View Full Version : diy multichip led lights
I,am using 3x100w 10000k multichip leds plus 45x1w royal blue leds to light my tank here are a few pics
I have also just installed lenses on these that has made a big difference
07-20-2012, 07:55 PM
Very cool build Nige! I have dyi LED's and have been thinking about adding some high watt to the mix. Any chance of a tank shot to show how light up your fish etc?
07-21-2012, 09:52 AM
very nice Sir!!!!
Floyd R Turbo
07-21-2012, 09:59 AM
I think I just downloaded in my pants. Where did you get those and how much did they cost? A detailed build breakdown would be awesome!!
07-21-2012, 10:01 AM
I see them on ebay Floyd, I have almost bought them.
07-21-2012, 10:07 AM
I just bought these.
07-21-2012, 10:19 AM
And lens's, they have another package with two to make a total of three that I bought as well.
Very cool build Nige! I have dyi LED's and have been thinking about adding some high watt to the mix. Any chance of a tank shot to show how light up your fish etc?the first photo is with optics the second is without optics the third is with camera on auto settings but it looks a bit to bright so I chose to use the shutter priority setting I originally had 3x150w metal halides plus 640w of t5s so that was 1090w but counting what the ballasts used closer to 1200w now using 345w in total and it looks way brighter and corals are happy as is my bank balance :)
I will give you a list of what I used from ebay for heatsinks I got old ones of a guy that fixes PCs and the frame material from a scrap merchant
Floyd R Turbo
07-21-2012, 12:20 PM
That is so cool. It reminds me of a fixture I saw at MACNA the P30 is like $500 and probably most of the same components
I'm thinking of building an LED fixture for this tank
Instead of spending $170 replacing the T5s every 12 months or so. I have at least 18" of headroom over this tank inside the canopy, it's 66" long and 21" wide 24" deep, do you think 2 of these 100W main lamps would do, then add a bunch of 3W or 1W chips of various spectrums? I would be putting it on Arduino control also (be that an Uno or a Reef Angel controller)
That is so cool. It reminds me of a fixture I saw at MACNA the P30 is like $500 and probably most of the same components
I'm thinking of building an LED fixture for this tank
Instead of spending $170 replacing the T5s every 12 months or so. I have at least 18" of headroom over this tank inside the canopy, it's 66" long and 21" wide 24" deep, do you think 2 of these 100W main lamps would do, then add a bunch of 3W or 1W chips of various spectrums? I would be putting it on Arduino control also (be that an Uno or a Reef Angel controller)yes but the p30 only uses 30w led chip and I used 100w similar to the p100 costing around $1000 the only extra led i used was 450-460nm b ut considering putting some true violet to balance out colour a bit better
Floyd R Turbo
07-21-2012, 01:00 PM
That's even better man. So do you think 2 of these main pods over a 66 x 21 tank would to OK, too much, to little? Maybe multiple 10W pods?
07-21-2012, 01:43 PM
I was unsure of the 100W stuff so I bought the 10W. I have a 10G I can suspend it above for some tests and if that works I got to get some red for the scrubber LOL!!!
That's even better man. So do you think 2 of these main pods over a 66 x 21 tank would to OK, too much, to little? Maybe multiple 10W pods?I would think 2 would be ok with the 10w you would need more and don't get as realistic ripple affect as there is more point sources light but will get more even coverage of light if your running the fitting closer to the water but if I were you I would go for 3x50w you can get a hybrid light with white and blue like these
Floyd R Turbo
07-21-2012, 08:27 PM
So are those 50W drivers dimmable? I would search for the answer but I'm kind of short on time...
07-22-2012, 01:24 AM
So are those 50W drivers dimmable? I would search for the answer but I'm kind of short on time...
They arent. Just on-of
So are those 50W drivers dimmable? I would search for the answer but I'm kind of short on time...You can get a dimmable driver that has a dimmer switch fitted to it but not sure if you can hook a controller to it or not sorry I'am just not that well up on these thing but I don,t think the fittings from blue moon or orphek are dimmable either perhaps you could have each one on a separate timer so they aren't all coming on at once. here are a couple of links that maybe of interest to you
07-22-2012, 07:07 AM
I have 32 3Watt LED's over my 40B and get very nice ripple, only 7 of them do not have optics. I have two strips, one with 14 and the back one with 18. Two blue in the front strip and 3 blue in the back one. Oh, and 7" off the water.
This is just great nige, your build is great work.
I have been looking at those high power leds, but there is not so many aquarists that have any experience with these leds when it comes to aquarium use. So this thread is right in time.
I am soon setting up an 32 inches long tank, do you think one of those 50w hybrid leds wil cover the tank, or would you use multiple smaller leds?
The tank is an open top tank that is located in the living room, how is the noise from those fans?
And how about the high power led light spill in to the living room, will my wife get a sunburn :)
with the lenses you don't as much light spill I would think for a tank that length you might get away with two 30w led unless its a cube then you could use one hybrid with a 120deg lens but it will need to be at least 18" above the water another option would be multiple 10w but I think you get better shimmer the less light sources you have. also a lot less wiring with the multichip led and for those of use that may not be as electronically minded makes thing much simpler
I have 32 3Watt LED's over my 40B and get very nice ripple, only 7 of them do not have optics. I have two strips, one with 14 and the back one with 18. Two blue in the front strip and 3 blue in the back one. Oh, and 7" off the water.I know you will have shimmer with multiple led as I used to have a fitting over my old 5/2/2 but with the 3 lights over my tank now it looks more like sun light I will try and get a video done so you can see.
07-22-2012, 10:49 AM
I thought about that after I posted, I figured you would have a longer wider slower ripple effect versus my shorter skinny faster ripple.
Tanks nige!
The tank acurate measure is :
31,5 inches long
15,75 inches wide
19,75 inches high
I cant find any 30w hybrid led, only 10,20,50W . I do find the 30w 20000k led, but i dont now if this color is almost the same as the hybrid led with Royal blue.
I am very sceptical about fans and noise, when looking at the internet it looks like with 10W leds and good heatsink i dont have to use fans, maybe i choose to go that route. I mean heatsink like this:
with the lenses you don't as much light spill I would think for a tank that length you might get away with two 30w led unless its a cube then you could use one hybrid with a 120deg lens but it will need to be at least 18" above the water another option would be multiple 10w but I think you get better shimmer the less light sources you have. also a lot less wiring with the multichip led and for those of use that may not be as electronically minded makes thing much simpler
If your tank is only 19" high you will get away with 10w
How many 10w do you suggest? And would you choose the 20000K or the hybrid led with royal blue to Get the right coloring. This leds wil be the only light source over the tank.
If your tank is only 19" high you will get away with 10w
I would go with 5 maybe 6 of the hybrid led's
Floyd R Turbo
07-23-2012, 10:19 AM
Someone on our local site posted this
In the past I tried using cool white 50w leds on some pretty big heatsinks and fans. Also had multiple 10w blue bulbs. They burnt out in three months and degraded quickly. The 50w bulbs create soooo much heat...especially when left on all day.
After further research, I came to a conclusion that liquid cooling or heat sinks not readily available to the general public were the only way to construct a fixture that would last. Now...multiple 10 to 20w leds seem more of a reality and would be interested if someone constructed a fixture using these new multi color chip models.
Also, it seemed you really got hot spots on the coral with an led as large as a 50w. Can't imagine a 100w. My corals started bleaching almost immediately. Really lends toward the absolute need for dimming capability, which I didn't have. Dimming and the 15-20k bulbs make me interested to try multiple 10 and 20w options with lenses.
I have to imagine that there is some truth to this. cooling a 100W LED chip would be a difficult task I would think. I would think that the need for dimming would be crucial to take care of the coral bleaching aspect. So I wonder how you would go about dimming large LED like this, would there be any different considerations being that it is a multi-chip LED? Meaning, since you have more than one chip on the board, if you simply supply less current would you get less output, in the same fashion as if you had an equivalent string of 3W chips?
07-23-2012, 01:17 PM
I know that 5 3W LED's on an AMD computer processor heat sink makes a huge amount of heat, hot enough I am surprised they have not burned out yet. I need to get the little fans on them because I feel this amount of heat could shorten the life of the LED's.
07-24-2012, 01:25 AM
Someone on our local site posted this
I have to imagine that there is some truth to this. cooling a 100W LED chip would be a difficult task I would think. I would think that the need for dimming would be crucial to take care of the coral bleaching aspect. So I wonder how you would go about dimming large LED like this, would there be any different considerations being that it is a multi-chip LED? Meaning, since you have more than one chip on the board, if you simply supply less current would you get less output, in the same fashion as if you had an equivalent string of 3W chips?
Dimming via lowering amperage is not useful at all as it has very low resolution and is ineffective and hardly achievable with this big leds. PWM is used to dim leds and there is no difference if bulbs are single or multi-chip. Appropriate driver is the key.
Floyd R Turbo
07-24-2012, 06:54 AM
Yeah I guess I keep thinking analog dimming and don't know why...
Someone on our local site posted this
I have to imagine that there is some truth to this. cooling a 100W LED chip would be a difficult task I would think. I would think that the need for dimming would be crucial to take care of the coral bleaching aspect. So I wonder how you would go about dimming large LED like this, would there be any different considerations being that it is a multi-chip LED? Meaning, since you have more than one chip on the board, if you simply supply less current would you get less output, in the same fashion as if you had an equivalent string of 3W chips?I have been running these about 3 months now and so far so good I did have a problem with the centre led heating but I just fitted 2 extra fans either side of the heat sink to help disperse the heat I put this down to the components restricting the air flow now they run cool 45deg c so just warm to the touch but not excessive there are oil cooled heat sink available that aren't that expensive and the orphek lights don't even use fans or liquid just a big heat sink.but will add if a fan stops they will burn out in a short time as they heat up really quick.
as for bleaching the only thing I had a problem with was green buttons but I just raised the lights higher up and they coloured up again but I will keep you all updated on the progress of this lighting and if I run into problems I will let you all know but so far they have been a great success
07-24-2012, 11:37 AM
It is a very impressive light for sure!!!
07-25-2012, 07:10 AM
I have to imagine that there is some truth to this. Cooling a 100W LED chip would be a difficult task I would think.
No more difficult then cooling high end CPUs and GPUs. Worst case scenario is watercooling, and lets face it, we do aquariums, a bit of plumbing and a few pumps are nothing new. Somewhere on the reefcentral multichip LED forum post I outlined a watercooling build you could do that made use of small aluminum civc radiator off ebay and individual water blocks. It would be HUGE overkill for most tanks, but if you had a very large tank it could be useful. Especially since you can remote mount water cooling radiators, so you could toss it in the basement, or even outside, which could be a HUGE energy saver on very large builds.
1 hp = 746 watts
Now I realize there are efficency percentaqges, windspeed, radiant heat etc, that I am not even going to try to worry about. However I have personally seen 400hp+ honda civics running on the stock radiator, the one linked below is an upgraded model:
Aluminum "racing" radiator $57.20:
7" 12v fan $22:
Now would I trust this to dissipate 373,000 watts of LED power (500 hp x 746 = watts), like I would in a racing civic? Ehhh probably not quite. But I think you get the point.
Meaning, since you have more than one chip on the board, if you simply supply less current would you get less output, in the same fashion as if you had an equivalent string of 3W chips?
As was mentioned, there are better ways of making dimming controllers, but you can certainly underdrive them that way. In fact it was pointed out in the reefcentral forum on this same topic that some of these "100" watt chips are actually ~100 2-3 watt emitters. So it is possible to juice them up to 250 watts as long as you take care of cooling.
Here is the RC thread on this, it has been going quite a while with tons of pics wtc:
07-26-2012, 01:09 PM sells dimmable 50w and 100w drivers...
Floyd R Turbo
07-26-2012, 01:26 PM
Are they PWM dimmable, or just by an external potentiometer? ac-rc on ebay has those also. I'm heavy into the RC thread on this right now LOL
07-27-2012, 11:37 AM
external potentiometer....
Floyd R Turbo
07-27-2012, 11:47 AM
I just found out some good info from TheFishMan65 on RC. He's the one that makes a CAT4101 board that can drive up to 160W of LEDs, 8 strings of 6 3W chips each on a single driver, with PWM dimming, each string can be 25V total drop and 1000mA current. But you can tie 2 strings together and get a 2000mA string. So now I can take one 160W+ driver and one of his boards, and run 2 20W chips in series on a double-leg, and run 8 20W chips off one driver, and have them under full PWM dimming control.
So now that I know that, I've got to figure up which option is better, from all angles. Got the go-ahead from one of my customers to price out a few options, so I'm going to figure up that one, then a 3W array, and possibly one option with the 100W chips but I don't think that will go too far, who knows.
Right now I'm thinking of doing a 16 chip array, and I would have 8 legs of PWM dimming. Awesomeness factor 9.7.
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