04-23-2012, 04:05 AM
Hello all,
Firstly I must say Kudos to SM and the team for bringing this idea from a mere thought to what it is now. I started reading the posts on RS forum and followed here and this has greatly influenced me in my decision to start with SW tanks.
I currently have two FW tanks 180g and 50g.
I will be waiting for the new release to build my own ATS for the new SW tank that I am planning for (the idea of no skimmer and no other equipment was the major point that pushed me in that direction and my first trial will be on a 50g tank with a sump...I will post about it once the build up starts as I am more than sure I will need your valuable input to help me along the way...
Right now my question is with request to my freshwater setup:
As stated above I have a 180g heavily planted and moderate to heavily stocked. Dimensions are L=2 meters, Width=50Cm and Height = 70Cm.
At the moment, filtration is taken care of using one canister filter with UV (Sun-Sun type) and another "Atman bio tube" (canister-like horizontal tube with smaller tubes filled with filtering material). I use mechanical and biological filter media such as sponges, ceramic rings, bio balls etc. nitrates usually tested at 20ppm, 20% WC every 10 days or so...feeding heavy.
my questions are:
1- will an ATS work with such a tank?
2- will it replace the current filters or supplement them?
3- would there be any negative impact on the existing plants?
Firstly I must say Kudos to SM and the team for bringing this idea from a mere thought to what it is now. I started reading the posts on RS forum and followed here and this has greatly influenced me in my decision to start with SW tanks.
I currently have two FW tanks 180g and 50g.
I will be waiting for the new release to build my own ATS for the new SW tank that I am planning for (the idea of no skimmer and no other equipment was the major point that pushed me in that direction and my first trial will be on a 50g tank with a sump...I will post about it once the build up starts as I am more than sure I will need your valuable input to help me along the way...
Right now my question is with request to my freshwater setup:
As stated above I have a 180g heavily planted and moderate to heavily stocked. Dimensions are L=2 meters, Width=50Cm and Height = 70Cm.
At the moment, filtration is taken care of using one canister filter with UV (Sun-Sun type) and another "Atman bio tube" (canister-like horizontal tube with smaller tubes filled with filtering material). I use mechanical and biological filter media such as sponges, ceramic rings, bio balls etc. nitrates usually tested at 20ppm, 20% WC every 10 days or so...feeding heavy.
my questions are:
1- will an ATS work with such a tank?
2- will it replace the current filters or supplement them?
3- would there be any negative impact on the existing plants?