View Full Version : Bubble rate on UAS

10-01-2012, 02:53 AM
Has anyone noticed a correlation with bubble rates and algae growth on the new UAS? Also, bubble size.

I'm using a standard 6" airstone and air pump (rated for 12" airstone) and not getting good growth :( Using red and blue leds (from memory 16 reds and 4 blues) @ 700mA on a 6" x 7" mesh 7 screen that's been roughed up - it is only lit on one side. After a week, not enough growth to harvest. The scrubber has been running nearly 3 months, I have GHA in the tank and nitrates of about 30 :( Because I do have GHA in the tank, I've got 2 of these going, to try and remove the stuff.

So, wondering if the bubble rate is too much, incorrect size of bubbles are effecting the growth.

10-01-2012, 09:28 AM
Can never be too much.

Seems like a lot of Blue.

Need pics to tell any more.

10-01-2012, 10:56 AM
Haven't got time to take pics tonight, but the problem could be bubble time on canvas.......

Floyd R Turbo
10-01-2012, 01:01 PM
Well I run a 4x6 UAS with 6 red and 1 blue on each side (14 total LEDs) so if it were single sided that would be 6x8, so you're not that far off. A little excess on the blue which is inherently more intense than the reds, (are you running 660 or 630 red??). I would remove 2 of the blues and put a diffuser plate in front of the LEDs, and put black dots on the diffuser with a sharpie right in front of the blues to knock them down. Could also do that with the blues you have and not change arrangement. Diffusion will definitely help though.

alex leblanc
10-01-2012, 06:59 PM
I'm using 2 660nm and 1 455nm blue on a 3.75x4 screen with no problem.

10-02-2012, 12:03 AM
It's actually 18 reds (660nm) and 4 blues (455nm), I could replace a blue with a 660nm red, which would give 19 red and 3 blue......