View Full Version : New sump design. with scrubber.

06-06-2012, 03:25 AM
At the moment my sump was design for Chaeto, Bioball and then a mud refugium. Chaeto didnt work for me. I know it works for other.
As an experiment I made a little scrubber to sit on top of the old sump.

Im thinking about building a new sump with a bigger scrubber to sit on top. Using the drain from the display to run it. (Instead of having three pumps)
I know everyone likes the newer types of scrubbers but the one ive build has worked so we for me, id like to make one thats bigger and better.

I know you dont like skimmers either. But id rather have one and not use it. (Just in case something goes wrong)

The picture isnt really to scale. but you'll get the idea

The scrubber screen would be 770mm x250mm and lit by 24 3watt 3000k Cree leds

Would this be enough for 2 - 3 cubes per day without a skimmer and GFO?


06-06-2012, 05:47 PM
I know you dont like skimmers either. But id rather have one and not use it. (Just in case something goes wrong)

There is nothing that a skimmer will help, really.

Is the new design horizontal?

06-07-2012, 01:30 AM
Cree unfortunately dont have 660nm led as I know.

Floyd R Turbo
06-07-2012, 06:20 AM
If you're looking for name-brand quality on par with Cree, RapidLED is switching from Osram to Philips for their 660nm LEDs, they were supposed to have them by now but there was a delay and it will be 2-3 more weeks.