View Full Version : Temporary Scrubber

10-29-2011, 08:52 AM

Beafore i can start my new scrubber 3 i have to take down scrubber 2 of the tank. In my scrubber 2 i am using these Steni plates as screens. Just in case my new scrubber 3 not will work i wanted to make sure that my Steni plates that is good run in with algae not drying out.

So yesterday i did make an temporary scrubber for one of my Steni plates just to prevent the plate to dry out. This design was made out of parts i had in the house, and it was made in jus 30 minutes. The screen wil be submerged under water in my tank, the main reason making this scrubber is to keep the alge on one of the Steni plates alive when testing out my new scrubber 3. The algae i hope will stay alive submerged in the tank in this temporary scrubber, but who knows, maybe it also will grow algae, and maybe some 3D growth.

The scrubber is made of two modules, here it is:

This will be placed outside the tank hanging on one of the side glasses of the aquarium:


To the right is the part to be placed inside the aquarium housing the steni plate. You can se the spraybar that is going to be attached to the pump:


Here is both modules placed tougether, the aquarium glass is going to be in the slot between the inside and outside modul:


The water will be flowing over the Steniplate from the spraybar, what do you think, will it work??


10-29-2011, 11:58 AM
Will work, just keep the water spraying out towards the wall, and keep the screen up against the wall.

10-30-2011, 10:28 AM
Will work, just keep the water spraying out towards the wall, and keep the screen up against the wall.

Thanks SM

10-30-2011, 10:39 AM

The scrubber 2 is now stopped and the temporary skrubber with one Steni plate is started.

If this temporary scrubber not only preserve the algae on Steni screen but now suddenly should start to actually producing algae. If this is the case i now see how easy it would be to make a great scrubber.

It is just an ugly fast build temporary scrubber but here are som pictures:

Modul with Steni screen inide aquarium:


Scrubber comlete on tank:


Inside the scrubber:


The Steni plate with algae growth:



10-30-2011, 11:43 AM
I now see what you are doing... putting the screen inside the dispay, under the water. In this case, I'm not sure how far down the growth will go... it's just like a screen flowing down into a sump... the first inch or two in the water will grow, but below that it stops growing. We'll see...

10-31-2011, 01:59 AM

It seems already only after one day that the algae on the screen get some more brown color. Not mutch, but i can see where the flow is strongest on the screen that there is some strings of brown algae. The bown algae seem to be just in the outer layer.

I am thinking of 3 things that can cause this:

1. This design dont work at all
2. The total screen area in the tank are now less than half that i used, and the screen can not handle the nutrients.
3. This design do need some more powerful bulb. The bulb is only 11W, but it is close to the screen, about 2 cm
4. The screen had been running fore 7 days since last cleaning, i did not clean the screen when i put it in the temporary scrubber, maybe i should clean it?

What do you think?


11-06-2011, 11:52 AM

Here are some uppdate pictures of my temporary in tank scrubber, it actually growing algae, it is more slimy and darker, but the screen is also half the size used beafore.

Today i suddenly had something that looked like algae floating in the surface water, some brown stuff that looked like algae. I therfore today cleaned the screen.

This is 6 days of growth submerged in the tank:


