View Full Version : uas and ats simultaneously.

10-03-2012, 07:02 AM
Hi guys.. Im getting an L2 (excited!) In the next week or two. I know its gonna take a few days or weeks to get it working propperly. So I ordered a hog .5. My thinking is that i will get the uas growing really good so it carries me through the change.

After that imma keep it running and clean alternate the cleaning so im algays growing algae.

Does this make sence?.. i would have to feed 2.5 cubes right?

10-03-2012, 06:03 PM
No feedback!

10-03-2012, 06:10 PM
I will leave it up to their respective creators to answer.

Tagging along!

Floyd R Turbo
10-03-2012, 06:30 PM
You can try it. Cleaning the waterfall the HOG 3-4 days later would do it

10-03-2012, 07:05 PM
Well I do know that the 2-sided will out-do the 1-sided.

10-03-2012, 07:19 PM
You think man?.. imma try it.. now if i could get this floyd guy to answer my email i would pay for my l2.. anyone heard feom the guy?.. lol

Floyd R Turbo
10-03-2012, 07:54 PM
I have to limit my per-person response to 16 emails a day. O snap

10-03-2012, 07:55 PM
Lol.. aight.. i see how it is..

10-04-2012, 05:05 PM
I have to limit my per-person response to 16 emails a day. O snap

Don't you know the customer is always right?

10-04-2012, 07:26 PM
Thats right!.. to his defence hes put up with alot.. my first email about an l2 was like two months ago!

10-04-2012, 07:31 PM
Btw, the hog.5 is getting yellow now.. will post pics soon.

10-04-2012, 08:27 PM
Current ghetto version.


Algae looks brown in the pic, but its actually very yellow.




Will update as we go.. lets see what happens.

10-06-2012, 10:40 PM
I don't know what the yellow algae on the screen is .. but its filtering the heck out of P.

My Phosphate test with Hanna today: 0.01. they have never been so low.

10-07-2012, 01:08 AM
I don't know what the yellow algae on the screen is .. but its filtering the heck out of P.

My Phosphate test with Hanna today: 0.01. they have never been so low.

I have noticed this a few times now, where the growth is nothing to shout about but Phos appears to be consumed. I thought it was something to do with brown screens ( as upto now they are the ones that reduce P fastest ), but obviously your yellow one does it also. Fascinating stuff, scrubbers.

Just curious - what lighting and spectrum you got on it ?

10-07-2012, 07:29 AM
I have two 40 real watts 2700k fluorescent. Run them 10 hrs a day.
Green algae did take care of p.. but not as fast as this stuff.