05-29-2012, 08:49 PM
I take horrible pictures. I just recently had to do a dip on my corals. Got a freebee and it came with some not so nice hitchhikers. Zoa eating Nudis. Sad to say I've seen a couple more in there. Will dip everything once other tank is set up.
The bright green you see is algae is on a bunch of shells piled up on the sand.
I am convinced Cyano is heat related due to it ebbs at night when it cools down and if it's warm is pretty prolific. I have pretty decnet flow in this 45/49 gallon so I don't think it's flow either. Or lights. Also when I bought this back in January when it was cool ouside and in the garage. Had no Cyano.
This tank is going on 4 months no water changes. Just cleaned ATS Friday? Not sure. May have been Saturday.
The two other reef tanks you see are a few years ago. The larger one with center overflow was an ATS as well. About a year and a half no water changes before selling.
I take horrible pictures. I just recently had to do a dip on my corals. Got a freebee and it came with some not so nice hitchhikers. Zoa eating Nudis. Sad to say I've seen a couple more in there. Will dip everything once other tank is set up.
The bright green you see is algae is on a bunch of shells piled up on the sand.
I am convinced Cyano is heat related due to it ebbs at night when it cools down and if it's warm is pretty prolific. I have pretty decnet flow in this 45/49 gallon so I don't think it's flow either. Or lights. Also when I bought this back in January when it was cool ouside and in the garage. Had no Cyano.
This tank is going on 4 months no water changes. Just cleaned ATS Friday? Not sure. May have been Saturday.
The two other reef tanks you see are a few years ago. The larger one with center overflow was an ATS as well. About a year and a half no water changes before selling.