View Full Version : Custom UAS Bubble Bar

06-09-2012, 03:15 PM
Ok I do not like the choices for Bubble Bars out there. Some are too long or too short. So I experimented today and cut one apart to make it to my length.

I prefer to use the Petco brand bubble bar with the molded plastic around the stone keeping the bubbles coming out the top only pluss the plastic brace lets you mount it on something with nylon screws.

1. Bought an 18 inch bubble bar at petco for 6 dollars

2. Took my hacksaw and very lightly cut the plastic from the bottom towards the top. When the blade reached the stone section I lighten up on the pressure so the stone doesn't break.
The hacksaw blade smoothly cut through the stone material no problem. Filed it nice and flat on the end.

3. With some left over plastic pieces I made end caps to silicone onto the ends. Need to cap it off so the air doesn't leak out the end.( GE Silicone 1 only. Silicone II has the mildew fighting crap in it not good for fish.) Roughed up the back side of the end caps with a small whole saw so it would grip on the silicone.

4. So now I have my custom length bubble bars one at 9" and one at 7" and discarded the left over 2".

Cut to size, end caps made ready to silicone


Now I have my two sizes 9" and 7"


Silicone end caps so the bubbles don't leak out. Wipe of the excess silicone with a paper towel.


06-10-2012, 01:51 AM

I used an standard clear flexible 8mm pvc tube, used a pin or 1 mm drill and made the desierd amount of holes. This work great, and it is more silent than regular air stiones, and very cheap. You can cut it to desierd length and use any diameter size you want.
You can also make any Hole size you want, a thin pin (sawing equipment) will give very small bubbles, a 1mm drill will give aproximately the same bubbles as a air stone.


06-10-2012, 07:20 AM

I used an standard clear flexible 8mm pvc tube, used a pin or 1 mm drill and made the desierd amount of holes. This work great, and it is more silent than regular air stiones, and very cheap. You can cut it to desierd length and use any diameter size you want.
You can also make any Hole size you want, a thin pin (sawing equipment) will give very small bubbles, a 1mm drill will give aproximately the same bubbles as a air stone.


Cool.... Just put a plug in the end of the hose and your ready to bubble... :)