View Full Version : bryopsis

04-29-2012, 10:33 AM
When we are attacked by this alga, which is the best way to eradicate

The ats alone could??

Rumpy Pumpy
04-29-2012, 12:29 PM

But I recall reading that there's a method of getting rid of it by adding a lot of magnesium. I think it has to be a particular brand though (Kents it might have been).

Worth a Google.

Rumpy Pumpy
04-29-2012, 12:31 PM
Here you go


Floyd R Turbo
04-30-2012, 07:03 AM
You have to knock your N and P down to completely zero. If you scrubber takes out all the N and then P is still present, then run a tiny bit of GFO. This scenario is somewhat typical as N has many export paths (LR, sand bed) but not P, so N will get driven down to zero and P will still be present. Any P will fuel bryopsis (or any other algaes for that matter)

04-30-2012, 10:36 AM
Bryopsis is really hard to get rid of, and it can spread quickly. Take extreme measures early, like just pulling out any rocks that have it, or epoxying over spots where it appears.

05-01-2012, 10:56 AM
thank you all for your answer

05-01-2012, 11:28 AM
I can't stress this enough... Take extreme caution with this algae. If pruned in the tank it will release thousands of spores... The magnesium thing only works for some types of bryopsis, most are known to grow back... This horrible algae should not be taken lightly... I did and have been battling it for over year now... It can go sexual if left untreated, then it will start spread on everything...

Are you positive you have bryopsis? Post a pic, I can ID this stuff in my sleep...

05-05-2012, 12:16 PM
Srusso greetings, I have none thank god, but a friend from another forum who has it, I will get some pictures for you to see

06-19-2012, 07:59 PM
I have Bryopsis, tried BioPellets for 4 months without success and after bleaching some Acros I stopped using BioPellets and started a UAS, seems like it's growth has slowed but nothing near waht I would like be seeing... Srusso, I've seen a thread on RC where you posted using the ATS along with GFO with outstanding results on the before and after picture... I guess I will be following that path

Now my system reads zero nitrates and zero phosphates with salifert... still I will try to get a handle on a hanna po4 test so i can truly know my po4 levels, and I will be adding some RowaPhos to help with it

I was thinking on getting Mag up to 1700 but I'm afraid it will kill the UAS too

Srusso, hope to get you advice here since I can see you successfully beat Bryopsis... PLEASE HELP !!!

06-23-2012, 05:19 PM
I used several rounds of the Mag trick, but the stuff kept coming back in a few places. I finally just pulled the few rocks where it came back, and that seemed to do the trick. I didn't notice any decrease in the HA on the screen with the high mag level, but it definitely did in the bryopsis.