06-10-2012, 12:45 PM
Ello all,
I have read the threads on this forum and I believe my scrubber is set up correctly, but I actually have a strange set of circumstances. Per a previous thread, I noticed that there was mention of the horticultural grade CFL bulbs. I have one of those and the reflector unit. In my setup, I currently have a 125watt,6500k mogul based power compact. I have used this bulb on my refugium for about two months, and with it's output, I have harvested cheato every ten days due to it's growth(I am pulling out 1/2 of a 5 gallon bucket every ten days), however after reading I believe the original article by SantaMonica on RC, I found this site.
I then, this past Thursday, built a 14"x6" waterfall scrubber. It is powered by an Aqueon 3000, which pumps at 630gph. Between yesterday and today, I purchased one of the 68watt 2700k CFL and a small reflector. So depending on whether you count the actual wattage of the bulbs, in my case 125 and 68 or the "equivalent to" wattage which would be 625 and 300, I am trying to figure out a few things. The first is that my scrubber, which has actually been in use since I set up my tank as a refugium divider, and thus the reason I began this quest, as you will notice in the photos, at the bottom of the screen/mesh, there is already an alga that grew on it's own with only the spill over of the 125watt CFL that was over the refugium, as it was the spillover from the far right hand chamber to the fuge area. The only difference that I realize now is that there was only water flowing over that area at the bottom, thus, the only area to recieve the benefit of algea and air mixture. Of course since I added the water flow, I have not noticed much to any growth, but then I realized I probably had not roughed the surface enough, so I put the dremel ;with sanding drum to it. In the picture are the results. I did notice that there are algea growing at the bottom of the diamonds in the grid, so I am thinking within the next couple of days, it should, I hope spread. Also, I spread some of the lower algea all over the screen. In an attempt to accelerate things, I picked up a 68watt 2700 medium(standard) base CFL and reflector and placed it "between" the output of the 125 and right next to the scrubber . I then roughed it up this morning with the dremel and also after adding that I read some more and I added the saran wrap to keep the spray away.
The question I have mainly centers around lighting placement. Should, instead of placing it on the side where it is(between the output of the Sun System125 reflector) to speed up the growth that has grown back since Thursday, or should I place it on the other side, and make my unit a two side scrubber? I am sort of at a quandry, as I can use the 68watt on either side, but the 125watt is in a reflector unit. I also thought this morning, that, I could possibly add another reflector and horticultural bulb, suspend it directly above(or a little to the left) the scrubber, thus getting a very good amount of light soley for the scrubber. The other thing is that, these horticultural units(mogul based bulbs) can take up to either a 250watt or 300watt bulb, the 125 is simply an economical way to get into the higher powered CFL's at a very inexpensive price.
I, therefore am seeking any suggestions on my little abnormal project and circumstances(according to what I have thus far read). And which unit does everyone go by, the actual wattage or the equivalent to wattage, as even for a 68 watt bulb, it is extremely bright to me, and I am used to sodiums and halides. I also simply wished to overpower my light in the tank to of course to encourage the scrubber growth versus the tank as a place for algea, thus also, the lower kelvin for the 68watt bulb.
Once again, any suggestions if you have a great understanding of these or what exactly I could expect from the higher powered lights, as even though the bulbs do not get hot, they also have a lot more initial lumens, and I worry about possibly burning the algea by the bulb being so close. What range would be recommended for higher powered lighting as an initial distance?
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I have read the threads on this forum and I believe my scrubber is set up correctly, but I actually have a strange set of circumstances. Per a previous thread, I noticed that there was mention of the horticultural grade CFL bulbs. I have one of those and the reflector unit. In my setup, I currently have a 125watt,6500k mogul based power compact. I have used this bulb on my refugium for about two months, and with it's output, I have harvested cheato every ten days due to it's growth(I am pulling out 1/2 of a 5 gallon bucket every ten days), however after reading I believe the original article by SantaMonica on RC, I found this site.
I then, this past Thursday, built a 14"x6" waterfall scrubber. It is powered by an Aqueon 3000, which pumps at 630gph. Between yesterday and today, I purchased one of the 68watt 2700k CFL and a small reflector. So depending on whether you count the actual wattage of the bulbs, in my case 125 and 68 or the "equivalent to" wattage which would be 625 and 300, I am trying to figure out a few things. The first is that my scrubber, which has actually been in use since I set up my tank as a refugium divider, and thus the reason I began this quest, as you will notice in the photos, at the bottom of the screen/mesh, there is already an alga that grew on it's own with only the spill over of the 125watt CFL that was over the refugium, as it was the spillover from the far right hand chamber to the fuge area. The only difference that I realize now is that there was only water flowing over that area at the bottom, thus, the only area to recieve the benefit of algea and air mixture. Of course since I added the water flow, I have not noticed much to any growth, but then I realized I probably had not roughed the surface enough, so I put the dremel ;with sanding drum to it. In the picture are the results. I did notice that there are algea growing at the bottom of the diamonds in the grid, so I am thinking within the next couple of days, it should, I hope spread. Also, I spread some of the lower algea all over the screen. In an attempt to accelerate things, I picked up a 68watt 2700 medium(standard) base CFL and reflector and placed it "between" the output of the 125 and right next to the scrubber . I then roughed it up this morning with the dremel and also after adding that I read some more and I added the saran wrap to keep the spray away.
The question I have mainly centers around lighting placement. Should, instead of placing it on the side where it is(between the output of the Sun System125 reflector) to speed up the growth that has grown back since Thursday, or should I place it on the other side, and make my unit a two side scrubber? I am sort of at a quandry, as I can use the 68watt on either side, but the 125watt is in a reflector unit. I also thought this morning, that, I could possibly add another reflector and horticultural bulb, suspend it directly above(or a little to the left) the scrubber, thus getting a very good amount of light soley for the scrubber. The other thing is that, these horticultural units(mogul based bulbs) can take up to either a 250watt or 300watt bulb, the 125 is simply an economical way to get into the higher powered CFL's at a very inexpensive price.
I, therefore am seeking any suggestions on my little abnormal project and circumstances(according to what I have thus far read). And which unit does everyone go by, the actual wattage or the equivalent to wattage, as even for a 68 watt bulb, it is extremely bright to me, and I am used to sodiums and halides. I also simply wished to overpower my light in the tank to of course to encourage the scrubber growth versus the tank as a place for algea, thus also, the lower kelvin for the 68watt bulb.
Once again, any suggestions if you have a great understanding of these or what exactly I could expect from the higher powered lights, as even though the bulbs do not get hot, they also have a lot more initial lumens, and I worry about possibly burning the algea by the bulb being so close. What range would be recommended for higher powered lighting as an initial distance?
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