View Full Version : What company makes the best Algae Scrubber?

11-02-2012, 08:45 AM
The only brand I have seen is Santa Monica and Turbo Aquatics.

Santa Monica only offers a HOG version and Turbo Aquatics is too lazy to have a website.

Algae Scrubbers seem to be a really good idea. Much better than having growing chaeto in a refuge yet no large company has stepped up to make one.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

11-02-2012, 08:54 AM
Bud is not lazy, hes busy making scrubbers.. Got mine last week and quality and customer service is unmatched.

11-02-2012, 08:55 AM
Turbo Aquatics is too lazy to have a website.

This made me laugh. Thanks

11-02-2012, 09:30 AM
Where can I find any info on the turbo aquatics scrubbers?

I have no problem placing an order over the phone, I just dont know what I am ordering.

11-02-2012, 09:37 AM
As you can see, he's been very busy;

11-02-2012, 09:38 AM
Being in Canada, maybe you can recommend a manufacturer there who should make scrubbers.

11-02-2012, 09:59 AM
As you can see, he's been very busy;

$370 is pretty steep when you consider how cheap the Santa Monica UAS is only $59.

How do they compare in performance?

11-02-2012, 10:55 AM
I am shocked by the shipping cost to Canada for the Turbo Aquatics L2. $100-120 via USPS? It does not cost more than $40.00 for sure.

I own an online pet supply company that ships from Ohio. I know how much it costs to ship to Canada and Turbo Aquatics is price gouging Canadians.

11-02-2012, 11:11 AM
I am shocked by the shipping cost to Canada for the Turbo Aquatics L2. $100-120 via USPS? It does not cost more than $40.00 for sure.

I own an online pet supply company that ships from Ohio. I know how much it costs to ship to Canada and Turbo Aquatics is price gouging Canadians.

LOL..I have an idea, don't buy one.

11-02-2012, 11:20 AM
LOL..I have an idea, don't buy one.

Well that's the problem I am facing. Nobody else makes them so I am forced to pay the inflated prices.

11-02-2012, 11:41 AM
There's always DIY. You ain't got to buy a top of the range bit of kit like Floyds.

11-02-2012, 12:06 PM
I am shocked by the shipping cost to Canada for the Turbo Aquatics L2. $100-120 via USPS? It does not cost more than $40.00 for sure.

I own an online pet supply company that ships from Ohio. I know how much it costs to ship to Canada and Turbo Aquatics is price gouging Canadians.

OK try and make an acrylic scrubber your self and see how long it takes you. Bud put plenty of hours on making this scrubbers and im willing to bet if you match the money by the hrs he puts on each scrubber the price will be a lot more than you think.

11-02-2012, 12:19 PM
Step 1, buy or 'rent' time on a CNC milling machine like he does.. then come back and tell me how much they cost to make. ;) Are they expensive, sure, is the cost justified by him explaining the R&D, manufacturing process, parts, and labor... absolutely.

11-02-2012, 12:46 PM
It's not some half ass design he just threw together and picked any old thing to make it with. Bud took the time through trial and error making somthing that works. Then the milling of the parts and acrylic gluing. Which is an art form as far as I'm concerned as I can't do it without gettig my hand smeared in the acrylic. And looking for the best and brightest LEDs that are not just some eBay cheap ass ones. Not to mention the design that is right up there with the santamonica 100! And then packaged like a tank to make sure it don't break on its way to you. It's not a bag of dog food! It's an acrylic box that can shatter and then You end up with a pissed off customer. I think the price is more than justified. If you use the sm100 as an example, his prices are right there the need to be! It's the saltwater hobby. You gotta pay to play. Especially for quality and asthetics. If you don't want to the freshwater hobby is a nice alternative for the money minded.

11-02-2012, 02:21 PM
Syn - "It's not some half ass design he just threw together and picked any old thing to make it with"

You been lookin at my build thread ain't ya

11-02-2012, 04:05 PM
So ... what I am reading is you have 4 free employees at home that you are not putting to work building scrubbers? LOL. Just trying to lighten the mood.

11-02-2012, 04:10 PM
Floyd - surprised you replied to the lazy comment because anyone who has done any homework whatsoever will know how much time and effort you put in to betterment of this filtration method.

Ace - well your just Ace, hope you never change.

11-02-2012, 05:06 PM
Now that you guys chased away a potential scrubber. You treated him like they(skimmers) do when we try to chime in on a better method of filtering. We need to be a kinder gentler reefer.

11-02-2012, 05:21 PM
Don't think he's a potential scrubber. Could think of some less savoury phrases.

Floyd R Turbo
11-02-2012, 07:06 PM
Well I can't fault my customers for defending me - I have discovered my errors along the way and done what I can to fix them, like replacing 30 slot pipes that were cut too narrow and now I'm replacing inferior pumps with better ones, all at my cost...I think I pretty much have it down now though.

I am finding that people's results do vary quite a bit. Every system is different, but hopefully a few ideas I intend to implement on my site will help pinpoint why.

11-02-2012, 10:50 PM
Don't think he's a potential scrubber. Could think of some less savoury phrases.

Actually, I knew nothing about Floyd when I made that "lazy" comment so I take it back. Sounds like he has lots on his plate.

I am actually a potential "scrubber" and I am waiting for a price quote for an L4 model to Canada.

I had no idea he was 40 units back logged so I guess I am on the waiting list.

11-03-2012, 02:52 AM
Actually, I knew nothing about Floyd when I made that "lazy" comment so I take it back. Sounds like he has lots on his plate.

I am actually a potential "scrubber" and I am waiting for a price quote for an L4 model to Canada.

I had no idea he was 40 units back logged so I guess I am on the waiting list.

Excellent move.

11-03-2012, 04:14 AM
Actually, I knew nothing about Floyd when I made that "lazy" comment so I take it back. Sounds like he has lots on his plate.

I am actually a potential "scrubber" and I am waiting for a price quote for an L4 model to Canada.

I had no idea he was 40 units back logged so I guess I am on the waiting list.

I just received one and you will be glade that you waited once you see it. It is built very well and is a proven system from everywhere that I read on scrubbers.

11-03-2012, 07:58 AM
Look how the attitudes change when you find out he wants to scrub. Now you're all open arms.

Once he gets it. You'll all have to walk him through the process of maturing(screen that is) and keep in contact to make sure he updates his progress so he doesn't get discouraged(leaching phos.).

11-03-2012, 10:31 AM
Look how the attitudes change when you find out he wants to scrub. Now you're all open arms.

Once he gets it. You'll all have to walk him through the process of maturing(screen that is) and keep in contact to make sure he updates his progress so he doesn't get discouraged(leaching phos.).

You seem upset to me, whats up? But I should not be getting off topic with this thread here.