View Full Version : just discovering the ats. have a few questions.

05-24-2012, 12:50 AM
hi, i just recently been reading about ats and now the new uas. i am pretty much a newbie to the aquarium hobby in general. i am wondering if the water to the uas has to be fed

directly from the drain from the DT?

what if the uas was on the left. the return pump was in the middle and the drain pipe from the DT was on the right part of the sump

would the water drained to the right side of the sump, be pumped up the in the middle of the sump. meaning not much of the DT water would reach the left side where the uas is.

or would there be enough circulation in the sump that it would not affect the uas's performance.

Floyd R Turbo
05-24-2012, 07:08 AM
If you're talking about a sump with no baffles, that should be fine. Otherwise you would have to split your drain line to put some of the water to each side.