View Full Version : Thoughts on rock algae?

Rumpy Pumpy
12-11-2011, 08:50 AM
This is my screen today, before cleaning (9 days growth)


& after cleaning


Yield (about 9 oz)


All well & good.

However, this is the display tank

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-H3fF8KBrmZg/TuSrr_B5joI/AAAAAAAAA04/o6zvMnjMwQY/s640/2011-12-11%25252013.09.57.jpg https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-qiwG0P_4uVc/TuSru4TKFVI/AAAAAAAAA1A/ARRq06rMO-s/s640/2011-12-11%25252013.10.11.jpg

This GHA problem has been with me for months now and doesn't seem to be getting any better.

I syphon it out every week or so and catch it in a filter sock on the end of the syphon (there is nothing like as much Algae produced in the bag as comes off the screen though), but it keeps on coming.

N & P testing zero.

Tank lights on for 9 hours a day (scrubber on for 18).

Feeding only one cube per day, maybe 5 days a week.

Surely this can't still be P coming out of the rocks can it? It's been going on for months.

Any ideas welcome.

12-11-2011, 01:09 PM
Of course it's still coming out. Mine took 6 months.

As long as N and P are zero with algae on the rocks, it's still coming out.

Rumpy Pumpy
12-11-2011, 01:30 PM
Ok thanks SM.

I'll keep at it.

12-11-2011, 06:25 PM
I'd throw something in there that will eat it in the mean time. You can re-home whatever it is when you run out of algae for it to eat.

12-11-2011, 07:42 PM
As long as the algae stays green.

Eating algae off the rocks will put nutrients into the water which will cause the scrubber to grow darker, which will slow it down.

12-11-2011, 10:15 PM
I have now been using an AS for about a year now. My first one was a screen hanging down and a CFL on each side in a reflector. I was working but, I didn't think fast enough. This summer I built a SM clone. Changed to normal U-tube CFL's with parabolic reflectors. Algae production went up, but I then started burning the algae, to much light.

My tank pictures a year ago looked just like yours. Now, I still have it, but only on a few of my rocks, it is much better. I have one snail that is growing more on it then on the rocks. About once a month, when I am cleaning the glass, I get mad at it and pull it off the rocks. Tonight, I pulled off about 2 oz, my scrubber cleaning yielded 5 oz. The scrubber was 7 days the rocks 4 weeks.

Just be patient, it will get better. I am seeing less and less tank algae and my AS screen is starting to get greener.


Rumpy Pumpy
12-12-2011, 09:43 AM
I'd throw something in there that will eat it in the mean time. You can re-home whatever it is when you run out of algae for it to eat.

Got a tang and and angel which won't touch it plus two or three emerald crabs if they're still alive & various snails.

I bought a sea hare to try to keep on top of it but he hardly made a dent in it and died after a month. I think he ate himself to death.

Rumpy Pumpy
12-12-2011, 09:44 AM
Thanks for the comments and advice above folks.

I'll just keep plugging away at it and hope it eventually runs out of juice.