View Full Version : Biocube 14 Scrubber

10-18-2011, 05:30 PM
After reading tons of info about reefing our the past 1.5 months I decided to get back into reefing, I was greatly inspired when I first found and read the algae scrubber thread on Reef Sanctury. Since then I wanted to do something, so I thought I would go small for a while, I shopped around and ended up buying a used Biocube 14. It came equipped with the factory 24w x 2 power compacts. Since this lighting has to go in lieu of a more favorable reef light, I was thinking I could make a scaled down clone of the SM100 and use the original power compact from the biocube. But before I engage in this endevor, I wanted to hear any feedback from anyone before I started DIYing and cut a pile of acrylic. My other thought for a light source was the smallest T5 HO I could get, but I would rather use something I already have available and I dont know much about T5s.

10-18-2011, 07:25 PM
LED's are showing a lot of promise with algae growth. Search this forum for some good info. I have a LED experiment working on my 10G nano right now. The screen is small, only 2.75x6.75. Its lit by 4, 3watt 660nm red LED's at 2" away without any optic lens's, its a single sided horizontal for right now. Seems to have good growth as its comparable to the CFL 23 watt at about 4" away. I am going to get one more week in and then drop the distance to 1" and if its better or worse. Good luck on your build!!!!! Keep us posted and ask some question.

10-19-2011, 03:19 PM
I thought about using LEDs but my confidence level with working with LEDs is currently a little low. But that does not mean I will not try them in the very near future because I have purchased all the componets to DIY a light fixture for my display tank. I am going to put 8 cree XP-Gs (WW) and 13 LP XP-Es (royal blue) over my tank, I think it will be a little much but I can dim them back to where I want them with the tank controller. So if all that goes well I will further investigate how to build a feasible LED grow light for my ATS. In the mean time I have bought 2 X 24W 3000k phillips bulbs for the scrubber and started cutting the acrylic as of this afternoon. Hope it works good, my wife wants to put four small fish in the tank, a Royal Gramma, O. Clown, Purple Firefish, and a Pearly Jawfish, so having enough bioload will not be a problem.

Can you please post your ATS thread link on mine so I and others can follow your thread? I am very fascinated with LEDs and any info that could aid in making a better ATS LED light fixture would be great.

10-20-2011, 08:01 AM
Here is the link for my 150G FW scrubber that was up graded to a dual screen. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1561 (http://www.algaescrubber.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1561) . I am posting some LED stuff later today that I will post and link here later. Here is the link for the LED conversion: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1620&start=0 (http://www.algaescrubber.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1620&start=0) .