View Full Version : almost ready to start basic scrubber

12-30-2011, 06:52 PM
Pic (another bad one) of my algae scrubber. The screen is 8.5" x 13". pump is a mag7. Do I want the bottom of the screen in the water, or just above it? Or does it not matter either way? i still have to mount some brackets to attach the lights. All input is greatly appreciated.

side note-i've seen some people using zip ties that may have to be replaced every time. At my hardware store i found cable ties called Mille-Tie, that claims they are 100% reusable. The website listed on the package is http://www.watmaninc.com if anyone wants to check it out. I'm not being compensated for the name drop, just sharing, and i apologize if that violated any board rules.

12-30-2011, 09:41 PM
You want the screen in the water to keep the noise and splashing down.

As long as the flow and lights are good, it looks fine.