View Full Version : What do you want in a new scrubber

01-16-2012, 01:02 PM
As the designs for the new scrubber are being finalized, it would be neat to know what features, functions, limitations, or designs you think are needed that you have not been able to have with the current designs.

01-16-2012, 03:07 PM
Quiet quiet quiet quiet...
I've just given up with my sm100 clone I just can't sit next to it when I'm working.
Now I need to try sell it and the LEDs :-(

01-17-2012, 12:44 AM
That's abvious for me:

Small, above / inside tank (optional), Easy too clean (not only the screen but also the "box"), Bubble Free, low on power consumption and cheap!

01-17-2012, 03:55 AM
Easy screen removal.

01-17-2012, 07:16 AM
I like to have a great big Drain Area. I read about the overflow accidents so an emergency or extra large drain would be nice.

01-17-2012, 11:11 AM

01-17-2012, 11:39 PM
i read somewhere (not sure if it's on this site) that activated carbon works well with ATS(?). perhaps it would be cool to have a compartment (at the drain chamber maybe?) where you could place GACs.

Rumpy Pumpy
01-17-2012, 11:47 PM
Self cleaning ;o)

01-18-2012, 12:05 AM
My short list:
Zero light leak
Plug and play plumbing fittings (unions?)
Zero micro bubbles
Quick release/easy clean screen
Mounting options (brackets etc.)
Full LED integration
Print instructions
Feeding chart for each model (X model's min/max food allowance)
Pump requirements for each model ("")

I have more, but I need sleep. Perhaps I'll edit later, though, if I got half these I'd be happy.

01-18-2012, 05:36 AM
More good ones. I've have already considered all these (except the GAC), so if they can be included they will. Of course the DIY versions can have as many of them as you want to take the time to build. The GAC, however, will not be included since it's not really related, and would trap particles.

01-19-2012, 09:01 PM
The main advantage of the new design is vertical compactness. This is what makes it usable for nano's.

All the other things can be built by the user, with more effort. The first versions I'll make will probably be something sized to a large nano or sump, which can be use by either. But of course you can just size things according to what you need (the screen-sizings do not change).

01-20-2012, 01:18 AM
Self cleaning ;o)

hahaha... very very good idea ;)

01-23-2012, 12:15 PM
Hanging kit.
Optional hoses package
Seeded algae screen
Gate valve that continues flow to tank.. no shutting off pumps to clean.
Private line to sm ;)

01-23-2012, 12:37 PM

"Hanging"/placing is included in the designs
Hoses are pretty much included
Most designs can be cleaned without shutting off flow
And cell phone with the bigger designs :)

01-23-2012, 12:45 PM
Awesome, But, I hate the waiting!!

01-24-2012, 01:46 PM
All this expectation if its the same shhhh theres allot of people that would want to kill you.. lol

Space for a fan for cooling would be cool.

01-24-2012, 03:01 PM
Taken care of.

And they really are different, otherwise they could not be patented.

02-03-2012, 06:48 AM
The ability to place the scrubber under the tank and not have to worry about overflowing onto the floor would probably be a good point for most people especially average mom's who get a tank for the kids.

It would need a very securely fitting lid, high pressure pump, maybe some form of level control (or maybe air bubbler for O2 at screen)... I know this adds to the costs, but I'm just thinking on keyboard.... :)

02-03-2012, 11:27 AM
If you mean under the tank like a canister, and not a sump, then it probably would not happen for a while. Very hard to build and make safe.

The first models will be easy to build, and safe, and should be much more resistant to overflow.

02-06-2012, 06:14 PM
Any ideas when one could purchase one of these units? I need one.

02-06-2012, 06:44 PM
Summer time. But they'll be super easy to diy an ugly one; I'll be posting the plans soon.

Floyd R Turbo
02-10-2012, 11:26 AM
quit teasing man how soon?

02-10-2012, 11:41 AM
Attorney got delayed... is starting next week. Says it takes about two months to draft, but we'll try to finish before the end of March. Then a month of testing.

02-14-2012, 08:32 PM
Here's a bit of good news... The new design will no longer require a slot to be cut in a pipe.

02-14-2012, 11:37 PM
Fans incorparated for the scrubber and the lights. keeping lighting cool gives you better output for a longer period of time

02-15-2012, 02:37 AM
Fans are very bad at handling moisture. IMO

Rumpy Pumpy
02-15-2012, 03:31 AM
Here's a bit of good news... The new design will no longer require a slot to be cut in a pipe.


That was the worst aspect of the old version imo.

Floyd R Turbo
02-15-2012, 05:28 AM
Here's one I haven't seen, and IMO is the biggest PITA. I would like to no longer have to clean out the algae out of the box. Every cleaning I have to get in there and scrape the algae out of the corners and floor of the box, around the drains, etc. In my case, I at least have an internal box that is removable. Any other design I've seen is a single enclosure. Go that one solved?

02-15-2012, 07:35 AM
A lot of it is solved, yes.

02-15-2012, 12:37 PM
Nice...how complicated is this new scrubber gonna be?

02-15-2012, 01:40 PM

02-15-2012, 02:07 PM
Man im excited!!! Hurry up lol!!

02-15-2012, 05:40 PM
sounds awesome, no slot to cut either, extra interesting.