09-24-2012, 03:33 AM
Toying with the idea of using a 600watt sodium grow light ( which I have collecting dust ) to penetrate the algae on the screen. Thinking of using in short burst of maybe 1 to 2 hrs to penetrate deep into the algae when growth is limiting light to the base of the algae. Obviously if someone has already tried this, I won't bother if it don't improve anything.
Sales blurb - "This Value Brand 600W HPS Lamp with mogul base emits 90,000 lumens and has an average life span of 24,000 hours. This 600 Watt high pressure sodium light bulb emits 2000K in the red and orange spectrum"
Sales blurb - "This Value Brand 600W HPS Lamp with mogul base emits 90,000 lumens and has an average life span of 24,000 hours. This 600 Watt high pressure sodium light bulb emits 2000K in the red and orange spectrum"