red fish
08-23-2012, 06:12 AM
it was great to find an algae scrubber community. I had a horizonal algae(still do) that did not work effectively, then got into the fountain/pond lifestyle and looked for better filtration, so it was great to find the scrubber evolving! Here is my try at a FW fountain/pond. Don't think it has enough sun. Trying a mirror, doesn't seem to improve the light so far. will move the fish inside for winter soon and will try simple upflow scrubber. This has been up since early june probably. Anyway, thanks everyone.
it was great to find an algae scrubber community. I had a horizonal algae(still do) that did not work effectively, then got into the fountain/pond lifestyle and looked for better filtration, so it was great to find the scrubber evolving! Here is my try at a FW fountain/pond. Don't think it has enough sun. Trying a mirror, doesn't seem to improve the light so far. will move the fish inside for winter soon and will try simple upflow scrubber. This has been up since early june probably. Anyway, thanks everyone.