05-22-2012, 10:51 AM
Step one, build the ATS
I've never built anything with acrylic, but I figured why not buy a table saw and router and give it a try. I built the ATS using .228 acrylic from Home Depot. It is approximately 15x15 with a removable to lid to keep down evaporation and noise. Disregard the orientation of screen...I was trying it both way to see what I liked better. It will be 12" wide by 10" tall.
No one will confuse this with something built by an acrylic shop, but it didn't turn out too bad.
Here are some pictures before I routed the top cover, so you can see the how the cover fits on. You can see I put in some tabs to center the lid. In the future, if I make another one, I will probably use an acrylic hinge.:
I plan to build my LED lights later this week. All the parts should come in today. I will be using:
8x10 heatsink (with fan)
Mean Well LPC-60-1050 constant current driver - 45V max, 1050ma
2 strings of LEDs in parallel - 5 red and 2 blue LEDs per string (see LED specs below) - total of14 LEDs per side, running at 525ma
Blue - 445nm
Voltage: 2.8-3.6V
Current: 620mA-650 mA
View Angle: 120 degree
Red - 660nm
Voltage : 2.3V~2.8V
Current : 650mA
View Angle: 120 degree
I've never built anything with acrylic, but I figured why not buy a table saw and router and give it a try. I built the ATS using .228 acrylic from Home Depot. It is approximately 15x15 with a removable to lid to keep down evaporation and noise. Disregard the orientation of screen...I was trying it both way to see what I liked better. It will be 12" wide by 10" tall.
No one will confuse this with something built by an acrylic shop, but it didn't turn out too bad.
Here are some pictures before I routed the top cover, so you can see the how the cover fits on. You can see I put in some tabs to center the lid. In the future, if I make another one, I will probably use an acrylic hinge.:
I plan to build my LED lights later this week. All the parts should come in today. I will be using:
8x10 heatsink (with fan)
Mean Well LPC-60-1050 constant current driver - 45V max, 1050ma
2 strings of LEDs in parallel - 5 red and 2 blue LEDs per string (see LED specs below) - total of14 LEDs per side, running at 525ma
Blue - 445nm
Voltage: 2.8-3.6V
Current: 620mA-650 mA
View Angle: 120 degree
Red - 660nm
Voltage : 2.3V~2.8V
Current : 650mA
View Angle: 120 degree