View Full Version : Semi Scrubbed

11-13-2012, 07:23 AM
Hi I'm new :) this is a great forum.

Tonight when i got home, I put together a one sided horizontal algae scrubber to add to the system, based on what ive read on this forum and what I can do easily for now.

I have a mixed reef tank with a little nuisance algae and cyno that I can't shake and some sps that just won't color up. I do have a largish bio load and feed 1/2 sheet nori, 3 cubes and spectrum daily with weekly plankton feeds to the system.

I do weekly 20g NSW water changes and I've got it in my sump, a macro & LR section, a skimmer, large DSB and GAC, GFO, puragin & bio pellets in separate reactors.

The scrubber plate is going over the macro section and will have the full return flow (about 1500 lph) running over it. The lights are 2x24 w T5's (now with natural white - not actinic as shown) and are about 3inches above the scrubber. The canvas is roughed up as per instructions found on this site and is 40cm x 44cm.

Here's my display - 90g corner tank

Macro section with glass backing plate for plastic over it
Roughed up canvas
Lights back on - done


11-13-2012, 10:01 AM

A few things for improvement, but first, is the screen over the macro?

11-13-2012, 02:10 PM
No doubt there is :)

The screen is over the macro for now. Ill harvest it all out on the weekend when i get time.

11-13-2012, 02:40 PM
This means?

11-13-2012, 03:16 PM
Em- yes the scrubber is over the macro for now. (thats the only place it will fit and there is already some lights set up). However, I plan to remove the macro later when i get time.

11-13-2012, 04:56 PM
Well the thing to realize is that the tank has a stronger photosynthesis that your macros do, which is why your macros have not pulled out enough nutrients to kill the nuisance algae and cyano. So ironically, a simple quick fix might just be to double the wattage on your macros, and don't do a scrubber.

As for the scrubber the way is is now, the screen is huge and the wattage is small. 16 X 17 = 272 square inches = 23 cubes of food per day if lit with enough light (408 real watts for horizontal). You have 48 watts, and only on a small part of the screen. If you want to keep this horizontal scrubber, after you remove the macros, you should reduce the width of the scrubber to match 4 bulbs (96 watts) side-by-side, which would be about 8 inches (20cm) wide, then lower the bulbs to within 2 inches (5 cm) of the screen with good reflectors, and increase the tilt so the water runs as fast as possible. This at least will increase the photosynthesis enough to stand a chance of overpowering the photosynthesis in the tank.

If you go this route, you'll want to remove the GFO and pellets, which will slow or stop the scrubber from growing.

Hope this help :)

11-13-2012, 05:49 PM
Thanks - this helps a lot

The reason for the (half assed) attempt is to see it working for myself first - then i would like to eventually remove the skimmer and reactors etc. I like the idea of pod production too as a bonus.

Ill post my progress


11-17-2012, 05:43 AM
Okay so I've had lights on this for a few days now and the plastic is starting to brown up. I've put channels on the glass with strips of acrylic and cut the canvas to fit. The upside is that the water flow has tripled so I think the flow is about right. The downside is that the size of the scrubber has decreased from 272in2 to about 147in2.

About a finger nail thick flow of water now

Let's hope it greens up soon.

11-17-2012, 09:53 AM
Now beef up the light. An easy way would be clip-on CFL floodlights. I'd put about 4 X 40w.

11-22-2012, 04:19 AM
Well wk 1 and PO4 = 0.06 Hanna Checker Egg (a little higher then normal). The canvas was completely dark brown and covered on both sides which was a surprise. The algae washed off without scrapping so I roughed up the back side and gave the front a little more too.

I removed the puragin reactor as this was due for renewal (will gradually aim to remove all my other means of nutrient removal one at a time).


11-24-2012, 04:55 PM
Okay - 2 days into second week (after clean and re- scrape)
Still only have the 2x24w T5's

11-30-2012, 05:24 PM
Okay, end of week 2

Still only have 2x24w T5 daylights

Feeding 1/4 sheet nori, 1/4tsp spectrum pellet & flake mix & 3 cubes (mysis & brine shrimp with 3rd squid or clam)

7 days
skimmer - 7 days
PO4 (down from 0.06 last week)

11-30-2012, 06:23 PM
Good to the the P lower.

12-09-2012, 04:17 AM
Okay - week 3
Same details as week 2 only I had a fish death (large Zebra Barred Dart Fish) between 2-3 days ago.

7 days growth - The mat was darker and slightly thicker this week and the algae had to be scrubbed off - last week the hose just blew it off.
Skimmer for this week
PO4 up a little 0.05- I'm thinking it's the fish that disappeared this week that has done it.


12-09-2012, 07:52 AM
That's probably as much as it's going to grow without stronger light.

12-09-2012, 09:52 AM
Yes I think your right - ive ordered 20x3w leds (16 x 660nm & 4 x 450nm). I'm going to use some spare transformers i have lying around to make 4 led grow light units. From reading a bit on it, i'm hoping this should be enough light to replace whats there.

Not sure about covering them from salt spray as there is very little mist in this set up?

12-09-2012, 11:37 AM
Almost none.

12-09-2012, 04:00 PM
Snoopy, you are also going to need to build a switching power supply and ideally PWM circuits to power those LED's. Please give us a detailed build thread when you do this because there are not a lot of good build threads for LED's with completely DIY electronics.

12-09-2012, 05:18 PM
Thanks for the info - ill post it here.

I'm not sure but i think what ive got planned will work. I'm going to cheat a bit.

I have several spare ac/dc converters from an Aquaray LED buy. They come with each unit and I also got the controllers when i bought them so i have several spare. I have already retrofitted 2x600 strips with uv and that worked so im planning on doing something similar with these units (albeit using the same heatsink & leads that time)

Here is what i did before - start to finish. I did this because my red corals were turning orange and wanted to try some uv to see if it would help (and it did).
Also - The supplier helped me with lots of advice and safety tips so hats off to them. Im very happy with the LEDs too, they are a quality product and have great aftermaket support where i am. Id just point out that i chose to do this for my own reasons - uv in leds is point a source light that could do damage to your eyes (similar to an arc weld). When they can work out how to have a uv led and also keep to a safety standard i expect they will.



12-17-2012, 06:12 PM
Well wk 4 and not much change. The algae growth looks the same and PO4 0.05.

I'm getting some cyno here and there too? Ive reduced the lights on period from 19 to 14hrs for now to try and combat this.

New leds and heatsink arrived so just waiting on some barrel connectors and i can start my new led build.


12-17-2012, 06:19 PM
PO4 is not too bad.

12-28-2012, 05:01 AM
Skipped week 5 - a fellow reefer here suggested to leave the mat an extra week.

Week 6
PO4 - 0.04
Lights are reduced to 14hrs due to cyno outbreak

My led parts have finaly arived (xmas) so will start to build the new lights next week.


12-28-2012, 08:18 PM
Nice. The stronger LED light will turn the growth from dark green to bright green (and better filtering).

01-07-2013, 01:16 AM
Okay, back from holidays and last bits n pieces in the mail box waiting for me :)

Heres what i have
Rebel easy plug leds (16x660nm red & 4x350nm blue)
Left over power supplies (lying around)
Some heatsinks (will hold 5x3w leds each)
Some rebel pre wired plugs (should save on soldering)
Some star led double sided stick ons (should save on glueing n screwing)


Floyd R Turbo
01-08-2013, 08:06 AM
Is that a constant voltage or constant current power supply? Is it made for LEDs?

01-08-2013, 03:44 PM
Yes they are a constant DC low voltage power supply from some old TMC aquaray leds.


01-09-2013, 08:40 PM
Okay - here goes

Adhesive pads on
New Solderless LEDs
Left these old uni books on top for an hour or so (new they would come in handy one day :))
Connected up with the pre-finished connectors.
Connected to the power supply (still need to solder this - just twisted wire for now)

Yey! Works - very bright :)

Now to finish up the soldering and set them up over the scrubber.


Floyd R Turbo
01-09-2013, 08:48 PM
I gotta ask - why did you put the blue on the end instead of in the middle?

01-09-2013, 09:27 PM
I gotta ask - why did you put the blue on the end instead of in the middle?

Because im making 4 of the strips to go over the one sided scrubber - ive staggered each strip. The other 3 have the blue placed second, third & fouth. Not sure if this is the best way or not realy?


Floyd R Turbo
01-10-2013, 10:02 AM
Ah. I wondered about that. Should work OK. I would probably not make them all line up in a diagonal line, make is a little more random

Also with the thermal pads you don't need to put weight on the LEDs. That will only tend to crack the domes on the LEDs. you only need to weigh down LEDs like this when you are using a 2-part thermal epoxy that needs to dry.

When I was using the thermal pads I just cleaned the heat sink and LED with alcohol (rubbing or denatured) to get rid of grease/dust/fingerprints, then put the pad down, peel the tape, put the star down, and press down hard with pointer and middle finger tips from both hands and sort of "wiggle" or "twist" the star for a second, and you're good.

I'm guess that you're all done already though. So in case anyone else is reading this...now you know!

01-10-2013, 04:57 PM
Okay - good to know for next time - I pressed down for 20 sec each led and the books could sit on the connectors with these solderless types (not the domes) so i thought that would also help.

Thanks - still need to finish up.

Will post results in a week or so.


07-10-2013, 01:30 AM
Howdy folks

Well after a while with the horizontal doing well I've decided to upgrade to a vertical model. This will hopefully let me remove my GFA and save a few $ as well. I don't think I will turn off the skimmer however if things go well I'll look at trialling it.

I removed my DSB (forgot how big it was) this is half of the aragonite I had in there.
Next was to make up an ATS box as per everyone else's versions (mesh size is 11.7x16.5)
I already have the LEDs made up

Day 1 :)


07-16-2013, 04:50 PM
Finishing touches
Wires wrapped
Cover (sump is outside)
Cover for led drivers

08-03-2013, 08:19 PM

Here's a quick update 3 weeks in (ATS was off for a week though due to a sump malfunction) so here are pics for the 2 full weeks growth (from a new mat) under the LEDs
1 week
2nd week

Ive washed the screen in a bucket of tank water so far and the pod count is amazing.
You can see them just with this iPhone vid


08-04-2013, 02:03 PM
Love the natural food :)

08-04-2013, 06:01 PM
Love the natural food :)

Yeh, beats collecting them down in the seaweed banks

I ran the water through the wife's sieve then let it settle. Last night I shone a light through the bucket in one spot (this attracts them) and scooped up about a thousand of them - back into the DS for food. If I ever upgrade I'll have the ATS set up to go straight into the DS.

So far the ATS is probably the best thing I've been able to DYI - thanks for the support & forum! :)


10-12-2013, 09:43 AM
Getting heaps of pods in the tank now - here's a vid of some shrimp fry eating them. Interestingly, since upgrading the scrubber and removing all filtration (except skimmer) my shrimp, clowns and mandarins have all started spawning again?



10-12-2013, 07:49 PM
Sounds great, and good to hear :)

10-29-2013, 08:39 PM
FYI - I just tested the scrubber led lights with a quantum meter and got 1500par on the screen :)