View Full Version : how much to feed this time around?

10-18-2011, 10:08 AM
well about 2 weeks ago I had to clean 100% of everything off of my scrubber screen so now it is like I am starting over with a new scrubber. I am just starting to get some green growth. This time around I would like to feed like crazy to maximise coral growth. I have new life spectrumax pellets for fish and bulk reef supply "reef chili" (liquid). santa,Do I start off slow or just feed like crazy now?

10-18-2011, 03:12 PM

Best is to feed continuously, especially at night. Liquid food will cause cyano, so increase slowly every 2 weeks until you can't handle any more cyano, then stop. If you want to feed more beyond that, you'll need more scrubbing.