View Full Version : Dried Screens

06-28-2012, 12:19 PM
Hi, We had a dust storm blow through the Phoenix valley last night. My Waterfall ATS is outside on my 140 gal. freshwater mini-pond. I had to turn off the pump in case the wind knocked over the waterfall and it emptied my tank. The screens (I have a split screen so I can clean one at a time) dried out. Should I now clean them? I turned the pump on again this morning and the algae on the screens is looking a little sorry. This WFATS keeps that tank in great shape.
Thanks, Tony

Floyd R Turbo
06-28-2012, 12:34 PM
Yes scrape it down to the screen and it will probably have to start like a new screen, may not take quite as long.

In the future, if you have to shut the pump off, just drop the screen in the water. It will live for a very long time without flow as long as it is submerged.

06-28-2012, 02:17 PM
Hey Bud,
That's a good idea about putting the screens in water and I'll do that if I have to shut down the pumps.
Like your scrubbers, very professional.
I clean my screens with a denture brush and it works pretty good.
Thanks for your reply.

Floyd R Turbo
06-28-2012, 02:18 PM
+1 on denture brush. Good for many things with the little groove-brush on the back.