
so other choises are the "basic" Zebrasoma flavescens, the Paracanthurus hepatus or maybe go for the (more exclusive) Acanthurus lineatus..
Other candidates for the very near future (in whished stocking order):
- a couple of Valenciennea strigata (Considering to start with them..)
- Ecsenius stigmatura
- Synchiropus splendidus (manderin) (realy realy realy want to be sure they will survive in a young tank)
- Gobisoma evelynae
- Pterapogon kauderni
- Chelmon rostratus (risky..)
- Pseudochromis fridmani
For later (when my coral collection has grown)
- a group of four Pseudanthias evansi
So around 15 fish is my goal.
Because there is no real balast on the tank currently, the growth now is just a very thin green layer (3 days after cleaning)..So it realy is time to start stocking and feeding..
This friday my LED lighting will arrive. I have ordered two 50 watt growlight bars, let's see if that can boost the growth a bit more..
11-30-2011, 12:36 AM
advise on the Tangs and other fish is welcome..
11-30-2011, 06:33 AM
The yellow or pacific blue are good starter choices, the striped surgeon (clown) is a pretty big fish. I really like the yellow tangs but I do not have enough tank for one. I do like the mandarin fish and have one. I have a 10G dedicated to raising pods, it produces hundreds if not thousands. They cover the glass, crushed coral, and live rock. I have the mandarin in a 10G Nano as well. Every couple days i rotate out 3 pieces of very porous live rock (each is about about 4"x7") between this tank and my pod breeder tank. This keeps him fat and happy. I also do the same to my 40G but only about once a week seen there is not a fish in there that exclusively feeds on pods. I want to get one for my 40G as well but its hard to find one at the locals that are fat, they always get in ones that are skinny. I have the Pseudochromis porphyreus which is very close to your fridmani, great contrasting fish!! Really pops in a reef tank!! Those cardinal fish are great to, i have the spotted (PJ), very striking color and pattern when full grown. as far as the goby goes I have the yellow watchman, hides in a rock hole most of the time and darts out to get food at feeding time. Never had any blenny fish yet. That butterfly could be risky as you say, I have a risky fish as well, its a coral beauty. Had it a few months + with no issues to the reef. I have added a couple new fish since I added him and he chases them for a couple days to establish his territory but then its all fine.
12-07-2011, 04:48 AM
Thanks alot Kerry, seem like we got a bit of the same taste regarding fish :)
It's not my first reef tank though..
But i've got my first pair of Valenciennea Strigata's as a present from my girl last monday, and I've ordered a Acanthurus leucosternon 8-)
When I can keep the Valenciennea Strigata for more then a year...the ATS will be a very big success..
As for the ATS. It's now on LED :!:
So here we go with the Up-date.. Cleaning #4
As mentioned i switched the ATS toward LED. Last saterday i was able to pick them up from the postal office.
Two of these units:
So I've installed them when the ATS was off on Saterday, which was day 7 after cleaning #3. Just to see if the LED's will keep the growth going, or i should adjust the distance..
I did the cleaning last Monday evening (timing issue with tuesday) which was @ day 9..
Growth side A
Side B
LED action picture, after the cleaning
Display tank status after the ATS cleaning (tank is not cleaned)
So and off-course some coral pics.. denser and grown in area
Favita "Red-eye".. colours are getting much more intense, all mouths are wide opened..
And my button colony..which started with +/- 15 buttons..2 weeks ago
Happy user :D
12-07-2011, 05:15 AM
Thats not bad growth really. Looks like its yellowing just a little, could be from the lights being a little to close. Those corals are looking great to!!!!
12-07-2011, 05:36 AM
Thats not bad growth really. Looks like its yellowing just a little, could be from the lights being a little to close. Those corals are looking great to!!!!
Thnx very much.
On one side I already increased the distance a bit it's now about 5 cm away from window which is 8cm from screen .. the other side i will do tonight..that's still @ 3cm from screen.
12-09-2011, 02:49 AM
little up-date.
The first fish in my tank i got from my girlfriend last monday..a couple Valenciennea strigata..
Made a short video with my iphone..
anders moon
12-14-2011, 12:12 AM
very very nice srubber u have there!!!
What are the name or brand of the ledīs?
12-14-2011, 05:51 AM
Thanks allot Anders moon!
yesterday I took some pictures that I would like to share with you guys. (ans girls ;) )
Just some random pictures of the tank status, except for one.
There is something hanging aside of a rock, which looks like 2 "egg baggs". There transparant, and have "something" in there. I realy have no idea what it could be, so if one could help me out, would be appreciated.
Here's a is a picture of it...
So now just some pics of the animals:
12-14-2011, 06:15 AM
Beautiful.. excellent build.. love it.
12-14-2011, 08:46 AM
Can u share some info on the light?
12-14-2011, 02:05 PM
Lights on the ATS are from eshine.
3G 50 watt growlight.
I found the main issue btw. The canvas where pulled too tight, which transformed them a bit..dumb dumb..
12-14-2011, 10:21 PM
what lights are using in your Display tank? TIA
12-14-2011, 11:25 PM
RkyRickster, Thanks for the compliment..
Ace, I use 6x 54watt t5 lights..
3x daylight (10000k) and 3x 20000k blue.
12-30-2011, 01:51 AM
Very nice scrubber you've built.
Please prvide more detail on exactly how you're hanging the canvas from the slot in the top pipe. I'd like to avoid the issue you had with pulling too tight and "deforming" it.
01-10-2012, 01:28 AM
Alright just a little up-date..
It's been rumorous in my home the past weeks, and the tank has suffered a bit of no attention..
Living room has been re-painted, holidays and a lot of going out to birthdays where just some of the causes..
I had put some frags in without glueing them, the heremites played with them and almost all ended in the sand. Which off-course is not very good for SPS corals..In the christmas holiday after a (way too quick) cleaning, one seal had decided to go and leak, so the tank has been without a scrubber for almost 4 full days before I rebuilded a compelte new one and all was dry..
But that will not happen to me again, since I have a found a local plastic company who is producing now for very very reasonable money..
The test with the LED's has suffered from this leakage also.. One of the units is 50% gone..still did not have had any real steady growth with that is postponed for next month..currently re-stabalising the tank with T5's.
Results with the T5 in my case are just amazing..after just 1,5 week the tank is recovered, growth is back on track and i'm satisfied :)
Next weekend is my birthday..I have placed the vortech mp40 high on my whish-list to replace the streamers.
But for now just some pics before disaster stroke..will up-date later this week from recovery..
Cleaning 15-12:
Side A
Side B
Display tank status 24-12-2011
SPS frag 17-12
Same 24-12
Star polyps 24-12
Montipora Confusa 24-12
Favita 24-12
Strigata goby
Caliendrum (blueish)
Other zoo's
Table growing SPS
Confusa different side
The last cleaning whsh caused dissaster..
LED only (2 e-shine 50w) growth 10 days on 9 hours
Side A
Side B
And I was asked to "save" a powder blue tang..
Status 13-12
Status 27-12
Will take some shots later this week about the current status..
Floyd R Turbo
01-10-2012, 06:32 AM
I hadn't looked through this whole thread in a while. You have built a very nice scrubber! Your first heavy growth week pics look like they could beat out my system. As for the down-time of the scrubber, there's really not much to worry about. Put the screens in the sump to keep them wet. Even if the new box takes a week to build, your system will be OK. The N and P will drop down in a day or two after putting the new one online and your tank inhabitants will not know the difference. I had to move the contents of a tank when a crack developed, and again when I had the new tank in place. In both instances, the system went without a scrubber for at least 7 days and I had no problems. The first week of growth with the scrubber back online was always phenomenal, followed by a decline in growth the next period (I can't say 'next week' anymore since I clean every 10 days now).
Impressive growth... so jeallous.. :(
04-13-2012, 02:30 AM
Small up-date on Micro organisms..
1) Normal Cleaning
2) Long shutter time to see the particles in the water
3) Schrimp with eggs.. have two them, both have eggs..
4) A colony of...? plus some coraline
5) A schrimp tickled this coral, nice to see some sponges grow between it..
6) Transperant sponge(?) and some yellow sponge
7) Realy no idea, but it grows..
8) Rock bottom ;)
9) A colony of bagpipes..
10) Rich micro life on a stone
11) Here the sand is blown away, and underneath the bottom protector, there had formed some kind of "micro organism fram"
12) Not briljant, but same with flash..
13) These guys are still alaive and growing:
14) streamer
================================================== =================================================
================================================== =================================================
================================================== =================================================
IN " SUMP" pictures..
15) Sump front window
16) ..
17) Tubes on the sump floor
18) ...
19) 4 days growth..
20) Tech:
21) outflow.
04-13-2012, 07:53 AM
Great growth, and nice pics of the tank contents. Thank you!
04-17-2012, 08:37 AM
can you share how did you assemble your outflow? Mine scrubber drains directly into the sump and causes a lot of micro bubbles in my DT. Have not been able to fix that yet. please share :)
04-21-2012, 03:31 AM
Wonderfull tank you have !!!
I am going to make a new reef tank as well and start like you >>> Skimmer less :)
BTW, lived in Holland for 4 years, Haarlem....
04-23-2012, 01:44 PM
Thanks very much..
The outflow I will take picutres of very soon..I'm a bit busy lately with work..
@Jaseon, Thanks, Haarlem is a nice city, and close too Amsterdam..
Few Coral Shots, sorry, unedited...:
04-27-2012, 03:24 AM
I've increased feeding..
Last cleaning: 10 days growth
LED side:
T5 side:
Screen growth
04-27-2012, 03:29 AM
Looks good :cool:
I would try to get rid of the aiptasia. Before you know it, you"ll have lots otherwise.
04-27-2012, 03:53 AM
I know.. I've got me a Chelmon Rostratus for that, but he/she's not very willing yet..
So might go looking for other alternatives soon..
Floyd R Turbo
04-27-2012, 07:53 AM
What's that bare yellow patch? At first I thought it was where you had started to clean, but the subsequent pics show it after cleaning. Strange yellow area...
Otherwise, you can tell there is quite a bit of difference between T5HO and LED side. Looks similar to the test that SM did on one of his units.
05-04-2012, 09:40 AM
1) Sand snail..since week 7
2) and buddy
3) Feeding it self
4) Lether..
5) Anamone
6) FTS 27-4-2012
7) Anti aitapsia two of them..sadley they eat the anamone the first night..
8) hitch hiker snail which has grown
9) find the snails..
10) Favita
11) Hunting
12) Morning picture..facinating what grows in between the coral
13) baby turbo
14) Changed the lighting .. replaced 2 bulbs for True acnetic and acnetic blue plus
15) Heremite feeding..
16) cleaner schrimp with eggs which have grown..
17) Aitapsia is a pain..but the caliendrum goes well
18) dwarf
19) because it was posing..
05-04-2012, 12:32 PM
Real nice tank you have there.
I suppose you were told that berghia nudibranch only eats aiptasia. That wouldn't make a very good predator. The kalk method works better, even though it takes a bit more effort.
05-14-2012, 09:13 AM
the copperband should take care of the aiptasia
05-14-2012, 12:33 PM
I wish my copperband would. Only interested in frozen food.
05-14-2012, 06:39 PM
Mine never did until I went on vacation for 10 days. I came back and all of the aiptasia were gone...
Mine never did until I went on vacation for 10 days. I came back and all of the aiptasia were gone...
Does that mean if you don't feed Mr copperband for a while, he will find something else to eat, ie. Mr Aiptasia !
Floyd R Turbo
05-15-2012, 12:34 PM
Yes, I know that our local high school (which has 16,000 of SW) has copperbands and feeds them only aiptasia
05-15-2012, 01:42 PM
That was my experience, and I've been aiptasia free since, although, sadly, I'm now copperband free as well...
05-16-2012, 05:04 AM
My copperband nicks the food intended for the rest of the fish. However, I am going away today for a few days and No. 1 son is looking after the feeding. Anything could happen.
05-16-2012, 07:42 AM
Sadly to say my copperband has got his sailors grave..he stopped eating just so..I tried to get him on froze food, by supplying live an frozen..but he stopped taking both live and frozen.
Sadly also no interest in aitapsia..ive got the snails and the peppermint scrimp left, but they are too slow maybe look for a file to borrow :)
Good things:
Air addition..I'm keeping it! Growth is crazy and very very dense and very strong strings..
Finally decided on a new surgeon..and got me a pair of kaudernis which all are doing great so far. They really fattend up. Will post pics soon..
Doompie - trying to get my head around your ATS lighting, please correct me if I am wrong. 96watts on a screen 900 square cm (145 square inches) = 0.66 watts a square inch. That is low to guidelines but you had massive growth. You didn't just have growth, you had mega growth.
12-10-2012, 01:13 AM
please let me know what kind and which brand of Salt did you use?
01-15-2013, 01:19 AM
@Garf: correct, I use 50w LED + 48 watt T5 ever since..
The salt I used is from Red-Sea.
Just an up-date on the past months:
After a huge plague of aiptasia, which I overcame with the help of a Acreichthys tomentosus, the tank has had a hard time. Also because I was VERY busy privatly (finishing a master), which messed up my steady maintenance routines. No3 started to raise seriously, corraline declined, tank algae started growing and some lifestock has left :( . After finalazing, I kicked back by 4 to 7 days cleanings for the last 2 months and now finally things are starting to become more stable. Never had any other growth than green on the screen..
The ATS really is fantastic, but low on maintenance (like 2 week routines) really had some bad effects in my case.
Now I again harvast massive amounts of algae, about 1 kilo (expressed) in a week and that you can see in the display of course.
Currently the algae in the tank are declining, but not gone yet.
I still have some red algae growing and green bubble algae, which of course is a bad situation which might be related to the No3 readings. Help on that subject is welcome...
I have in mind to do a WC, to speed up the no3 issue..should I?
The reading on P is <0,02 and the N03 is ~25 (down from skyhigh 100+)
the crazy thing is that even though these no3 readings, the sponges became massive in numbers and size..
For now I will keep up the cleaning routines on 7 days and see if time will solve the last issues. When the tank is back to stable I will expand the life-stock again...for now I enjoy my schrimps, crabs, fishies and some lethers :)
Thanks for reading and your help!
Welcome back. "a masters" hey. I thought you must have been put in prison. You not done any waterchanges then ? Good to here things are getting back on track.
01-16-2013, 07:08 AM
Thnx garf.. computer sciences.. but he that's not as interesting as the spare time investigation in biology :)
For now not done any waterchanges, but maybe I will go forward doing a major one.
Have ordered myself new display lighting: 56*3watt LED in custom spec. Am very curious how that will work out. Expecting it to arrive in about 2 weeks.
The theory is that more food in the water, because of the ATS, + more light would mean more coral growth (when the element supply can keep up).. let's hope so..
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