07-26-2012, 10:29 AM 1%26asc%3D41%26meid%3D884076551833553976%26pid%3D1 00009%26prg%3D1026%26rk%3D5%26
this one pushes more water...not a ton, though:
comes with a spray bar and also has an aeration tube, which might be beneficial. Anyone tried it? looks like it'd be easy to loop some of the plastic mat around the bar and would be just right for a nano size tank.
I see there's not enough
this one pushes more water...not a ton, though:
comes with a spray bar and also has an aeration tube, which might be beneficial. Anyone tried it? looks like it'd be easy to loop some of the plastic mat around the bar and would be just right for a nano size tank.
I see there's not enough