View Full Version : Planning on setting up my first scrubber, design thoughts?

09-30-2011, 01:16 PM
Hi, I am currently setting up a shallow mixed reef tank and intend to use a scrubber as the main filtration.

I am impressed with the SPS colours when using this method. The tank and sump will hold around 80-90 gallons so I intend to use a 10x10 mesh that will be enclosed in a lidded plastic storage box that will sit in the middle section of the sump.

Hopfully this will help keep evap and light spill to a minimum. I have an eheim 1250 that I plan to use to run the scrubber and am planning on using 21.5mm waste pipe for my slotted pipe.

The screen will be lit by one of these on each side.

http://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Images/Prod ... SL226W.JPG (http://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Images/Products/size_3/GLSL226W.JPG)

They use 2x26w CFLs and are fully waterproof. All I'll need to do is smear some vaseline over the screws to keep them from rusting.

I will add some pictures once I begin the build.

Any comments welcome.

09-30-2011, 07:09 PM
That sounds like a great build. Let see some pics when you get it under way. Good luck.