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01-21-2012, 04:37 AM
Hi thought I would share what is happening to my dodgy setup atm

Ive had a screen rolling over a baffle for some time now maybe about 4 months not really working tried variuos cheap lights I had lying around and settled on an old t5 with just 1 globe atleast 12 month old I had some growth but nothing that great. seeding imo

The tank was left to die (not intentially just really really busy) no water changes etc on top of this I had an 120w led light that had blown 2 banks so the display was lit with only maybe 40w (over a 2ft cube) in out put, very under lit, the other banks blew from salt creep again from neglect.

I upgraded the display light (radion led) and bang GHA and cyno burst out of the stalls with lightning speed almost overnight I had a major problem. On the glass rocks pumps everywhere!!

a few weeks later I upgraded my screen lights (1 week in now) to 3x3wled (I have another set in case I need 2 running) @ 660nm, i saw on here and bought from leddna on ebay. minus the optics way too bright and was burning, still alittle of that happening now but playing with the time on.

So what is happening is the skimmer has started to go balistic when the new screen leds went on I also started to randomly turn my radion off for a few hours during the day.

Question- when a screen starts to take off what happens to the GHA and others in display... slowly vanish or die and fall off (this is what I find is happening)

Reason I ask is just to extend my knowldge on how it works to tweak what I have until we see this new unit

What do you think?

01-21-2012, 10:12 AM
I never had any huge algae problem but, when my scrubber started to go it was a slow process, about a month I would say. Also be sure your screen is to spec of your feeding, if its not getting real green it may be to big as I have discovered. I built mine a bit over sized to meet future needs but, its seems that was working against my green screen. Its very cheap to down size so I just cut down my screen I am using now and BAM!!! GREEN!!! In 30 hours!!!! I also had to shorten my pipe but its easy going smaller.

01-21-2012, 01:44 PM
Usually it's a slow process.

Floyd R Turbo
01-24-2012, 12:32 PM
I would strongly suggest going to a 2 sided screen and cutting it way down to match your feeding rate using the new guidelines, and then using the other set of LEDs on the other side, starting with 1/2 the photoperiod (9 hours)

Rumpy Pumpy
01-24-2012, 01:07 PM
Slow process is right!

6 months and counting for me!

I think I may have finally seen a slow down in the rate of display tank GHA in the last week/10 days though.

Floyd R Turbo
01-24-2012, 07:02 PM
Slow is likely because your scrubber was very weak. Single sided and likely not adequate laminar flow the way you had it set up.

Rumpy Pumpy
01-24-2012, 10:46 PM
Slow is likely because your scrubber was very weak. Single sided and likely not adequate laminar flow the way you had it set up.

Who mine?

It grows loads of algae, nothing weak about that.

Floyd R Turbo
01-25-2012, 08:48 AM
Oh, I got confused and thought you were the OP.

Rumpy Pumpy
01-25-2012, 09:26 AM
Oh, I got confused and thought you were the OP.

S'Ok. I was a bit confused about that for a moment myself

01-28-2012, 04:20 AM
Cheers for the heads up... I know it should be set up properly. Ill get there soon.

Any ideas on why my skimmer is going off tho? I get a massive stiff foam cloud puffing at the top. I thought that the algea in DT is dying off as the scrubber kicks in and the skimmer is taking all the gunk out? I feed dry food and have so for a least a year as I was seeing algea blooms (when the tank was fine tuned and looking sweet) after I fed frozen cubes.

01-28-2012, 04:25 AM
oh and do you know the light Im refering too? can I wire them together? and any idea how to do it?

01-28-2012, 11:54 AM
Need too see screen pics.