View Full Version : scrubber for heavy planted freshwater?

05-09-2012, 08:21 AM
I got abit a black Beard/hair aglae problem and also I can't get my no3 below 25mg/l even with a 40% water change due to my over breeding platies >_<. So i was hoping an aglae scrubber would help in the regard but i have a heavily planted tank at the same time. Or should i just keep dosing with Excel, it has helped or maybe look into getting a co2 system going?

05-09-2012, 10:42 AM
A scrubber will remove the algae, but if you scrub too much it will hurt the plants. So it's best to start with few hours and then increase slowly.

05-09-2012, 12:29 PM
Aren't you suppose to keep nitrate at 15ish on a freshwater planted. Not sure how you can control that with a scrubber? Not a freshwater person myself, just a thought! Just think accelerating plant growth would achieve the same thing. May need to try a manual method of removal because if plants can grow then so can algae, easily.

05-14-2012, 07:08 AM
Changed my mind abit>_>, would a uas work in my tank off my above tank lights to grow green aglae instead of black/ black brush algea that currently grows everywhere:P for my aglae eaters to eat->bristlenose plec and Otocinclus and maybe shrimps later on or would i need dedicated lights for it?
What size aglae grower(scrubber) ;0 would a 547L(140gal), 10mL(less than a 1g dry weight :/) of dry flake/pellets each day and 4ish frozen cubes at 2g each every couple of days need for this to work?

Garf about the nitrate I have no idea, never read anything about it, until i read this :/ http://www.fishlore.com/fishforum/aquarium-plants/118775-just-wondering-standard-list-levels.html. Mines still higher than that atm tho.
Any other suggestions or info do i need to give? Should I just stop thinking about having an ats in heavy planted tank?:P