View Full Version : Lost power for 15 mins. lots of death???

10-11-2012, 07:39 AM
This is the second time this happened to me with the same results. Last night I lost power for 5min. around 11pm and then again around 12pm for 15min. When I woke up this morning my yellow tang was stuck to the powerhead with only his gills moving,All my LPS corals wear closed and pale,,my monti caps wear snow white,,but strangly enough the toadstool,sps,and GSP look great??Now I turn the return pump off every week for cleaning mind you,,so I just cant get my head around ho this could happen every time I lose power???

p.s. the tang is dead,,water is cloudy,,snails are closed...

10-11-2012, 08:56 AM
Any chance of electricity leakage. ?

10-11-2012, 09:50 AM
Sounds like whatever is causing your power outage, is also causing livestock problems. Nothing should suffer like this in a properly aerated tank in that short time. Do you know why your losing power ?

10-11-2012, 11:15 AM
the town lost power due to wind storm,,,,I have a GFCI and it does not trip,,I have also tested for voltage.

Floyd R Turbo
10-11-2012, 11:16 AM
Yeah I didn't have this many problems with a 13 hour power outage. I have had people in my local club claim no deaths after a 3 day (72 hour) outage. Something else is amiss here.

10-11-2012, 11:50 AM
Do you have anything that gets stirred up when a pump starts?

10-11-2012, 01:36 PM
My thoughts... I would recommend getting your tank/ORP (Oxygen Redux Potential) levels checked somehow. Unfortunatly ORP readings need to be done at the tank, and also periodically over the course of at least a week to get a good reading since ORP fluctuates. It is one of those test you can't just take a sample of tank water to your LFS to be checked because the time it takes to transport the water to your LFS, even if it is only a block away, the ORP readings will have changed. If your tank is on the low end for oxygen and the power goes out it may push it over the edge. What is your setup like? Do you have a sealed top? Sump? Etc...

Under normal conditions you should easily get 3-4 hours in a moderate environment (household temperature in the mid 70's) before oxygen becomes a concern, which is usually the first/biggest concern when power goes out. If it is winter/cold and power goes out the tank can drop in temp rather quickly in that circumstance. In the past during cold power outtages I would wrap a big heavy blanket around the tank to retain heat and if it goes long enough I take out a few gallons of water and heat it up in a pot on a gas stove, being very careful not to get too hot where you would harm anything in the tank when you put the water back in.

10-12-2012, 11:40 AM
Any chance of electricity leakage. ?

I mean any wires got exposet to water when sump water level rises. So when power restores it is in contact with water until pump sucks water out of sump.

Dont ask why I know it is possible ...