View Full Version : Introduction and Newbie Question

01-05-2012, 08:20 PM

Thanks for having this great forum. I have learned a lot from learching around the past week. I am located in beautiful Miami,Florida and I have had fresh and saltwater aquariums on and off for about 20 years, most recently about three years straight now. I am going over to all freshwater (only one 65 gallon saltwater tank left). I have fallen in love with planted tanks. I have access to tons of plants and they seem to do very well and have become a my favorite part of the hobby.

I am currently building a 225 gallon plywood tank (5ft x 3ft by 2ft high). I am debating on whether to place my arowana and a couple of stingray or go planted with fish that won't turn my tank into a salad bar. Leaning towards the salad bar.

Regardless of which way I go, I love the idea of an algae scrubber. A natural, science-based method of reducing nitrates and improving water quality (and reducing water changes) is something I can get behind. I intend to design vertical system but I have one initial question. Where does the ATS go. Is it the first stop for water out of the tank? Does it go in the sump then out to the ATS then up to the tank? Or...what I am hoping is the case...can I incorporate the ATS into the sump and have a everything in one 55 gallon tank?

I appreciate your input and suggestions. I will start a thread with pics once I get a plan rolling.


Floyd R Turbo
01-09-2012, 12:14 PM
Depends on how you build it. You can feed directly off overflow, or via pump in the sump. Either way the effluent ends up in the sump and generally the scrubber sits above or on top of the sump. Since you have to light it, and you don't want the lights to ever touch water, you can't put it directly in the sump. The exception is a single sided screen in the sump, with the light on the outside of the glass, and that has been done, but single-sided screens have their limitations.

Also read up for sure on the feeding-based screen sizing and double-intensity screens

