View Full Version : hung up on this idea

05-09-2012, 12:38 PM
it's for an up flow scrubber that uses the drain water from your overflow. why not take your drain line and use it to feed your up flow screen? all you would need to do is place the drain under the water line and put an elbow on it then a slotted length of pvc pipe. this should provide you with tons of flow and tons of bubbles without the use of air stones or pumps. and if you wanted the screen lit on both sides you could simply build an acrylic box above your sump and let the drain line go into the box first before overflowing into your sump. If the "overflow" on you acrylic box was high enough,then you would not have to be concerned with power out as it would always contain some water. No pump $50.00
no air stone $10.00 no added electric bill,,,,,gravity does everything. WHY is this not talked about???????

05-09-2012, 12:46 PM
Nice idea. Bubble consistency may be a bit compromised though.

Floyd R Turbo
05-09-2012, 01:45 PM
It has been, and SM has said "covered" or something at some point. Meaning it will likely be part of one of the monthly releases.

05-09-2012, 05:00 PM
Just when I went to Herbie drains and don't have bubbles anymore...

05-09-2012, 05:06 PM
I am getting lost on the "bubbles" part. None of my overflows create any substantial amount of bubbles, nothing compared to a $5 air pump and stone. On overflows that do create some bubbles, they are usually very large bubbles and not uniform/consistent. I just don't see this idea, as stated, working well with the UAS concept, it does work great on the ATS concept though.

05-09-2012, 05:11 PM
You could put a venturi on the drain to get bubbles

05-09-2012, 05:19 PM
my drains have all made tons of bubbles. just throwing some ideas out there. I will be building LED's for my scrubber this fall and am toying with the up-flow idea before I build the LED's for my current waterfall scrubber. But I want my scrubber to be as easy and simple as possible,,this is why I like my "gravity" idea,,,not much to break,tweek, or replace. Do we know anything about the volume of air needed per square inch of screen yet? I/E (flow) kinda?

05-09-2012, 05:24 PM
By the way... I made a simple test up-flow for my goldfish tank today. It is just a length of rigid airline with a slot( and a screen) lying on the bottom of the tank. with a 23 watt cfl&reflector velcroed to the outside of the tank. I will keep you posted.