View Full Version : 800 gallon Reef tank Scrubber Build

04-29-2012, 08:18 PM
Hey guys,

Been reading alot on algae scrubbers and want to build one for my new 800 gallon reef tank.

From what i've read, it seems like some people prefer the algae scrubber compared to a protein skimmer for De-nitrifying and lowering phos.

My display tank is on the main floor, and my sump is in the basement.

I've got dual built in overflows with a total of 4x 1.5" PVC pipes going into the sump.

My return pump is going at about 5000gph.

I was hoping to gravity feed the algae scrubber and have all of my flow going through them.

any thoughts?

04-29-2012, 08:36 PM

Floyd R Turbo
04-30-2012, 07:01 AM
From what i've read, it seems like some people prefer the algae scrubber compared to a protein skimmer for De-nitrifying and lowering phos.

That's because protein skimmers do not actually remove N and P. They only remove the food before it can decompose to N and P. Once the food has been consumed and bacteria have broken it down, skimmers can't really help you.