View Full Version : Red Turf Algae...

09-20-2011, 08:49 PM
I know this has been discussed prior. Tried searching and I just get cyano posts 8(

Anywho, I got a PB tang that loves the stuff, but is not nearly keeping up with it. I have read up on it and it's predators, but I don't want too add livestock if I can help it.

From what I can recall from previous threads re: this stuff. A scrubber won't out compete it, and instead creates an ideal environment by culling other macros that would compete? Sound right?

Guess I'm wondering what other scrubbers long term observations are with it; did they go the predator route? Did it putter out?

Addendum: it only affects areas without established coraline. Basically cock blocking any new rock I add from ever being purple.

Thanks for any input.

09-21-2011, 06:00 PM
Wrong. It will go way if your scrubber is working.

09-21-2011, 09:57 PM
It's def not going away. And scrubber is def working, pulling out boatloads of algae weekly.

I will continue to tweak scrubber where I can (add LEDs etc.) up flow and dose iron consistently. Maybe I'll even use a timer hah!

I'll leave off the nori for my PBT, and force 'em to much the RTA instead.

09-21-2011, 10:01 PM
I couldn't phase red turf algae with all my filtration, scrubber, skimmer, GFO, and carbon, along with weekly water changes did nothing to slow down the growth of red turf algae in the display.. what did work great for me for that problem was a few zebra turbo snails. 4 of them ate it all up in about a week after spending close to a year trying to get it to go away on its own and pulling out as much as I could by hand once a month.

09-21-2011, 11:01 PM
Thanks for the reply Ace. In my research it seems that predation is the only cure, and more cow bell 8)

Do you still have remnants lingering? I dispise turbos for their knack at knocking shit over and would use them as a treatment then back to the LFS.

I'm surprised you could manually remove your RTA. Mines akin to red velvet. I'd have to use my fingernail to even get any.

I'll post a pic. Wish this site hosted images...cough...cough.

09-21-2011, 11:20 PM

I used an LED spot to illuminate an area, otherwise it looks like coralin. The whole rock is covered 8(

09-22-2011, 12:11 AM
This was the type of red turf I had.. it was very hard to pull out by hand and had to let it grow a lot to be able to even get a hold of it to pull it out. Even then it was just tiny pieces I could pull out, it was like trying to pull out a brillo pad out of the rocks.. the stuff is very strong and stuck to the rocks better than any other algae I have ever dealt with. Taking the rock out and using a stiff brush to try and scrub it off the rock did nothing, it couldn't remove it. After the turbo snails ate it all I have not had one piece of it show up in my tank and it has been over a year now. I agree with you on Turbos, I hate them as well for the bulldozer reason and why I didn't want to put them in to try and remove the turf, but after a year of fighting it with no luck and plenty of people telling me turbos would fix the problem I decided to try it and it worked.


09-22-2011, 10:19 AM
I had what I thought were ideal conditions and red turf was present. Your variety is rather attractive though. I got medium large turbo snails and they devoured it!

Nothing else worked and what I could read it is due in part to excellent water quality and bright lights. It is really a minor problem with mexico turbos. I really suggest just a few so they have lots to eat!

09-22-2011, 11:49 AM
Thanks for the encouragement Iggy. And that RTA is rather attractive, prob not so much when it's crowding out your tank though. I'll see what my LFS has in the way of turbos today.

09-22-2011, 02:58 PM
I think both of those look good. I like any kind of red in the tank.

10-04-2011, 09:24 AM
I have the same issue. I was over confident that turf wont grow in my tank since I scrub! Wrong! lol... It's not going out of control, which I don't mind. But it may one day and wouldn't want to take that chance.

Problem is that they grow on my overflow... I'll get a few turbos and see if that would help.

10-05-2011, 04:54 AM
Red Turf algae usually indicates low nutrients and bright lights with stable conditions.

I had it before I ran a scrubber and after. It likes my system. Healthy turbos will eat my variety every time.